Thursday, August 27, 2020
Effectiveness of Educational Technologyâ€Â
The motivation behind this examination â€Å" Effectiveness of Educational Technology†â€Å"From a Department of Education 1995 gathering, a few specialists battled that as opposed to discussing the associations between innovation based guidance and grades, schools should concentrate on the most evident and convincing explanation structure executing innovation to be specific, those understudies needs solid innovation abilities to prevail in the realm of work. From research contemplates it shows positive advantages from the utilization of innovation for instructive purposes. The information technique use to gather this data was â€Å"First, a U. S. Division of Education-subsidized investigation of nine innovation rich schools, presumed that the utilization of innovation brought about instructive additions for all understudies paying little mind to age, race, parental salary, or different attributes. The second, a 10-year study upheld by Apple Computer, Inc. Reasoned that understudy gave innovation rich learning situations ‘continued to perform well on state sanctioned tests but on the other hand were building up an assortment of abilities not typically estimated. †Some achievement seen by there research, rising scores on state tests, improved understudy participation, expanded understudy perception, self inspiration, more parent/educator bolster improved understudy maintenance. Another issue the examination wanted to defy was the chance of negative impacts from delayed introduction to PCs. A few pundits have stressed those understudies who use PCs broadly will become ‘brain-dead’ or less social from taking a gander at the PC screen throughout the day. Toward the finish of two years, the analysts discovered that a portion of their most noticeably awful feelings of dread had been baseless. †In a 1994 Software Publisher's Association (SPA) study, research found that: Educational innovation has a huge positive effect on accomplishment in every single branch of knowledge, over all degrees of school, and in ordinary study halls just as those for extraordinary requirements understudies. Instructive innovation effectsly affects understudy perspectives. The level of adequacy is affected by the understudy populace, the instructional structure, the teacher’s job, how understudies are gathered, and the degrees of understudy access to innovation. Innovation makes guidance more understudy focused, energizes agreeable learning, and invigorated expanded instructor/understudy collaboration. Positive changes in the learning condition develop after some time and don't happen rapidly. â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Communication in Nursing free essay sample
As we as a whole know nursing aggregations assists with assessing whether patients are meeting their results or how they are reacting to medicines. The more gifted the composition of the medical attendant, the more precise, complete and suitable her documentation will be seen and in this manner esteemed. Precise record keeping and cautious documentation is a basic piece of nursing practice. The Nursing and Midwifery Council expresses that great record documentation assists with ensuring the government assistance of patients and customers which obviously is a central focus on medical attendants all over the place. Enrolled medical attendants have a lawful and expert obligation of care.According to Nursing and Midwifery Council Guidelines, your record keeping and documentation ought to illustrate: - a full depiction of your evaluation and the consideration arranged and given significant data about your patient or customer at some random time and what you did because of their needs. - that you have comprehended and satisfied your obligation of care, that you have found a way to think about the patient or customer and that any of yo ur activities or things you neglected to do have not bargained their security at all. We will compose a custom article test on Correspondence in Nursing or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page a record of any course of action that you have made for the proceeding with care of he patient or customer. Onto feel that us enlisted medical caretakers can viably record this in the event that we dont have the expertise of scholastic composition. Additionally examinations concerning grumblings about consideration will take a gander at and utilize the patient/customer archives and records as proof, so top notch documentation is basic. The emergency clinic or care home, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, an official courtroom, or the wellbeing administration magistrate may examine the grievance, so it bodes well to get the records right. An official courtroom will in general expect that on the off chance that care has not been recorded, at that point it has not been given.Lack f this aptitude can cause a patient their life and an attendant their calling. In conclusion, If can draw out into the open that If the ability of scholastic composing isn't significant, at that point why have we as a whole been barraged with this scholarly composing evaluations when its solitary our first semester i n this degree. Do you all imagine that if scholastic composing isn't significant in nursing and won't assist us with turning out to be increasingly gainful attendants we would in any case need to do this expositions? In saying that women and men of their word, us attendants do need to realize how to compose scholastically with the end goal for us to viably impart in the clinical organization. Attendants are called upon to not just consideration for the physical needs of patients, yet in addition further capable to make lawful, clinical, and scholarly information as working environment archives, for example, graphs, lab reports, and nursing research. End: Ladies and refined men, through these reasons, my group and I propose, obviously wellbeing experts need to realize how to compose scholastically. In the clinical organization, correspondence is imperative; it is an expertise that medical attendants ought to consistently endeavor to ace whether it is verbal or composed. Much obliged to you!
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Choose Information Essay Samples For College
How to Choose Information Essay Samples For CollegeIf you are planning to get a good grade in your essays and you are having trouble finding some good informational essay samples then I will explain to you how to choose the best of the best. You want to know what is the best essay samples for your academic requirements so that you can do well in your own assignments. Reading the best information from websites and books can help you on your way but it is still very important that you understand that writing is not as easy as it sounds.The first step you have to take when looking for informative essay samples is to realize that it will take a lot of time and effort to write a good essay. An easy way to pass an essay but without enough technicalities is to make use of an introductory paragraph which will give the writer an introduction and give him a rough idea of the topic of the essay. The next step is to explain to the reader what is going to be discussed in the essay. Then you will have to prepare the information of the reader by organizing your ideas in such a way that the basic points of the topic will be identified.The purpose of using informative essay samples for college is to provide the student with basic information so that he or she will not become confused on the subject. With a general knowledge of the topic you will also have a good overview of what is happening in your campus and in your class. This will give you a better understanding on the entire issue of the subject and this will serve as a guide for the future development of your student.Since the goal of using information essay samples for college is to educate, you have to go to other resources when looking for the right topics. Look up professional websites that offer different topics on different subjects. Try reading about different courses and professors and try to find the ones that are good in terms of teaching quality and academic understanding.If you are going to write a specific to pic for your college then you can take advantage of the various resources that are available online. Search for free articles and find out what kind of topics are useful for what you are planning to write about. If you have a problem or are confused about a particular topic, then you can always use the articles that have already been written about the same topic so that you can get a much better idea on what to write.When you are writing for your college essays, you will need information that you need to put down. You will need to have sources to show that what you wrote is true and it is based on facts. You have to keep in mind that the articles that you will be writing for your college assignments will have a certain level of comprehension so make sure that the reader will get what you mean.One thing that is very important when it comes to essays is that they have the ability to get across a message in a clear and concise manner. This is why you have to work on your spelling and g rammar even if you are not that good at it. Your objective is to write effectively and impart the right information so you can make the reader understand and digest the whole message of the essay.In order to learn more about essay samples, you can visit the official website of the university or browse through the Internet for the best informative essay samples. All you have to do is spend some time searching for those that are applicable to your school or class so that you can get an idea of what to expect. You can also take advantage of the forums available online and you can ask questions and get answers from people who have written the articles themselves.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Life Cycle Ofthe Stars - 1483 Words
THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE STARS The Life Cycle of the Stars SCI 350 January 12, 2006 Abstract Stars come in many definitions and in many forms today, there are Rock Stars, Movie Stars, There is even star shaped cereal for children but the most important stars we have our in our solar system. Lets look at the stars in the sky and space their origins of birth there attributes of life and there accolades in death. The Life Cycle of the Stars To discover the stars origin we look for its definition in Merriam Webster s Dictionary and we find almost an entire galaxy of definitions. Star 56 entries found for star. The first 2 are listed below. Main Entry: 1star Pronunciation: stà ¤r Function: noun Usage: often attributive†¦show more content†¦The Low mass stars spend there main life as a fusion machine which turns hydrogen into helium and a very slow and methodical pace. When the energy released by this fusion reaches the surface it is released into space and this is the star luminosity. Over a long, long time sometimes billions of years a low mass star consumes the hydrogen in its core and converts it to helium, at which point the core starts to contract and shrink. Once all of the hydrogen inside the stars core begins to become totally exhausted, the core pressure gives way to the crush of gravity because it has no more fusion occurring in its core at that time. As the core shrinks rapidly and the outer layers start to expand the stars shape begins to grow in size and its luminosity becomes extraordinary brighter due to the outer shell starting to produce fusion more rapidly then the core did during the main sequence life of the star. As this situation grows more ra pidly and extreme the core starts to rapidly burn again and fuse its core helium into carbon. Then just before its final death the star ejects its outer layers into space. This leaves only the degenerate carbon core and since this core is still very hot it emits intensely powerful ultraviolet radiation and glows brightly in what is known as a planetary nebula. The nebula fades and cools over around a million or so years and we are left with a white dwarf cooling indefinitely tillShow MoreRelatedDiscipline of Teams6502 Words  | 27 Pagestogether Jon R. Katzenbach is a founder and senior partner of Katzenbach Partners, a strategic and organizational consulting firm, and a former director of McKinsey Company. His most recent book is Why Pride Matters More Than Money: The Power ofthe Worlds Greatest Motivational Force (Crown Business, 2003). Douglas K. Smith is an organizational consultant and a former partner at McKinsey Company. His most recent book is On Value and Values: Thinking Differently About We in an Age of Me (FinancialRead MoreA Strategic Management Case Study on the Walt Disney Company8543 Words  | 35 Pagescharacters to which to introduce to the world. Along with the Disney’s impressive collection of new adaptations of old classics such as Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, and Alice In Wonderland; the Company has created countless characters to star in their feature films. Disney’s original characters include Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Chip amp;Dale, Simba, Buzz Lightyear, Belle, and Aladdin (to name only a very limited few.) The Walt Disney Company’s huge portfolio is theRead MoreCrossing the Chasm76808 Words  | 308 Pages 6 Define the Battle 7 Launch the Invasion CONCLUSION Getting Beyond the Chasm About the Author Credits About the Publisher Front Cover Preface to the Revised Edition â€Å"Obiwan Kenobi,†says Sir Alec Guinness in the original Star Wars movie â€Å"Now there’s a name I haven’t heard for a long, long time.