Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Technologies Affecting Media Producers and Consumers
Question: Drawing on relevant research critically discuss how new media technologies have blurred the lines between media consumers and media producers. How has this phenomenon impacted on media audience research? Answer: Literature review This paper consists of details regarding the impact of novel technologies upon the relationship amid the media users and sellers. Also a critically review of all the media effects and theories have been done and even proper theoretical approaches reinforcing active spectators studies have also been taken into consideration. I would also discuss all the current studies that have explored media influence, looking into the methodological looms plus also observing many ways through which the media are asserted to have vast impact upon peoples life, understanding as well as relationship. In general, the study also focuses upon literatures within the fields of risks plus health, and also examines all the studies that have utilized creative procedures for researching media influence. The way through which media has influenced the relationships amid people and also buyer seller interaction plus the technologies through which lives of people are getting affected is even contextualized within this study. It must not be misinterpreted with an attempt to prove any straight impact that media has upon people. Instead, the intention here is to present paths of thinking regarding media influence as well as hopefully this will help readers to build a proper link amid findings and theoretical body. Introduction: With a nonstop development of the contemporary media technology, continually updated sources otherwise medium of communication plus increasingly rich types of interaction, mass media has almost always affected lives of people in every aspect. In present society and community varied forms of communications plus interaction activities have become essentials of peoples lives. As an instance, radio program named "Mars on Earth" which was reported in the year 1938, led to vast panic in United States and this sufficiently illustrates the above point of effect of enhancement within media and its technologies (Alic, 2002). TV, newspapers, radio, online news, e-newspapers, social networking sites and many other access several information which are a hit on the privacy of human beings but they have yet now become the most vital source of data and information intended for people towards understanding all about the society and the social media. Media has forever been an essential part of human life, all its coverage generally affects public's mood, as well as report of the people's viewpoint habitually leads trend of the public opinion. Since the nonstop spread of vital information for audience, media is even instilling relevant idea and concept to the audience in very subtle way, for affecting human attitude, and therefore to vast extent, towards changing the human view of world. Discussion: Change in the power dynamic world The propagation of internet actually has been sole catalyst that has been damaging within change of the power vibrant right from the marketers to the users. Through the use of internet, customers nowadays have attained entrance to the huge number of the data from the entire globe data which is ageless and critical as well as confirmable. In conjunction with merely a tick of the button customers can attain significant loom about firms plus all of their stuffs and services. They could also compare the products and even hunt for a lower priced goods, it enables them to even read reviews plus communicate with many other users regarding the product excellence utilizing the carry out, but they are even making as well as distributing them among others, permitting for unequaled exchange of data and information plus facts. Along with the explosion of the social media, like Face book, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, plus many more, users could access straight reaction regarding products be it goo d or even bad from many of their connections. Nowadays, a blog otherwise video made by a displeased customer could also become viral within merely few hours. Also extra impactful as compared to the action of the post is the reaction it brings out in all those whom it meets. Technology has provided the path to increase the conscious all the consumer (Weaver, 1980). Marketing Is Everyones Business Customarily, the term marketing actually has been tagged like one amongst four main operational fields of any commerce. Some others are operations, management plus finance. Moreover along with the marketings aims and role altering within late 1990s towards properly building up the customer relations, there has also been very ensuing alteration in the way through which overall operation gets observed internally in the corporations. In present date, marketing is documented as glue which binds the organization together. It is marketings sales predictions that assist the operations dual drivers that are vital at the play here. Initial is that customers today do not distinguish amid the customer service plus the product (Bulfin, Henderson and Johnson, 2013). Technology in reality has also integrated whole globe, placing this world upon every buyers tips to buy anything and everything and that too anywhere and everywhere. Because marketings position is towards building the user relation, a nd also because the feel points never only occur amid marketing segment plus patrons, some other segments also must get infused along with the marketing operation (Wadbring, 2014). Interactive Marketing With the traditional media opening these days and getting diseased through Web 2.0, marketers also are enforced to acquire a dissimilar loom to marketing operation. Knowing as well as accepting that the power of the message has not rested in medium, but instead in ways through which medium is utilized; most of the marketers have begun rebranding of their business, and also focusing all of their possessions upon building communicative relations with the users in the online societies instead of approaching all the media crusades. For initiators, the marketers are not lead by any such saying like, a good product would sell out itself. Knowing way in which internet has eased globalization, as well as the effortlessness at which patrons could source plus buy goods from anyplace