†The same might well be said of a number of the companies that served as examples in the original edition of Crossing the Chasm. Reading through its index brings to mind theRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words  | 522 Pagesis dynamic and creative based on its advertising message. At a broader level marketing offers significant benefits to society. These benefits include: †¢ Developing products that satisfy needs, including products that enhance society’s quality of life †¢ Creating a competitive environment that helps lower product prices †¢ Developing product distribution systems that offer access to products to a large number of customers and many geographic regions †¢ Building demand for products that require organizationsRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesStrategies for market nichers Military analogies and competitive strategy: a brief summary The inevitability of strategic wear-out (or the law of marketing gravity and why dead cats only bounce once) The influence of product evolution and the product life cycle on strategy Achieving above-average performance and excellence Summary 387 390 396 423 425 427 427 427 428 438 447 461 463 465 474 478 484 489 493 495 497 497 497 498 500 505 510 515 517 518 520 522 523 528 528 534 Stage Three: How mightRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pagesgive up their comfort zones and seek out new social groups. tive Lakes Automotive is a Detroit-based tier-one supplier to the auto industry. Between 1995 and 1999, Lakes Automotive installed a project management methodology based on nine life-cycle phases. All 60,000 employees worldwide accepted the methodology and used it. Management was pleased with the results. Also, Lakes Automotive s customer base was pleased with the methodology and provided Lakes Automotive with quality award recognitionRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagesdiscussions of effective selection procedures, compensation and benefits, job enrichment and job satisfaction, practices providing work life balance, organizational direction, and other practices that facilitate retention. Next, there will be a discussion of the costs of downsizing and layoffs. This will be followed by a discussion of how to avoid business cycle–based layoffs, alternatives to layoffs, and employment guarantees. There will also be a discussion of the relationship between job insecurityRead MoreDescribe How to Establish Respectful Professional Relationships with Adults52870 Words  | 212 Pagesthese appeared to account for almost 70% of all construction, directly or indirectly, within the count ry... From March 1989 it became clear that the life of such agencies was rapidly coming to an end ... The consequence is that the principal commissioning clients in Scotland have been divested of their in-house professional skills. 1 Report ofthe Central Councilfor Works and Buildings, chaired by Sir Ernest Simon: ThePlacing and Management of Building Contracts, HMSO, 1944. Survey of ProblemsRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesmistakes to some firms and resounding successes for others? Through such evaluations and studies of contrasts, we may learn to improve batting averages in the intriguing, ever-challenging art of decision making. We will encounter organizational life cycles, with an organization growing and prospering, then failing (just as humans do), but occasionally resurging. Success rarely lasts forever, but even the most serious mistakes can be (but are not always) overcome. As in previous editions, a varietyRead MoreDamodaran Book on Investment Valuation, 2nd Edition398423 Words  | 1594 Pagesemerging market, with additional disagreement about the future of the market thrown into the mix, the uncertainty is magnified. Later in this book, we will argue that the difficulties associated with valuation can be related to where a firm is in the life cycle. Mature firms tend to be easier to value than growth firms, and young start-up companies are more difficult to value than companies with established produces and markets. The problems are not with the valuation models we use, though, but with the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
International Olympic Committee - 1427 Words
Every four years, there will be an international sports event held. Under this topic, we are not talking about the FIFA World Cup, which hold in the next month, but the Olympics Games. Most of the Olympics Games can hold successfully, the credit of an international organization is indispensable. This international organization is International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization, which constituted itself on 23 June 1894. They also have an unlimited duration in the form of an association. The organization recognized by the Swiss Federal Council according with an agreement signed on 1 November, 2000. Besides providing a platform for the athletes to battle or competition, the†¦show more content†¦The Radio and Television Commission Conduct the promotion of the Olympic Games to the worldwide. The Sport and Environment Commission Advise the IOC Executive Board on the issue of environmental protection and support for sustainable development while or after the Olympic Games. Name Function The Sport and Law Commission Provide a juridical platform for the Olympic Games. The Sport for All Commission Aims to grow the interest of public on doing health and physical activity. The TV Rights and New Media Commission Prepare and implement the overall structure for future broadcast rights negotiations. The Women and Sport Commission Advise the IOC Executive Board on the policy of promoting women in sport. From the above list of those twenty-two commissions, we can know that the IOC is not only arranging the Olympic Games, but also educate the sports event to different sectors, like students and women. Moreover, a good planning on the advertising and broadcast rights can help the host city to avoid losses from holding the Olympic Games. For businesses, the use of the trademark of the Olympic Games within the period can be effectively promoted to sales or corporate image, and it can make the brand reaching billions of people in over two hundred countries and city throughout the world. So that the IOC released a programme named â€Å"The Olympic Partner Programme†(TOP Programme). Its revenue generated by commercial partnerships can accounts for more than 40%Show MoreRelatedPrinciples Of The International Olympic Committee1045 Words  | 5 Pagesestablished to prove consistency throughout their existence. These values and principles are there for them to follow and to lay groundwork as to how they should handle everything that encompasses their organization. In the same way, the International Olympic Committee was set to provide a charter to highlight their mission and their principles. While it has become clear that Olympism aims to promote a â€Å"joy of effort, the educational value of good example, soc ial responsibility and respect for universalRead MoreThe International Olympic Committee ( Ioc )2527 Words  | 11 PagesGeorge Grigsby Historical Foundation March 12, 2016 Rio 2016 In September 7, 2007 the International Olympic committee (IOC) when over the application for the host city for the 2016 summer games. Amount those cities was Rio scoring a high of 6.3 on the rating. Rio is rich in activities, religion, culture but Rio face many problems, some of those problems are crime rate is high, pollution and poverty that excite in that area. Looking back on the history of Brazil will show that it is a countryRead MoreThe International Olympic Committee ( Ioc ) Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesThe International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been in and out of much scrutiny over its course of time. Much negative and positives arguments can be brought up to argue the good or bad the IOC has brought to the world. A positive quality that the IOC has brought to the world, perhaps unknown by many, is its hand in many global initiatives. These initiatives and programs focus on developing many aspects of society, ranging from women’s equality in sport to education through sport in underprivilegedRead More2016 Boston Olympics A Chance1272 Words  | 6 PagesBoston Olympics a Chance â€Å"Give 2024 Boston Olympics a chance!†people invoked on social network, after Mayor Marty Walsh announced 2024 Boston Olympic bid. Due to hundred years of development, Olympic spirits influenced and inspired generation after generation. Now, the Olympics is not only a athletic match, but also a stage for the host to show up. Hosting the Olympics in Boston would provide a wonderful opportunity to build a valuable legacy not only for Boston, but also for the Olympic movementRead MoreSports Infrastructure Legacy And Economic Legacy872 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to International Olympic Committee documents (International Olympic Committee, 2007) and some previous Olympic bid documents (Cashman, 1984; Stevens, 1999; Woodhouse March, 2010), it is difficult to definite the Olympic legacy due to the multidisciplinary and dynamic. But in general, the Olympic legacy is something left and have a long term influence to the Olympic host city or the state or country after holdin g the event. Legacies could be tangible and intangible, positive and negativeRead MoreThe Munich Massacre : A Survivor s Story1487 Words  | 6 PagesInternational sporting events continually face political terrorism, bringing fear to those who gathered for entertainment. According to articles published in the Guardian, Time Magazine, and CNN, the most detrimental disruption by politics in the Olympics occurred at the 1972 Germany Summer Games. On 5 September 1972, the Palestinian group Black September broke into the Israeli athletes’ quarters armed with guns. The 21 hour standoff, more famously known as the Munich massacre, resulted in 17 deathsRead MoreRecommendation : International Sport Marketing1189 Words  | 5 Pages MKT829 – International Sport Marketing Ryerson University – Winter 2015 Case Analysis Assignment April 7th, 2015 Kishan Mistry 500620663 â€Æ' Recommendation 26 – Further Blend Sport and Culture – Russia As the year of 2014 winded down, with the ending of the Sochi Olympics, the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee devised a list of 40 recommendations with the intention of shaping the future and the direction of the Olympic Games. These recommendations provide a strategicRead MoreFactors that Shaped the Modern Olympic Movement946 Words  | 4 PagesDBQ Essay Some factors that shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002 were the increased participation of women in the games due to women’s suffrage, the rising nationalism and superiority over competitors that took place, and the increase in trade and funding. The modern Olympic movement was shaped through the soaring advocation of women’s rights (2, 8). An anonymous photographer (#2), in the 1908 Olympic games held in Great Britain where only 2 percent of women participated in theRead MoreProfessional Athletes Should Be Allowed At The Olympic Games878 Words  | 4 Pagesdollars that the Olympics earn and spend, it’s certainly is in the best interest of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to remain under the circumstances of keeping sport open to professional athletes, not only financially, but as well as the majority of their viewers. In this position statement, I will use historic International Olympic Committee guidelines (1964) and official IOC reports as a basis for proving that professional athletes should be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games. ToRead MoreEssay about Men and Women: Equality in Sports903 Words  | 4 PagesThis meant that both mens and womens programs had to be included in member institution or not be recognized by the NCAA. As a result of the Womens Olympic Games the International Olympic Committee (IOC) feared it would lose power over the amateur sports domain. This discovery motivated the IOC to include more sports for women in the 1928 Olympic Games. The ABL struggling financially and creatively folded in 1998 as a result many of its players joined the WNBA creating an unofficial merger. The
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Downloading Music with and without Permission - 1045 Words
In this era, millions of people either download or stream music. Music apps focus on providing the public with free music to listen or download; YouTube provides the public to watch music videos. Yahoo Music, ITunes, and many other software offers streaming music to the public. There are literally billions of songs available to download, which are easy to get. All the public has to do is install a file the allows you to share programs. Anyone who has a phone or a computer can download music for free by using the internet. Whatever goes on the internet stays in cyberspace forever. Lots of people download music using some type of program or app. If you dont, then you might know someone who does. It is that common. According the U.S copyright office, is that if you download copyrighted material without permission, you are breaking the law. Copyright law protects the value of creative work. When you make unauthorized copies of someone’s creative work, you are taking something of value from the owner without his or her permission. ( RIAA) Technology has made it possible and easier to download music for free, but it is legal to do so. When downloading music from sites it is okay to do so, if the site has the official permission of the owners to copyright their music; whether if the sites charges. For example the app Pandora is legal. Pandora is a radio app that streams music. While the user is listening to Pandora, they are offered the ability to buy songs or albums. ThereShow MoreRelatedRecording Industry Association Of America1144 Words  | 5 PagesA lot of us love music and in this day and age it can be hard to come by, especially if you don’t have anyway to buy online. The sound of music can affect all of us and our emotions. When we want to be in a good mood we’d probably listen to an annoying and catchy tune through our headphones. We shouldn’t have to be in trouble for giving ourselves joy. Today, I’m going to try and p ersuade you why illegally downloading music isn’t wrong. While I’m trying to persuade you some terms may cause confusionRead MoreReading Copyright and the Issue of Downloading Essay1411 Words  | 6 PagesReading Copyright and the Issue of Downloading When you buy music legally, there is usually a copyright mark somewhere on the product. Stolen music generally does not bear a copyright mark or warning. Either way, the copyright law still applies. A copyrighted creative work does not have to be marked as such to be protected by law. â€Å"The copyright allows the holder to control the reproduction, display, distribution, and performance of a protected work,†(Corley, Moorehead,, Reed, SheddRead MoreTypes of File Sharing1664 Words  | 7 Pagestypically host files so that others can download them. Downloading Without Paying: Why is it illegal? When a movie or song is produced and marketed, everyone involved in the process has monetary gains from the sale of that product. Therefore, that product is protected by copyright law so that it cannot be copied, reproduced or resold without their permission. If you did not pay for a song, movie or other media file that has a copyright, then downloading that file is a crime. Likewise, distributing a copyrightedRead MoreIllegal Online Music Downloading, The Consequences For The Music Industry And Artists1096 Words  | 5 Pagesnetworks which are remote systems, typically a server. Copyrighted content needs to have appropriate permission to download it and without this permission doing so could constitute copyright infringement. According to Towers (2011), on-line piracy generally refers to sharing over the internet copies of works that are not authorised or illegal downloading of software, movies, videogames and music. Copyrighted works are distributed illicitly through Internet c hat rooms, newsgroups and peer-to-peerRead MoreIllegal Online Music Downloading, The Consequences For The Music Industry And Artists1110 Words  | 5 Pagesnetworks which are remote systems, typically a server. Copyrighted content needs to have appropriate permission to download it and without this permission doing so could constitute copyright infringement. According to Towers (2009), on-line piracy generally refers to sharing over the internet copies of works that are not authorised or illegal downloading of software, movies, videogames and music. Illicit downloads started through hacked computers, file-sharing networks, illegal servers and websitesRead MoreThe Most Overlooked Crime: Piracy Essay882 Words  | 4 Pages Internet piracy is not a victimless crime. Piracy is a term used to describe the illegal downloading of music, movies, games, and even software online. Although many people don’t feel that piracy is a crime that affects anybody, it really does. People p irate stuff online because it is free and does not require one to run to a store to get their product. People that pirate these things don’t think of the repercussions that go along with it. You can have to serve up to 10 years in prison, and payRead MoreIllegal Online Music Downloading, The Effects And Consequences On The Music Industry1100 Words  | 5 Pagesnetworks which are remote system, typically a server. Copyrighted content needs to have appropriate permission to download it and without this permission it could constitute copyright infringement. According to Towers (2009), the internet or on-line piracy generally refers sharing over the internet copies of works that are not authorised or illegal downloading of software, movies, videogames and music. Illicit downloads started through hacked computers, file-sharing networks, illegal servers and websiteRead MoreMusic And Its Effect On The Music Industry1216 Words  | 5 PagesMusic plays a very vital role in every person’s life. Music can change the emotions and senses of a person. No one can actually describe to what extent music is importance but certainly it has a crucial role. Time has been changing with various artists and the creativity has been changing but the music lovers are still the same as they appreciate and receive the music to the same extent as usual. What are the ways to enjoy music and the different forms to access it? Music can be purchased, sharedRead MoreEssay Digital Music Piracy1202 Words  | 5 PagesDigital music piracy has been a worry of the music industry since the creation of Napster in 1998. Piracy is the act of stealing something that does not belong to you which has been outlined in our society as something that is bad or against the law. There are many articles out there that highlight music piracy but four main important ones include: â€Å"The Music Industry on (the) Line? Surviving Music Piracy in a Digital Era†by Jelle Janssens, â€Å" Neutralizing Music Piracy: An Empirical Examination†byRead MorePiracy, The Intellectual Property Rights Of The Recording Industry Association Of America1285 Words  | 6 Pages 1 Piracy is defined as illegally acquiring a private property, in this case, music, without paying for it. Piracy, therefore, violates the intellectual property rights of the recording companies, together called Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The intellectual property right being violated at hand is the copyright laws that the RIAA have. The biggest problem that the RIAA has with this violation is that they believe their sales are declining because of piracy. In fact, the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Technologies Affecting Media Producers and Consumers
Question: Drawing on relevant research critically discuss how new media technologies have blurred the lines between media consumers and media producers. How has this phenomenon impacted on media audience research? Answer: Literature review This paper consists of details regarding the impact of novel technologies upon the relationship amid the media users and sellers. Also a critically review of all the media effects and theories have been done and even proper theoretical approaches reinforcing active spectators studies have also been taken into consideration. I would also discuss all the current studies that have explored media influence, looking into the methodological looms plus also observing many ways through which the media are asserted to have vast impact upon peoples life, understanding as well as relationship. In general, the study also focuses upon literatures within the fields of risks plus health, and also examines all the studies that have utilized creative procedures for researching media influence. The way through which media has influenced the relationships amid people and also buyer seller interaction plus the technologies through which lives of people are getting affected is even contextualized within this study. It must not be misinterpreted with an attempt to prove any straight impact that media has upon people. Instead, the intention here is to present paths of thinking regarding media influence as well as hopefully this will help readers to build a proper link amid findings and theoretical body. Introduction: With a nonstop development of the contemporary media technology, continually updated sources otherwise medium of communication plus increasingly rich types of interaction, mass media has almost always affected lives of people in every aspect. In present society and community varied forms of communications plus interaction activities have become essentials of peoples lives. As an instance, radio program named "Mars on Earth" which was reported in the year 1938, led to vast panic in United States and this sufficiently illustrates the above point of effect of enhancement within media and its technologies (Alic, 2002). TV, newspapers, radio, online news, e-newspapers, social networking sites and many other access several information which are a hit on the privacy of human beings but they have yet now become the most vital source of data and information intended for people towards understanding all about the society and the social media. Media has forever been an essential part of human life, all its coverage generally affects public's mood, as well as report of the people's viewpoint habitually leads trend of the public opinion. Since the nonstop spread of vital information for audience, media is even instilling relevant idea and concept to the audience in very subtle way, for affecting human attitude, and therefore to vast extent, towards changing the human view of world. Discussion: Change in the power dynamic world The propagation of internet actually has been sole catalyst that has been damaging within change of the power vibrant right from the marketers to the users. Through the use of internet, customers nowadays have attained entrance to the huge number of the data from the entire globe data which is ageless and critical as well as confirmable. In conjunction with merely a tick of the button customers can attain significant loom about firms plus all of their stuffs and services. They could also compare the products and even hunt for a lower priced goods, it enables them to even read reviews plus communicate with many other users regarding the product excellence utilizing the carry out, but they are even making as well as distributing them among others, permitting for unequaled exchange of data and information plus facts. Along with the explosion of the social media, like Face book, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, plus many more, users could access straight reaction regarding products be it goo d or even bad from many of their connections. Nowadays, a blog otherwise video made by a displeased customer could also become viral within merely few hours. Also extra impactful as compared to the action of the post is the reaction it brings out in all those whom it meets. Technology has provided the path to increase the conscious all the consumer (Weaver, 1980). Marketing Is Everyones Business Customarily, the term marketing actually has been tagged like one amongst four main operational fields of any commerce. Some others are operations, management plus finance. Moreover along with the marketings aims and role altering within late 1990s towards properly building up the customer relations, there has also been very ensuing alteration in the way through which overall operation gets observed internally in the corporations. In present date, marketing is documented as glue which binds the organization together. It is marketings sales predictions that assist the operations dual drivers that are vital at the play here. Initial is that customers today do not distinguish amid the customer service plus the product (Bulfin, Henderson and Johnson, 2013). Technology in reality has also integrated whole globe, placing this world upon every buyers tips to buy anything and everything and that too anywhere and everywhere. Because marketings position is towards building the user relation, a nd also because the feel points never only occur amid marketing segment plus patrons, some other segments also must get infused along with the marketing operation (Wadbring, 2014). Interactive Marketing With the traditional media opening these days and getting diseased through Web 2.0, marketers also are enforced to acquire a dissimilar loom to marketing operation. Knowing as well as accepting that the power of the message has not rested in medium, but instead in ways through which medium is utilized; most of the marketers have begun rebranding of their business, and also focusing all of their possessions upon building communicative relations with the users in the online societies instead of approaching all the media crusades. For initiators, the marketers are not lead by any such saying like, a good product would sell out itself. Knowing way in which internet has eased globalization, as well as the effortlessness at which patrons could source plus buy goods from anyplace and everywhere in the globe; marketers also have these days become extra vigorous, deliberately putting themselves at places where their consumers actually are situated within such digital globe. At such novel feel points, shrewd marketer also pay attention to his entire users, then gathers supplemented and personalized information, that he later controls to supply precious solutions and do never push any of his goods to the users. Current days marketer also understands and knows that the buyer is actually king plus that to carry on and survive properly marketers should attain a multi-channel system that would make them reach market in better way. As customers incessantly hunt for unmarked data and information, the marketers at the present are also faced with all the challenges of endlessly feeding the need plus performing so with the use of correct format, scope as well as tenor. Building unlock-source content also is very decisive to such approach, as it is also finding path to make sure that the messages are also syndicated as well as incorporated along with some other internet sites via links (Spielmann, 2003). A vital accompaniment of such loom is anticipation of the group customization of the content. Contrasting the traditional media which also sought to drive out consistent messages upon greatest numbers, the marketing within Web 2.0 phase has also been typified through personalized messages to the users. Using the technologies, like Ad Exchange as well as Demand Side stage, marketers could also ensure that all of their tailored messages get received by all of those for whom they are meant for (Chafetz and Valian, 1999). Because of ease plus frequency of the allocation of user as well as marketer produced content, marketers also are brand vigilantes, who are forced towards keeping an alert eye for the brand defamation through internet. Just like one superior review documented by any customer, that is shared with the connections in the online community could boost any brands status as well as customer base, similarly negative feedback which is offered by the users can affect the brand name badly (Schrock, 2008). Fundamental Shift Till date most convincing