and everywhere in the globe; marketers also have these days become extra vigorous, deliberately putting themselves at places where their consumers actually are situated within such digital globe. At such novel feel points, shrewd marketer also pay attention to his entire users, then gathers supplemented and personalized information, that he later controls to supply precious solutions and do never push any of his goods to the users. Current days marketer also understands and knows that the buyer is actually king plus that to carry on and survive properly marketers should attain a multi-channel system that would make them reach market in better way. As customers incessantly hunt for unmarked data and information, the marketers at the present are also faced with all the challenges of endlessly feeding the need plus performing so with the use of correct format, scope as well as tenor. Building unlock-source content also is very decisive to such approach, as it is also finding path to make sure that the messages are also syndicated as well as incorporated along with some other internet sites via links (Spielmann, 2003). A vital accompaniment of such loom is anticipation of the group customization of the content. Contrasting the traditional media which also sought to drive out consistent messages upon greatest numbers, the marketing within Web 2.0 phase has also been typified through personalized messages to the users. Using the technologies, like Ad Exchange as well as Demand Side stage, marketers could also ensure that all of their tailored messages get received by all of those for whom they are meant for (Chafetz and Valian, 1999). Because of ease plus frequency of the allocation of user as well as marketer produced content, marketers also are brand vigilantes, who are forced towards keeping an alert eye for the brand defamation through internet. Just like one superior review documented by any customer, that is shared with the connections in the online community could boost any brands status as well as customer base, similarly negative feedback which is offered by the users can affect the brand name badly (Schrock, 2008). Fundamental Shift Till date most convincing change of loom to the marketing operation is the move from the outbound kind of marketing towards the inbound kind of marketing. Also making out from the experiences attained from performing business in novel era of Web 2.0, firms also have recognized overwhelming benefits of pulling the customers to their goods and services, instead of pushing their good and services toward the customers (Roush, 2005). Also outbound marketing, explained by its persistence on the bombarding customers along with the messages all through print, television and also radio advertisements, plus those annoying and irritating telemarketing as well as spam messages on the email, are not merely costly, yet are basically no longer efficient. As also mentioned before, 217 million people in America have blocked the telemarketers from giving them any call at their homes and also today increasingly consumers are also avoiding television advertisements and commercials tremendously a gigan tic 86% as per the Guardian either through switching the channels or through purchasing the DVRs. The understanding of inability of the traditional marketing towards cutting it upon its own also has provided a path to the phenomena of pull marketing. Such a novel strategy and plan also provides tremendous advantages to the businesses (Mishra, 2014). Marketing that is inbound pulls the customers toward the brand through supplying a proper value laden goods as well as services, like the white papers, info graphics and also eBooks, plus many more that permit the marketers to make their way to the customers and users inner circle. Right from here the marketers could also massage requirements and needs of all of their customers as well as gain the privileged, personal data and information that these people can utilize to redefine plus specify all of their market sectors recognize valuable leads plus then create many personalized messages plus goods (Christensen and Morley, 2014). As the catalog is fed via sites such as Twitter, Orkut and Face book and the news aggregators like the Reddit.com as well as Digg.com; all its reach could also multiply creating its message viral. Via the social media plus internet, marketings attitude plus even its approach toward development of the advertisements in addition to the promotions also has changed tremendously. Those who actually remember the real 2013 Super Bowl also are reminded of hilarious Doritos advertisements, and both of these were crowd that was sourced via the Doritos. There also exists an issue of the cost, plus the path in which such a novel marketing loom affects bottom-line (Prospects of Scientific and Technological Advancement, 1960). Contrasting the traditional marketing of the outbound, Inbound, for the reason of its utilization of the digital technologies which permit for greater achievement and specificity also offers higher, quantifiable and recognizable returns, at much cheaper costs and also consumes much less time. Inbound Marketing has reportedly cost some 62% less on each lead than the outbound marketing. The utilization of the business intelligence and also predictive analytics, management systems, management of customer relation and many other software plus programs are all intrinsic in this novel marketing loom (Ross, 2010). Such technologies permit the firms to rapidly sort, analyze as well as translate variety of information as well as data that they access through increasing the touch points along with their users. Together with evolution of internet in addition to the digital devices which also allow rapid plus even reliable access to the portals, marketing loom otherwise approach, will definitely constantly to evolve and affect the world and the relation amid the buyers and the sellers (Fejes, 1984). Effect of media on media audience research Audiences today are very much capable of making all types of confrontation readings to preferred leading culture, continually changing it within the process like the elites trying to properly catch up as well as encircle masses into its crease once more. Fiske (1990) considers the instance of the jeans as a proper fashion item and says they make jeans and we modify them to appear trendier, so they respond again. Creating a proper cycle of the resistance by active audiences