change of loom to the marketing operation is the move from the outbound kind of marketing towards the inbound kind of marketing. Also making out from the experiences attained from performing business in novel era of Web 2.0, firms also have recognized overwhelming benefits of pulling the customers to their goods and services, instead of pushing their good and services toward the customers (Roush, 2005). Also outbound marketing, explained by its persistence on the bombarding customers along with the messages all through print, television and also radio advertisements, plus those annoying and irritating telemarketing as well as spam messages on the email, are not merely costly, yet are basically no longer efficient. As also mentioned before, 217 million people in America have blocked the telemarketers from giving them any call at their homes and also today increasingly consumers are also avoiding television advertisements and commercials tremendously a gigan tic 86% as per the Guardian either through switching the channels or through purchasing the DVRs. The understanding of inability of the traditional marketing towards cutting it upon its own also has provided a path to the phenomena of pull marketing. Such a novel strategy and plan also provides tremendous advantages to the businesses (Mishra, 2014). Marketing that is inbound pulls the customers toward the brand through supplying a proper value laden goods as well as services, like the white papers, info graphics and also eBooks, plus many more that permit the marketers to make their way to the customers and users inner circle. Right from here the marketers could also massage requirements and needs of all of their customers as well as gain the privileged, personal data and information that these people can utilize to redefine plus specify all of their market sectors recognize valuable leads plus then create many personalized messages plus goods (Christensen and Morley, 2014). As the catalog is fed via sites such as Twitter, Orkut and Face book and the news aggregators like the as well as; all its reach could also multiply creating its message viral. Via the social media plus internet, marketings attitude plus even its approach toward development of the advertisements in addition to the promotions also has changed tremendously. Those who actually remember the real 2013 Super Bowl also are reminded of hilarious Doritos advertisements, and both of these were crowd that was sourced via the Doritos. There also exists an issue of the cost, plus the path in which such a novel marketing loom affects bottom-line (Prospects of Scientific and Technological Advancement, 1960). Contrasting the traditional marketing of the outbound, Inbound, for the reason of its utilization of the digital technologies which permit for greater achievement and specificity also offers higher, quantifiable and recognizable returns, at much cheaper costs and also consumes much less time. Inbound Marketing has reportedly cost some 62% less on each lead than the outbound marketing. The utilization of the business intelligence and also predictive analytics, management systems, management of customer relation and many other software plus programs are all intrinsic in this novel marketing loom (Ross, 2010). Such technologies permit the firms to rapidly sort, analyze as well as translate variety of information as well as data that they access through increasing the touch points along with their users. Together with evolution of internet in addition to the digital devices which also allow rapid plus even reliable access to the portals, marketing loom otherwise approach, will definitely constantly to evolve and affect the world and the relation amid the buyers and the sellers (Fejes, 1984). Effect of media on media audience research Audiences today are very much capable of making all types of confrontation readings to preferred leading culture, continually changing it within the process like the elites trying to properly catch up as well as encircle masses into its crease once more. Fiske (1990) considers the instance of the jeans as a proper fashion item and says they make jeans and we modify them to appear trendier, so they respond again. Creating a proper cycle of the resistance by active audiences otherwise consumers as well as dominant classes makes things extra complicated. Researchers also continue, upholding that there does not exist any such thing like a homogenized public or audience, rather a set of pluralized populace and audiences that gets shaped from a diversity of the backgrounds (Napoli, 2012). They have also maintained that such multiplicity of the meaning that amounts to very semiotic democracy where public is culturally competent to not require media experts and do never ask any help from th em. This even goes further, as it can be also argued, as it attempts to say that actual denotation of any program can be completely diverse, not merely oppositional, negotiated, and otherwise dominant but also in many other matters (Orvis, 1978). Some researchers argument causes issues as well as problems for several media researchers because it only means that these people are approximately incapable of determining the way through which audiences think as well as behave. Indeed, people often have cited the reality that somewhat 80-90% of all the advertising plans and strategies do not succeed in carrying in an augmentation in the sales which even has led towards several people to enquire usefulness of the novel audience research (Fiske, 1990). Initially, there also appears to be very great pact of the backtracking plus shifting over the amount of meaning that should be allotted by audience and amount of text all amongst its leading roles with all disagreements for how far the audiences were understanding the texts via their own social backgrounds along with some pointing out the fact that several later studies backtracked in the textual analysis (Robinson, 2000). Morley also had an argument along with his contemporary named James Curran, who also questions novelty of the novel audience research plus thus how much this had to insert to discourse (King, 1998). We have definitely arrived to an age where media has absolutely been altered by leaps as well as bounds taking whole globe and in fact the total universe by the storm, touching rich as well as poor. In early phases merely those who were fortunate enough were capable to access plus get a peep to media world because money played very vital role in this filed and the task of money as well as fund was a big part. Few people also were not capable of affording any type of interactions and communications whether radio, television, or even telephone as well as several people also had to depend on the magazines and messengers to convey messages. This even was a job that generally took long time and sometimes years but today it are not a big deal and any message can be delivered to any part of the world in minutes and seconds. As it is known, media has very strong social as well as cultural affect and impact on the society. This even is predicated on their capability to accomplish a wider audience along with a very strong as well as influential message (Himelboim and McCreery, 2012). A phrase is also used like a source of explaining the way in which distribution of any message could often be extra important as compared to the content of message itself and the phrase is the medium is message". It actually is via persuasiveness of the media that messages in reality reach target audiences within no time. These also have been very influential media because they till date have been mostly responsible for properly structuring people's everyday lives plus routines. Also television broadcasting in reality has a vast quantity of control and management over content community watches plus times at which it also is viewed. In past years technology also has revolutionized the path people live in. The enhancements and advances as well as growth in the technology have never slowed into new millennium plus as they carry on going forward so must the people and world all around that actually keeps on changing (Morley, 2011). The pop culture also was innermost as well as managed by the large trans-national and translation media firms. This even got changed radically in past decade. With enhancement within the technology of internet like mobile internet plus the broadband populace also have extra entrance to several types of pursuits and data as well as information plus communication (Chung, 2007). With all such changes the form in which people interact plus use the media also has changed, though questions could be raised regarding the extent to which media influences this and has an impact on people (Lowenthal and Fiske, 1956). Conclusion: The study has mentioned that huge enhancement of novel media which is extremely troublesome for management and controlling of the relations of the buyers with their customers and also few things which even becomes apparent within this theoretical framework which also triggers the conversation of novel effects of media and impacts in the editorial. Provided structure also exemplifies that all novel media needs a proper move within the thinking of marketing and also that users even have turned out to be extremely lively partners and are nowadays plateful like consumers plus the producers and also the vendors, being sturdily attached with the system of many different consumers. Controlling the customer relations in phase of novel media also looks like the pinball playing, along with widespread data being obtainable on the brands as well as goods that can reproduce, yet also impede along with firms marketing the messages and advertisements like the bumpers do. In a nutshell here are all the details and information regarding the use of media and also the effect of media technologies upon the relation amid the buyers and the sellers. This study will provide the reader with full insight into the topic and will enable him to learn about several researches and findings as well as studies made by several researchers who have made efforts to study the fact about the changing trend of media field and development of new technologies. This will also help them to know how people manage their relations with the sellers in a world of constantly developing media technologies and how sellers cope up in such changing ecology. References Alic, J. (2002). Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 69(9), pp.953-954. Bednarek, Z. (n.d.). Skills Gap: The Timing of Technological Advancement. SSRN Journal. Bruck, S. (1980). Must technological advancement be dehumanizing?. Biomaterials, 1(2), p.66. Bulfin, S., Henderson, M. and Johnson, N. (2013). Examining the use of theory within educational technology and media research. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), pp.337-344. Chafetz, J. and Valian, V. (1999). Why so Slow? The Advancement of Women. Contemporary Sociology, 28(1), p.42. Christensen, M. and Morley, D. (2014). New Media, New Crises, New Theories? An Interview With David Morley. Popular Communication, 12(4), pp.208-222. Chung, D. (2007). Profits and Perils: Online News Producers' Perceptions of Interactivity and Uses of Interactive Features. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 13(1), pp.43-61. Fejes, F. (1984). Critical mass communications research and media effects: the problem of the disappearing audience. Media, Culture Society, 6(3), pp.219-232. Fiske, J. (1990). Popular Narrative and Commercial Television. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 8(2 23), pp.132-147. Himelboim, I. and McCreery, S. (2012). New technology, old practices: Examining news websites from a professional perspective. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 18(4), pp.427-444. King, E. (1998). Redefining Relationships: interactivity Between News Producers and Consumers. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 4(4), pp.26-32. Lowenthal, L. and Fiske, M. (1956). Reaction to Mass Media Growth in 18th-Century England. Journalism Mass Communication Quarterly, 33(4), pp.442-455. Mishra, S. (2014). Media convergence: Indian journalists' perceptions of its challenges and implications. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Morley, D. (2011). Communications and transport: The mobility of information, people and commodities. Media, Culture Society, 33(5), pp.743-759. Napoli, P. (2012). Audience Evolution and the Future of Audience Research. International Journal on Media Management, 14(2), pp.79-97. Orvis, P. (1978). Media: Radio and the Third World. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 10(2), pp.48-49. Prospects of Scientific and Technological Advancement. (1960). Nature, 188(4753), pp.807-807. Robinson, P. (2000). World politics and media power: problems of research design. Media, Culture Society, 22(2), pp.227-232. Ross, P. (2010). Is there an expertise of production? The case of new media producers. New Media Society, 13(6), pp.912-928. Roush, W. (2005). The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications (review). Technology and Culture, 46(2), pp.417-418. Schrock, A. (2008). Examining social media usage: Technology clusters and social network site membership. First Monday, 14(1). Spielmann, Y. (2003). Elastic Cinema: Technological Imagery in Contemporary Science Fiction Films. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 9(3), pp.56-73. Wadbring, I. (2014). Review of Audience Research Methodologies. The Journal of Media Innovations, 1(2). Weaver, D. (1980). Audience Need for Orientation and Media Effects. Communication Research, 7(3), pp.361-373.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab from Russia with Anti-Virus Essay Example
Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab: from Russia with Anti-Virus Paper Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab: From Russia with Anti-virus Industry Background: Software Security Cybercrime has become a fast growing concern for the 21st century as businesses, institutions and individuals grow into an interconnected web of computer networks. Online business transactions, along with the sharing of personal information, are vulnerable to a host of disasters that can reap economic and social havoc. Some sources say that today, cybercrime costs more than $1. 0 trillion to societyGlobal Industry Analysts, Inc. forecasted the world cyber security market to reach $80 billion by 2017 (Gale, 2011). Chief concerns for this Industry are: Internet-based fraud, sophisticated viruses, illicit network access, and computer network sabotage. Software security includes issues such as accidental disclosures caused by flawed or debugged programs and the active or passive infiltration of computer systems Active infiltration includes activities such as obtaining unauthorized information fusing legitimate system access, gaining access through improper means of obtaining identification, or unauthorized physical access in order to gain access to systems. Passive infiltration includes wiretapping on data communications lines or databases and using concealed devices to transfer data in computers, databases, or data communications lines. (Gale, 2011) Historically, information technology has had only basic security at best and highly vulnerable to attacks. In an effort to ward off cyber threats and capitalize from it, computer security companies began to market a wide range of services and products to prevent sabotage and unauthorized computer use. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab: from Russia with Anti-Virus specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab: from Russia with Anti-Virus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Case Analysis Kaspersky Lab: from Russia with Anti-Virus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These security applications include virus detection and removal software, firewall support, encryption software, intrusion detection and analysis software, security consulting services, and even devices for user authentication (Gale, 2011). Security software is a high growth market and is so mainly as a result of rapid technological advances in recent years. At the same rate, cybercriminals develop new ways to exploit vulnerable new systems. According to industry analyst Gartner, the global software security market should exceed $16. 5 billion in 2010, up from $14. billion in 2009 (Gale, 2011). Industry leaders: Symantec Corp. Symantec is a giant security software firm founded in 1982 and is now headquartered in Cupertino, California. The company grew as a result of acquiring smaller, niche market software vendors. During the early 90s, Symantec acquired IBM’s and Intel’s anti-virus operations along with AXENT Technologies’ risk assessment and intrusion detection products. The emerging Internet market during that time led Symantec to muscle its way for increased market share through a series of acquisitions of rival companies. In 2004, Symantec partnered with Earthlink Inc. , an internet service provider to gain market share by offering online subscription services. Symantec then followed a trail of mergers and acquisitions and reported record revenues in 2009 for $6. 15 billion and was employing 17,100 people. The company offers products and services that protect computer systems from viruses, detect intrusion by unauthorized network users, and allow users to manage their systems remotely. Top selling products include: Norton Antivirus and Norton Utilities suites. (Gale, 2011; Symantec. om, 2011) McAfee Inc. McAfee, another leading software Company, is based out of Santa Clara, California. McAfee started in 1997 under Network Associates. Originally, its anti-virus products were offered as shareware that enabled McAfee to gain key enterprise security systems accounts. In 1998, McAfee. com was created as a dedicated consumer virus detection site. The company aggressively penetrated the intrusion detection m arket in early 2000 with the acquisition of rival companiesâ€â€following Symantec in a similar path. In only 4 years, the company owned 15. % of the consumer marketâ€â€45% of total revenue came from consulting and support services. In 2010, McAfee was bought by IBM for $7. 68 billion. The company’s product line includes: data protection, email and web security, endpoint protection, mobile security, network security, risk and compliance, Security-as-a-Service (SaaS), and security management. Industry leading products include: McAfee Total Protection for Endpoint, McAfee Network Security Platform and McAfee Enterprise Mobility Management. (Gale, 2011; McAfee. com, 2011) Kaspersky Labs, Inc. Brief Background: Kaspersky Lab, a Russian based private equity company, is Europe’s largest software company, providing anti-virus software for individual, corporate and mobile users (Kshetri, 2011). Kaspersky’s product line includes software applications for protecting systems against malware, viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, and e-mail spam. In addition, KL offers firewall products, consulting, implementation, software development and support services (Kshetri, 2011). Kaspersky is different from its major competitors in that its headquarters borders Moscow; where most of its RD activities are performed. Kaspersky has regional RD offices throughout the U. K. , France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Japan, China, South Korea, Romania and the U. S. (Kshetri, 2011). KL has faced some challenges being that it is from an emerging country. It faced adversary from the beginning as the company started out without any external funding or investment capital. Russia’s intellectual property protection laws are weak and law enforcement is inadequate. Companies are not protected against the actions of their employees as confidentiality clauses and non-compete agreements are nonexistent in Russia (Kshetri, 2011). Having a strong foothold in a developing country is not all badin fact, Russia has the world’s best software engineers as well as the world’s best hackers (Kshetri, 2011). Russia has benefited from heavy investments in engineering and science from the Soviet-era. This has led to the country’s large supply of highly skilled technical workers and a culture centered on sophisticated computer hacking. Kaspersky noted: â€Å"There are technical universities in every major city and with one million students graduating every year, and there is a big labor market for software engineers. (Kshetri, 2011) The vast cybercrime landscape throughout Russia and the rest of the world has actually benefited KL by allowing them to leverage the expertise of skilled workers for the development of new applications, allowing them to enter new markets. Cybercrime is what keeps security companies like Kaspersky in business. Fortunately, they have the resources available to keep up with the rapid rise of the cybercrime industry. SWOT Analysis Strengths: 1. Security. Kaspersky security software is technically superior to competitor products. KL capitalizes on open innovation and open source. The company is able to provide more frequent updates than its rivals and is a leader in identifying and responding to threats as early as possible. 2. Highly skilled labor force: Soviet-era tech investments have led to a large supply of highly skilled software engineers. 3. Low turnover rate: KL has various incentives to attract and retain qualified employeesâ€â€in 2000, KL’s turnover rate was less than 3%. A 2010 survey conducted by The Boston Business Journal named KL as one of the Best Places to Work in Massachusetts. The company provides employees with stock options and relocation servicesâ€â€rare in most Russian companies. 4. Largest software company In Europe 5. Direct presence in 40 countries 6. Highly Innovative 7. Strong patent base 8. World’s largest privately-held Internet security company Weaknesses: 1. Lags behind large key rivals 2. Low market share in the U. S. and worldwide share 3. Weak competitive position in business market 4. Short Russian history of free market capitalism 5. Negative country of origin (COO) image this might be a threat as related to Russia rather than KL Opportunities: 1. Strong growth and future potential in content and threat management sector 2. Trend among global technology developers’ business models based on open innovation and open source. 3. OEM’s use of KL’s anti-virus engine 4. Push KL’s products through retailers with attractive profit margins 5. Focus on consumers’ willingness to pay extra for high quality security programs 6. Co-branding with well established brands 7. Security software for mobile devices 8. Continued improvements in e-commerce strategy, capabilities and websites Threats: 1. Software piracy 2. Weak IP laws in Russia and developing countries . Strong responses from larger competitors Marketing Strategy: Target Market: Kaspersky Lab’s targets â€Å"savvy,†quality conscience consumers who are willing to pay higher prices for the added security The company’s secondary target includes the business market. However, the company has a much stronger competitive position in t he consumer market. KL offers marketing and technical support to its retail customers. Positioning: KL positions its products as technologically superior, focusing on innovation and quality that the company leverages to achieve international success (Kshetri, 2011). The company works hard to identify and respond to threats as early as possible, providing frequent updates and building a â€Å"best in class†reputation (Kshetri, 2011). Product Strategy: Kaspersky regionalizes its products to meet diverse customer needs, adding notable features to its products. The company’s focus is to produce a range of security software rather than strictly anti-virus. With the rise of netbook computers in 2009, KL designed and developed a security product specifically for portable wireless devices. Kaspersky PURE debuted in 2010 and goes beyond its Anti-Virus and Internet Security products in providing the ultimate protection for home networks. KL’s top consumer products in 2010 were Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus (Quintura, 2010). Kaspersky offers stripped down versions of its software packages for emerging marketsâ€â€part of an effort to help fight piracy in Russia. (Hoover’s, 2011) Building the Kaspersky brand across its entire product line is an integral part of their product strategy. The Kaspersky name and logo are used to demonstrate a clear relationship between the products and the company name. The company undergoes efforts to co-brand with well known brands including AOL in 2006 and Ferrari in 2010. Pricing Strategy: KL’s high price strategy for the consumer market is reflected in their quality brand image. For retailers and distributors, KL gives higher profit margins compared to other competitors. Distribution: KL has operations in 40 countries and recently spent $2 million in 2010 to expand its operations to India. This move has enabled KL to acquire an additional 1. 2 million customers in India and is striving toward 8 million new users by 2012 (Hoover’s, 2011). In 2010, over 300 million consumers and 200,000 organizations worldwide use KL’s products (Kshetri, 2011). Kaspersky has capitalized on growth markets in Asia and the Middle East. According to Gartner, KL was the world’s third largest vendor of consumer IT security software and fifth largest vendor of Enterprise Endpoint Protection based on 2010 revenues (Fastcompany. com, 2011). In 2006, KL began to penetrate the U. S. market through OEM manufacturers as it was lagging behind major industry players. Kaspersky is able to grow its business through partnerships with other IT and network companies. KL has its anti-virus engine incorporated into the software of large companies including Microsoft, Blue Coat System, Juniper Networks, IBM and Cisco (Hoovers, 2011). Choices available to the company: 1. Gain business segment market share According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts (GIA), network security makes up the largest segment of cyber security in terms of global market revenue. Traditional desktop anti-virus software is moving farther along the product lifecycle stage. Market players are shifting their product mix away from anti-virus software to software suites that oversee the protection of an entire network. This focus would cater toward corporate clients as they would benefit most from a comprehensive endpoint security suite. The key to future growth is to offer a comprehensive suite that protects an organization form insider threats through applications including: asset management, tracking and recovery, Web filtering, data loss prevention and insider monitoring. (RPWeb, 2011) 2. Penetrate the mobile security software market The rising trend of mobile devices will eventually replace most uses of personal computers. Smartphones are being used by business persons and for personal use more and more each day. The move toward phones’ increased data communications, the need for smartphone security technologies becomes apparent. Opportunities in this market segment will be driven by the growing risk associated with personal information stored within smartphones. The rise of downloadable applications is another growth driver for smarphone security software as they are primary sources of malware and other malicious applications. Demand for smartphone security software from the business segment will driven by increasing use of smarphones for corporate communications. One survey states that only 23% of smartphone users have security software enabled which would mean it has good growth potential (SFGate, 2011). Smartphones sales are correlated with the demand for smarphone security software which are said to rapidly rise over the next few years. This market would require technologically advanced information security solutions because of the changing forms of cybercrime. Kaspersky would have the upper hand in this situation as new threats would most