otherwise consumers as well as dominant classes makes things extra complicated. Researchers also continue, upholding that there does not exist any such thing like a homogenized public or audience, rather a set of pluralized populace and audiences that gets shaped from a diversity of the backgrounds (Napoli, 2012). They have also maintained that such multiplicity of the meaning that amounts to very semiotic democracy where public is culturally competent to not require media experts and do never ask any help from th em. This even goes further, as it can be also argued, as it attempts to say that actual denotation of any program can be completely diverse, not merely oppositional, negotiated, and otherwise dominant but also in many other matters (Orvis, 1978). Some researchers argument causes issues as well as problems for several media researchers because it only means that these people are approximately incapable of determining the way through which audiences think as well as behave. Indeed, people often have cited the reality that somewhat 80-90% of all the advertising plans and strategies do not succeed in carrying in an augmentation in the sales which even has led towards several people to enquire usefulness of the novel audience research (Fiske, 1990). Initially, there also appears to be very great pact of the backtracking plus shifting over the amount of meaning that should be allotted by audience and amount of text all amongst its leading roles with all disagreements for how far the audiences were understanding the texts via their own social backgrounds along with some pointing out the fact that several later studies backtracked in the textual analysis (Robinson, 2000). Morley also had an argument along with his contemporary named James Curran, who also questions novelty of the novel audience research plus thus how much this had to insert to discourse (King, 1998). We have definitely arrived to an age where media has absolutely been altered by leaps as well as bounds taking whole globe and in fact the total universe by the storm, touching rich as well as poor. In early phases merely those who were fortunate enough were capable to access plus get a peep to media world because money played very vital role in this filed and the task of money as well as fund was a big part. Few people also were not capable of affording any type of interactions and communications whether radio, television, or even telephone as well as several people also had to depend on the magazines and messengers to convey messages. This even was a job that generally took long time and sometimes years but today it are not a big deal and any message can be delivered to any part of the world in minutes and seconds. As it is known, media has very strong social as well as cultural affect and impact on the society. This even is predicated on their capability to accomplish a wider audience along with a very strong as well as influential message (Himelboim and McCreery, 2012). A phrase is also used like a source of explaining the way in which distribution of any message could often be extra important as compared to the content of message itself and the phrase is the medium is message". It actually is via persuasiveness of the media that messages in reality reach target audiences within no time. These also have been very influential media because they till date have been mostly responsible for properly structuring people's everyday lives plus routines. Also television broadcasting in reality has a vast quantity of control and management over content community watches plus times at which it also is viewed. In past years technology also has revolutionized the path people live in. The enhancements and advances as well as growth in the technology have never slowed into new millennium plus as they carry on going forward so must the people and world all around that actually keeps on changing (Morley, 2011). The pop culture also was innermost as well as managed by the large trans-national and translation media firms. This even got changed radically in past decade. With enhancement within the technology of internet like mobile internet plus the broadband populace also have extra entrance to several types of pursuits and data as well as information plus communication (Chung, 2007). With all such changes the form in which people interact plus use the media also has changed, though questions could be raised regarding the extent to which media influences this and has an impact on people (Lowenthal and Fiske, 1956). Conclusion: The study has mentioned that huge enhancement of novel media which is extremely troublesome for management and controlling of the relations of the buyers with their customers and also few things which even becomes apparent within this theoretical framework which also triggers the conversation of novel effects of media and impacts in the editorial. Provided structure also exemplifies that all novel media needs a proper move within the thinking of marketing and also that users even have turned out to be extremely lively partners and are nowadays plateful like consumers plus the producers and also the vendors, being sturdily attached with the system of many different consumers. Controlling the customer relations in phase of novel media also looks like the pinball playing, along with widespread data being obtainable on the brands as well as goods that can reproduce, yet also impede along with firms marketing the messages and advertisements like the bumpers do. In a nutshell here are all the details and information regarding the use of media and also the effect of media technologies upon the relation amid the buyers and the sellers. This study will provide the reader with full insight into the topic and will enable him to learn about several researches and findings as well as studies made by several researchers who have made efforts to study the fact about the changing trend of media field and development of new technologies. This will also help them to know how people manage their relations with the sellers in a world of constantly developing media technologies and how sellers cope up in such changing ecology. References Alic, J. (2002). Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 69(9), pp.953-954. Bednarek, Z. (n.d.). Skills Gap: The Timing of Technological Advancement. SSRN Journal. Bruck, S. (1980). Must technological advancement be dehumanizing?. 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