likely emerge from Russia. KL has the technical expertise to be number one in mobile security protection softwareâ€â€if they play it right. Potential Outcomes and Implications: Kaspersky is already at a disadvantage because of its relatively small size compared to top industry leaders like Symantec and McAfee. To gain significant market share in the consumer and business markets, KL will have to go after key accounts once it becomes a publicly traded company. An aggressive move such as this would most likely cause big players to drop prices and campaign that they can do the same for less. Gaining considerable market share in the U. S. will be an uphill battle for KL as they would be contending in an arena of giant players. What the company excels at is developing technological innovations with the expert resources it has. If it maintains its current consumer product strategy with high quality and prices, it might be able to grow steadily with the added help of OEMs. Businesses might gravitate more toward Kaspersky’s quality image since they have much more at stake than an average consumer’s home network. As of now, the mobile device security market seems like an open playing field with a lot of potential which Kaspersky has the resources needed to capitalize on. Key Decisions/Recommendations: KL should maintain efforts for steady growth in both the consumer and business markets. The company should offer comprehensive software suites and maintain its quality image along with regionalized product marketing strategies. Throughout the next 2 to 3 years, KL will need to direct resources toward developing new innovations in order capitalize on upcoming trends/opportunities. This might possibly open a window for KL to gain considerable market share. To achieve this, the company should focus strongly on mobile security and be ready to deliver when mobile devices dominate the market. They should continue to leverage the hacker playing field by staying abreast of potential upcoming threats for mobile devices. Their goal should be to outperform all competitors in mobile device security and strategically plan stages for product releases. Once the company has gained sufficient awareness in the marketplace, it would be imperative for KL to implement an IPO, which would in turn, allow them to win key accounts in mobile device security (This is okay but the case points out that an IPO would help access the big accounts in the U. S. and the U. K. Especially in many countries with common law as the legal origin, private companies such as Kaspersky Lab KL are perceived as small companies composed of family or close friends as shareholders) . Because a GIA report states that Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing regional market for smartphone security software, KL should focus on this region. This would help the company obtain a significant portion of the forecasted $2. 99 billion that GIA predicts the market will reach by 2017 (SFGate, 2011). Works Cited: Computer Security. †Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries. Online Edition. Gale, 2011. Reproduced in Business and Company Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Gale Group. 2011. http://galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/BCRC SFGate. com 2011. Global Smartphone Security Software Market to Reach $2. 99 Billion by 2017, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. , April 29, 2011, http://www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/article. cgi? f=/g/a/2011/04/29 /prweb8354131. DTL Kaspersky Lab: From Russia with Anti-virus. Dr. Nir Kshetri, 2011. Prepared for use in International Marketing class. PRWeb. com 2011. Global Security Market to Reach $80. 02 Billion by 2017, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. , April 05, 2011, http://www. prweb. com/printer/8262390. htm Hoover’s. (2011, July 5). LABORATORIYA KASPERSKOGO ZAO. Hoover’s Company Records-In-Depth Records. Retrieved from LexisNexis Academic database. Quintura 2010. Kaspersky Lab Reaches Record Revenue in 2009, 03. 03. 10, http://blog. quintura. com/2010/03/03/kaspersky-lab-reaches-record-revenue-in-2009/
Monday, March 9, 2020
Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. The WritePass Journal
Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. INTRODUCTION Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. INTRODUCTIONCOMPANY OVERVIEWPRE -CHANGE CONDITIONSAREAS TO BE CHANGEDIMPORTANCE OF CHANGEFORCES FOR CHANGE CHALLENGES MAJOR CHANGES IN SYSTEMRESULTS EXPECTED FROM CHANGEIMPACT OF CHANGERECOMMENDATIONSCONCLUSION Related INTRODUCTION According to Daft (1994), managers sense a need for change when they perceive a performance gap, that is, a disparity between existing and desired levels of performance. It seems a somewhat narrow definition in that it implies that all change is planned and positive and seems to ignore the possibility of unplanned and potentially negative change for example, unexpected budget cuts. This said, most change is planned, is intended to be positive and arises from the need to respond to new challenges and opportunities (Mullins, 1996). Organizational change may be incremental (linear) or radical (discontinuous). It may be a reactive response to external, environmental factors or generated proactively in anticipation of future trends (Hamel, 1998). Both, however, are a response to how an organization perceives its current or future environment. Indeed, one can detect a Darwinian adapt or die thread running though many authors interpretations (Goble, 1997; Hamel, 1998; St Clair, 1996), a concept summed up pithily by Handy (1993, p.291) with change is a necessary condition of survival. Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. For instance, in recent years, LIS have had to adapt to the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the Labor governments plans for national computer networks in public libraries and schools. As Goble (1997) notes, they also face competition from external providers in an increasingly commercialized information services market where there is rapid price inflation for both printed and electronic sources, adding pressure to already tight budgets. Further, in a service economy, consumers have become more demanding and, lastly, the composition of the workforce is changing, with an ageing population, more women, plus more part-timers and job sharing (Mullins, 1996). In response to, or in anticipation of such factors, organizations may initiate change. This can incorporate both structure (hierarchy and division of work) and culture (how things are done values and norms), and such change may involve, amongst other things, costs, job design, staff development and training, working conditions and new services or products (Cornell, 1996). Implementing such changes is not easy. Likert, in Cornell, (1996) identifies three styles of managing change: authoritative (imposed by management); consultative (discussed with staff but still decided by management) and participative (involving staff in decision- making). Further, Lewins widely cited model breaks the management of change into three phases. First, unfreezing – diagnosing problems and an awareness of the need to change. Second, changing – the breaking of old habits and adoption of new skills and behaviour and third, refreezing evaluating and consolidating the changes (Daft, 1994; Cava, 1990; Cornell, 1996; Mullins, 1996).  COMPANY OVERVIEW NetSol Technologies Inc. is the one of the leading corporations which offers business services and enterprise application solutions in the field of IT all over the world. It provides solutions to the customers according to their specifications. NetSol started its operation in 1995 and used BestShoringâ„ ¢ method to analyze the situation, develop high quality plan and implement the plan in a very cost effective manner. NetSol offers products, services, credit and finance portfolio systems, SAP consultancy, health care programs, integration of networks and global financial service at a minimum possible cost all over the world. As NetSol was granted certificate of ISO 9001, its commitment of the quality has been improved. It possesses such unique assets and capabilities which only very few companies possess in the world. Fortune 500, financial sectors, technology providers, automakers, public institutes and governments are included in NetSol customer base. It provides services with highest ethical values and uses its top down approach to impart this facility at the door step of the customer. It is known as expert in the field of IT all over the world with a good record it produces a cost effective solutions for the customers. It delivers services beyond expectations. It became first U.S Company which was dual listed by Nasdaq and Dubai International Financial in June 2008.Recelnty it provides consultancy to operate SAP soft- ware and other additional software to assist customers. All services include follow up training and consultancy to the customers. It is the belief of NetSol to provide excellent solutions not only at present but also in future. It expects growth in the present as well as future and provides state of the art training today to develop leaders of tomorrow. PRE -CHANGE CONDITIONS NetSol was an organization with good reputation in the market and it acquired certificate on the CMML level 3 which was a big achievement for this organization. It had a very strong system and a good control over it but the control level improved. Every activity of the organization before and after the change was recoded and analyzed in proper way. Awareness regarding confidentiality of data has risen in this era. The current trend of change within the organizational culture is getting importance and it is vital for organizations to make changes accordingly. It is very difficult to persuade employees to bring changes because they always resist changes. In changes organization introduce some changes that directly affect on these people. It is the very complex task for the organizations to persuade their employees to accept the change and most of the time organizations receive positive response from them because employees realize the importance of change. NetSol had autocratic culture, tasks were assigned by top level management and bottom level had to follow these tasks according to requirement of the organization and with in the time frame declared by top management. When ISMS system took place it got easier for the employees had to work according to given procedures which were easy so employees got used to the procedures. AREAS TO BE CHANGED As information security management system (ISMS) at NetSol was not strong, it was difficult for NetSol to attract and retain customers. NetSol process that was used previously could not provide the better results that customers expected from the service. Especially its security standards were not up to need of foreign and domestic customers. Foreign customers demanded that NetSol should provide service that guarantees security which meant privacy of information must be protected for corporate customer. NetSol has larger customer base and financial sector accounts for majority of the customers. Therefore, there was extreme need that the financial transactions carried by customers in financial are completely secure. As the world of internet has expanded rapidly and crimes like cyber crime rose to international market so people were very conscious that their data must be protected. NetSol had to embark on providing secure service otherwise, its business would have seen huge decline in customers and eventually revenues. Financial services compete and survive on the promise of their security and reliability, so Net Sol had to take action to be in business and remain competitive. IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE Technological corporations such as NetSol dealing in finance services and information must have strong information security management system (ISMS).Otherwise, it will not be possible for them to attract and develop good customer base. In order to market its products and services it is essential for the NetSol to control the issue of information security because this issue of security in these companies can be matter of survival. ISO 27001:2005 also requires that security of customer information must be given utmost consideration and priority. There is clear procedures for employees how to work in information security management system (ISMS) and clear and straight forward methods useful not only for employees currently employed and working with system but also beneficial for future employees which also reduces the training needs of employee FORCES FOR CHANGE A few of the Factors that compelled NetSol to introduce and implement change are as follows: Fast pace growth in the technology of IT Tough competition observed in this industry Raising the productivity level of corporation because of the increasing demand and integration of information in the system required in this industry, Era of customization, customers are requiring products according to their specification Essential for the NeSol to capture maximum share of the market Assurance of customers’ information security  CHALLENGES Data secrecy, ensuring privacy of client, fool proof security at work place and adjusting new employees in company’s working environment were major challenges to the company. Company’s processes previously were not in way to ensure the security of the information. Due to lack of defined processes employees were not trained to meet security standards described by ISO 27001. MAJOR CHANGES IN SYSTEM Initially the company took steps to make changes in its each BPO division. NetSol launched a system known as Information Security Management System (ISMS). It was very reliable system meeting the needs of customer and requirement of rapid change in technology occurring with the passage of time. The initiative to introduce the system was taken in 2007 and approved by all top manage including the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and directors. The Information Security Management System (ISMS) contains many features such as it is set of policies (how this works and how it manages data, what are the techniques through which you can get better results), procedure (what way you can use it, how efficiently you can handle the data, in what way you can manage the data, how data can easily be accessed and how it can be stored), practices (what are the practical implication of this system, for what type of infrastructure this system has been developed, what is hard ware requirement of the system, what is the software specification of for the system, what type of environment is required to run this type of system, what type of training is required to operate this system), roles (how this system will assist in the organization, how it will add value in the organization), responsibilities (what tasks can be performed with the help of this system, how efficiently they can be performed, how it will facilitate to the employees of the organization), resources (things that are required to run this system, infra structure that is mandatory to run this system smoothly, ways through which this system can give desired results to the organization) and structures (how information flow from one system to other, how securely it flows from one personal computer to other personal computer). These all things are included in the information Security Management System (ISMS) to ameliorate its performance and to protect data of clients. In this system all those functions are included that are required by the customer as well as it is recommended by the International Standard Organization. According to ISO it contains all those functions that mitigate or eliminate the risks related to controlling and using particular information (ISO 27001:2005). This system has been developed according to specification provided by ISO and requirement of current market needs as it is made in accordance with ISO 27001 and fulfills all the required things and applicable in following four parts: Security that is directly related with the hard ware component of computer, security of the person using it even organizations that purchase this system and use it in operating their businesses. Information flowing from one computer to other is protected as well. As control of access to limited people to access it easily there must be a password that allows them to log in this system. RESULTS EXPECTED FROM CHANGE The ultimate purpose of change introduced by NetSol was providing customer better services and timely delivery and by introducing software which was need of the day to provide ultimate security and efficiency. NetSol is committed to designing such software that is useful to increase their productivity and efficiency which would increase profits of the company. Original target of NetSol is to fully implement the International Standard Organization requirements mentioned in ISO27001 so it was their target to achieve as it can get certification from ISO regarding this implementation. This is a very dynamic and rapidly changing industry, so it has to focus on business requirement, what actually its customers wants and how to improve quality of their system as it can give maximum satisfaction to the customer, so all these areas were targeted to change. The basic target is to achieve those goals in specified and limited time period and also these measure can be taken to evaluate whether company is attaining its target or not. It was their actual target to protect their system from versus and make a fool proof system that is essential to give a best solution to its customer. In order to ensure this facility they must keep employees up to date they can be aware of the security system and can keep an eye on these measures though this system is capable enough to keep data secure. IMPACT OF CHANGE NetSol Technologies introduced Total Quality Management (TQM0 system to deliver the desired results. It implemented pre defined and well defined procedure which the organization has to follow and move towards continuous improvement. It focuses on both professional developments of employees as well as improvement of work environment. Therefore, it has been successful to retain competent professionals in the company and has created such an environment that boosts innovation in products and services. The vision of NetSol Technologies is to be number one IT Solution Company in the mind of customers, employees, stakeholders, partners and competitors. The main focus of the company is to give customers data security assurance which is the first choice of the customers. RECOMMENDATIONS NetSol Technologies must continue the change process in their organization because it provides IT solutions to organizations which have automated information systems and their systems are heavily dependent on technology, so NetSol has to provide them with reliable and secure and sophisticated .NetSol faced difficulty because initially the system the provided and used could not perform according to expectations of customers. The main flaw was observed of that system, it could not provide data secrecy which was a big challenge for NetSol. At last it brought change and terraced out its fault, it brought changes in order to keep system secure and reliable. The main problem of IT technology is that it is volatile, its technology changes rapidly. On every day new and advanced systems and softwares are introduced in the market. It is very hard for the organization to maintain their business in this rapidly changing environment. It changes in both ways not only in hard ware but also in software. New and updated systems have to be introduced to remain competitive and offer customers up-to-date technology for their businesses. On the other hand it is facing some problems regarding the continuous development of new viruses threatening the security of the system. It creates problem for systems and it becomes very difficult to manage system. Though it has terraced out the solution, now its system is providing better results and NetSol capturing its customers but again there is a problem that it can not be the permanent solution because as it is discussed earlier it is rapidly changing industry so NetSol has to be conscious to respond to these i ssues rapidly and effectively to gain customer confidence and has to respond to other market changes accordingly. As NetSol is struggling in this industry so are its competitors due to the volatile nature of this industry. It is vital that NetSol Technologies keep an eye on the rapidly changing environment and design and offer products and service based on requirement of the technology market.  CONCLUSION NetSol  improved  the quality of its services, data security, so its management  can  now better plan the business continuity, incidents are well managed, all kinds of risk and threats are well assessed and managed, and lots of other benefits which are worthy to consider. The change has an impact on the whole services quality. Changed process has helped management better monitor whether services are smooth and secure enough to make customers satisfy customer demand. Now that the quality of services has improved, the fault rate has dramatically reduced and customer satisfaction has risen, customer loyalty has also risen and service quality has improved whilst cost has greatly reduced and return on investment has risen by 30%. Management and organizational change is effective only when the planned change has potential to improve companies’ competitiveness in the market and bring more success to the organization and help tackle challenges that organization is faced with. The organization should keep monitoring current situations and make changes only if it is felt necessary, as change in organization is a complex decision and has direct impact on the image of the organization. NetSol survived the toughest competition and challenges because change was properly planned and managed.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Social Media - Difference between traditional measures of success Assignment
Social Media - Difference between traditional measures of success - Assignment Example Social media measures allow businesses to know how viral a product is within a given market. A tool that Zappos could use to measure social media success is NPS (Net Promoter Scores). NPS notes how probable users are to suggest a product to peers and family members. With NPS, Zappos can catch both the customer service element of social and potential for making their services and products go viral (Gibs, 2015). Currently, Zappos has a very high NPS because of its popular customer service. The exceptionality of NPS and the capacity to access it from numerous consolidated research works makes it a strong alternative for social media labeling analytics. Zappos can also use ABM (Agent-Based Modelling) since it has already established excellent customer service (Gibs, 2015). Customer service always requires internet connectivity between Zappos and its customers. However, with ABM, Zappos can monitor and measure their customers’ behavior while offline. Monitoring marketing and branding includes questioning a business’ ability to keep on developing and innovating. For example, monitoring oversees an enterprise’s ability to introduce new commodities in the market, increase product value for customers, and better operating competences (Gibs, 2015). On the other hand, measuring includes determining brand favorability and devotion by customers instead of net sales evaluated through appraisals. For instance, controlled experimentation determines contributions of social media to customer relationship and loyalty, which enables the brand to identify efficiencies and correct errors more
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Discribe the structure and function to the relevant organ system as Essay
Discribe the structure and function to the relevant organ system as the day progresses - Essay Example In the morning, blood flow to the small intestine will be increased to transport the absorbed nutrients to the liver and then to the rest of the body. Excess glucose will be stored in the liver, muscle cells and adipose tissue. During the walk to work, the cardiovascular system will respond by increasing the heart rate to source oxygen and glucose to the muscle cells. If the nature of the work requires a lot of physical activities, the cardiovascular system will respond in the same way. However, the heart rate will reduce during rest periods (Daniels, 2012, p. 244). In the afternoon, the cardiovascular system will respond to the food intake by supplying more blood to the small intestine to facilitate absorption of nutrients. Excess amino acids will be broken down in the liver and the wastes transported to the kidney for excretion while the rest will be transported to the cells which require them. During the snack after lunch, more fluid will be absorbed in the colon and kidneys to replace fluids lost during the day. In the evening, the cardiovascular system will respond to the exercise training and walk by increasing blood flow to the muscle cells. Increased supply replenishes the lost water and electrolytes in the muscles, thus preventing rapid muscle fatigue. During supper, the blood supply will be concentrated on the digestive tract to facilitate absorption of nutrients from the small intestine and water from the colon. The digestive system also plays an important role during the day. Its main function is to break down complex food particles to simpler forms that can be easily absorbed in the body. In the morning, blood glucose levels are low due to the night spent without food intake. As a result, the stomach will send signals to the brain to stimulate hunger. After the food has been ingested, digestion will take place, and the body will absorb the glucose from the breakfast meal to be used as a source of energy for
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A Competitive And Strategic Corporate Analysis Marketing Essay
A Competitive And Strategic Corporate Analysis Marketing Essay Introduction The airline industry is one of the most difficult business sectors where competition has proven to be extremely difficult among the many different competing airline services available around the world. Many airline services in the past have experienced disastrous business cycle, timeliness and overcapacity issues. Moreover, the different airline services also complain of their experienced difficulty in differentiating themselves from competition. These airline services also maintain such high-risk profiles because of such high expectations from their customers (Wirt, Heracleous Pangarkar, 2007). Singapore Airlines, one of the strongest and famous airline service providers, remains to be one of the most profitable airline companies in the world today. Several reasons can be attributed to the huge success that Singapore Airlines enjoys today. One is its strong brand management strategies driven mainly by its excellent line-up of top-management and boardroom employees. Singapore Airlines is composed of many dedicated and professional employees both in its front and back-end office who serve as the drivers of its solid brand strategy (Roll, M. 2010). Singapore Airlines is truly a global and diversified organization unified by one aim of delivering excellent quality and service to its customers. What separates this airline from other airline service companies is its heavy investment in building and maintaining its solid brand equity. The Singapore Airlines brand is known for its consistency in delivering its primary message to its consumers which is Singapore Airlines- A great way to fly coupled with its dedicated and honest delivery of that communication message to its consumers (Roll, M. 2010). The brand strategy of the Singapore Airlines is centered on its world-class in-flight experience: the warmth and hospitality of the Singapore Girl, its excellent service and its focus on the customer. Whereas other competing airline services also tried to pursue the path that Singapore Airlines has taken, no other airline has matched Singapore Airlines in terms of its honest commitment and consistency in delivering its brand promise to its consumers (Roll, M. 2010). As a result, the Singapore Airlines brand managed to deliver excellent financial results through its three-fold strategy: a.) Avoiding knee-jerk reactionary behaviors on any price changes and consistently deliver the brand benefits in order to maintain a high revenue b.) Cut down the costs by pursuing ownership of the best yet most cost-efficient aircrafts and properly responding to increases in fuel prices and c.) Remaining true to the brand in terms of consistency in delivering service to drive up profits (Roll, M. 2010). Background This report-based paper on the Competitive and Strategic Corporate Analysis of the Singapore Airlines aims to evaluate the Singapore Airlines actual application of the various analytical and planning tools in Strategic Management. This paper will also discuss the overall strategic posture of Singapore Airlines at the corporate level, that is, whether it is pursuing a global strategy, multi-domestic strategy, international strategy or transnational strategy. Also, this paper will also evaluate whether the companys management structure and philosophy is aligned with its overall strategic posture. Finally, this paper will come up with a list of recommendations with regard to the companys strategic focus. Several recommendations will be presented in order for the company to improve and maintain its competitive position. In order to achieve these objectives, the author of this paper will gather certain company documents such as its annual report in order to evaluate Singapore Airlines current financial position. Then the current growth efforts and focus of the company will be carefully looked into as well, that is, whether the company initiated some organizational and cultural changes in the past decade as part of its growth strategies. Major Sections A. To which extent does the annual report or other company documentation reflect the implicit or explicit application of analytical and planning tools from the discipline of strategic management? The 2009 Annual Report of Singapore Airlines reflected the overall financial performance of the company from the year 2008-2009. The financial report indicated a total of $1,062 million net profit which, based on the report, could have been higher and better if not for the global economic crisis that caused the airline to underperform financially on the last quarter of 2009 (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Nevertheless, despite these financial challenges that the company experienced in the latter part of 2009, Singapore Airlines still continued to consistently deliver excellent products and services. It managed to build new lie-flat seats in the Business Class section which were designed for medium-haul and regional routes. It also managed to install iPod connectivity in some of its aircrafts (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Moreover, the company remained its high focus on cost management to keep its balance sheet strongly stable. But instead of cutting costs when it comes to people development and management efforts, it kept investing on building and improving its internal infrastructures and systems as well as in developing and training its people (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). To a large extent, the annual report of the Singapore Airlines for 2009 explicitly reflected the various analytical and planning strategic management tools that the company utilized in order to achieve its organizational goals. For one, Singapore Airlines managed to analyze its own strengths and weaknesses vis-à -vis its competitors and the top management keenly identified which value chain elements are important for the company and which ones are dispensable (Rigby, D. 2009). Despite the financial challenges the company experienced in 2009 such as the fuel price increases brought about by the economic crisis, the company remained true to its prudent fuel hedging strategy. As a result, the company incurred huge losses which the company regained immediately by implementing strict measures in cost management (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Nevertheless, the company continued its focus on executing dynamic pricing strategies, providing more value-added promotions and packages which are still designed to earn the loyalty and trust of their customers. All these efforts, being at the core of the strategic management tools Singapore Airlines utilized, is what maintained the strong position of the company in the year 2009. B. Would you encourage the company to focus on growth efforts on emerging markets bearing in mind her organizaton culture and the changes that have occurred in the industry in the last decade? Yes. Singapore Airlines must redirect its growth efforts on emerging markets as it is already an established airline service brand, known around the world for its world-class products and services. In fact, today, this is the strategic route that Singapore Airlines must already be taking. According to Ng, M. (2010), the emerging markets in Asia, for instance, are expected to increase in terms of travel growth in the year 2010. There is a continuously growing opportunity for low-cost airline service brands to tap the increasing demand of emerging Asian markets for low-cost carriers. Given this demand, this is also an opportunity for Singapore Airlines to tap the travel opportunities of the emerging Asian market. In the past five years, the trend is increasingly shifting to practicability in travelling rather than luxury. In fact, the emerging markets need and demand is not really a luxurious means of travelling but more on a practical one, i.e., moving from one destination to another. At most, the needs of the consumers from the emerging markets are safety and comfort that is at par with other high-cost carriers. In tapping this huge number of consumers from the emerging market, Singapore Airlines can introduce its very first low-cost carrier carrying its brand name and its excellent service minus some consumer perks. C. How would you describe the companys strategic posture at the corporate level? Is it pursuing a global strategy, a multi-domestic strategy, an international strategy, or a transnational strategy? Based on the definition provided by Zwass, V. (1998) on what transnational strategy means, an organization which applies transnational strategy is focused both on its domestic/local and the global strategies. The strategies in the local or domestic level are directly tied in or in line with the overall global strategies of the entire organization. An organization which utilizes transnational strategy applies an integration of its global business activities with its domestic or local activities. Currently, the Singapore Airlines is not only focusing its efforts on its global strategies, specifically its vital strategies in maintaining its position in the international scene, but also in its local strategies. Furthermore, Singapore Airlines is also considered a transnational organization because of its consistent adaptation to various environmental and economic situations and its capitalization in knowledge and value-added information (Zwass, V. 1998). Singapore Airlines also entered into several strategic alliances with its suppliers, customers and some business partners like for instance, iPod connectivity which was recently installed in some airbuses of Singapore Airlines. This strategic partnership resulted to value-added services and additional competencies which served as the companys competitive edge versus its competitors. D. Does the companys management structure and philosophy aligned with her overall strategic posture? Singapore Airlines management structure and philosophy are closely aligned with the companys overall strategic posture. As defined by Zwass, V. (1998), transnational strategy is a specific management approach wherein the global business activities of the company are integrated with the domestic strategies. This management approach is applied through maintaining an interdependence and close cooperation with partners, subsidiaries and customers. Moreover, a transnational organization is highly collaborating with other independent, potential partner firms in order to deliver certain services and products in the market. This is what Singapore Airlines is continually trying to achieve when it comes to providing value-adding products and services into the market. For instance, Singapore Airlines is a partner of Star Alliance Network, in order to deliver certain perks and benefits to certain customers which availed of that service. Any Star Alliance Gold Member who rode in Singapore Airlines, will be granted a priority passage, priority waitlisting, priority check-in and boarding, priority airport standby and extra baggage allowance (Singapore Airlines, 2010). The different strategic alliances that the company engages in and the overall management structure that Singapore Airlines currently has is one proof that it is a certified transnational organization that is directly in line with achieving its corporate philosophy. E. Make specific recommendations for the company either to maintain her position or improve her position without undermining the environmental changes and her competitive position. Singapore Airlines must maintain its current strategic posture, that is, its application of transnational strategies because that is the primary reason for its top position and market leadership in the airline industry. What separates Singapore Airlines from other directly competing airline companies is its responsiveness both in the international or global pressures and the demands of the local and domestic market. In order to improve its current position however, Singapore Airlines must continue to improve its current management structure and make it more flexible so that the facilitation and passing on of critical information from one unit to another is smooth-flowing. Also, Singapore Airlines must focus and redirect its growth efforts into eyeing and looking into other market expansion opportunities which provide them the opportunity to expand not only internationally but also domestically. One possible source of market expansion for Singapore Airlines is the increasing travel growth demand in emerging Asian markets. For the past years, Singapore Airlines has been focusing on tapping international markets in Europe but today, it must redirect its efforts into tapping other emerging markets which demand low-cost carriers. Conclusion Singapore Airlines remains to be one of the strongest and most profitable airline service providers in the world today because of a number of reasons. One is its strong brand management strategies mainly driven by its dedicated and professional employees both in its front and back-end office. Another reason is because of the companys unique management structure that is in line with the achievement of its corporate philosophy which is service excellence and consumer focus. The third and possibly the main reason for the companys huge success is its application of the transnational strategy. Defined as the specific management approach wherein the global business activities of the company are integrated with the domestic strategies, Singapore Airlines has so successfully utilized this strategy in order to gain strategic prominence in the airline industry. Because of Singapore Airlines application of this specific management approach, it gained a strong network of alliances and cooperative network of alliances from among various types partner firms, subsidiaries, and even suppliers. As a result of Singapore Airlines openness for collaboration and partnership with other independent firms and suppliers, it was able to successfully deliver certain services and products which became value-adding for their own customers. Merely responding to the needs of the global market is not enough to achieve strategic success and prominence today, without the aid and support of other independent firms and subsidiaries and forming strategic alliances with them, Singapore Airlines could not possibly make it as a truly global leader in the airline industry. Recommendations In order to retain the strong global position and market leadership of Singapore Airlines, the company must fully embrace its application of the transnational strategies. The fact that Singapore Airlines is a transnational organization was the primary reason for its top position and market leadership in the airline industry. Being the transnational organization that Singapore Airlines is now, it gave the company a broader strategic and competitive advantage compared to other directly competing airline service provider that is why it must retain and improve further its application of this specific management approach and strategy. First, Singapore Airlines must continue to improve its current management structure and transform it into a full-blown transnational organization consisting of flexible units/departments and subsidiaries in order to allow a smoother facilitation of critical information which is important for a company occupying the top position. Second, Singapore Airlines must focus and redirect its growth efforts into tapping other market opportunities not only internationally but also domestically. One possible source of this market expansion is the increasing travel growth demand in emerging Asian markets whose demand is centered on practicality over luxury travelling. In order to broaden its existing market, Singapore Airlines must offer low-cost carriers which would cater specifically to the growing and fast-emerging Asian market of travelers.
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