Thursday, December 26, 2019
South Street Seaweed Report Essay - 706 Words
South Street Seaweed Report Prasenjit Saha Chem lab 106 2/6/13 Spring 2014 Prasenjit Saha, Abdullah Sharif I. Warmup Questions 1. Coffee beans are crushed into small pieces, water is added to it and the mixture is heated over a flame. What do you think would happen to the coffee bean as it interacts with the water? Explain. Essentially the warm water will run through the coffee beans and extract its properties. The flavor of the coffee beans would disperse into the water. The water would change color and smell like the coffee beans as these properties are drained from the coffee beans. 2. What would happen to the water if instead of coffee beans, strips†¦show more content†¦Procedure 1. Weigh five grams seaweed. 2. Wash the seaweed to get rid of Monosodium Glutamate 3. Boil the seaweed in 40 ml water for 5 minutes 4. Filter the seaweed and collect about 3 ml solution 5. Pour the solution to a clean beaker, then add 3 crystals of iodine 6. After 10 min utes, conduct the observation test V. Observations of all tests Standards Iodine Test Light Purple Iodide Test Yellowish milky white, some precipitate Triiodide Test BrownishShow MoreRelatedRetail Marketing Case Study - the Body Shop in Hong Kong5586 Words  | 23 PagesRecommendation 5. Conclusion 6. References 1 2 2 3 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 23 24 Appendices 26 Executive Summary In Hong Kong, the concept of sustainability is not popular in the retailing industry, especially in the store design. Therefore, this report is to study the sustainability of retailing in Hong Kong about the store design. Firstly, the literature review explains that what sustainability and store design is. Sustainability is defined as the ability maintaining the certain status or processRead MoreLululemon Marketing3100 Words  | 13 Pagesyour laundry expense; eliminate the chance of using plastic bags, and decrease pollution and wastes. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Movie Analysis My Mom Was A Dreamer - 2251 Words
Good evening league members! It s such a pleasure to be here with an extraordinary organization that has empowered people for decades. Before I go on to discuss my film, I d like to tell you the story of the path that led me to a journey in film-making. It would start with my mom, Margaret. She had a wicked sense of humor, a big infectious laugh and she loved movies. As a kid growing up in the Bahamas, she spent her entire Saturdays at the theater. Those were days when you could see a cartoon and three features films – all for less than one dollar. Some of her favorite actors of the day were Bette Davis, Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones (who I m named after). My mom was a dreamer. She lived in a world of movie fan magazines,†¦show more content†¦The big takeaway from the book was that movie industry is a tough business. Becoming an independent filmmaker is the only viable option for breaking into the industry. And getting projects funded is all but impossible – unless you are Woody Allen or Martin Scorsese. Translation, don t even bother trying, kid. So I didn t and filed that dream away. Having no real plans for the future, I attended New York University and majored in Women Studies. I left with an undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts and had landed a string of jobs, some more interesting than others. I ve worked at a company named Uniworld Group, which was one of the country s oldest black advertising agencies in the country. At one point I was employed at a non-profit named The Ludwig Cancer Research. The organization was founded by the billionaire Daniel Ludwig who was a shipping magnate and real estate investor back in the day 1970 s. And for a time, I was also employed at Hadassah in Marketing and Communications division. So what finally got me on the course to film-making? I came across an article about a filmmaker named Spike Lee. He was an upstart who had a knack for making controversial statements. But Spike said what no one else ever had. He said that Hollywood was an exclusive club that kept women and people of color on the perimeters. He said that the art of making movies was not a big mystery. And yes,Show MoreRelatedThe Wolf Of Wall Street Essay1753 Words  | 8 Pagesout of a completely unethical film. I will be discussing my own thoughts and perspectives revolved around the movie, from reasons and circumstances that leads to an unethical life, to outcomes of it and much more. The Wolf of Wall Street is a black comedy, dramatic film featuring the great Martin Scorsese as a director, starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Leonardo Di Caprio plays the role of Jordan Belfort, â€Å"The Wolf of Wall Street†. The movie is set in the 1980’s – 1990’s, handling a true story, theRead MoreCase on the Disney Brand14200 Words  | 57 PagesKey Words: Brand Extension, Expansion into New Geographies. Brand Culture, Brand Symbols, Semiotics Analysis. Study of ‘Disney’: Strategies and factors that helped build the iconic brand. Group 7 Archana Menon 2008 09 A Chandan Pansari 2008 12 A Ranjani Mani 2008 43 A Sumita Das 2008 55 A INDEX Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4 Licensing ..............................................Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesSENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara ®, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Westford. The cover was printed by Courier/Westford. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright  © 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1981, 1976 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Expertise Based Skill Management Model for Effective Project
Questions: a) Demonstrate an awareness of concepts and theories associated with the subject through the production of subject related work. Subject - Specific Skills b) Demonstrate an understanding of how to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data. c) Demonstrate the application of key subject skills in the production of work. d) Use subject related equipment, materials, software and learning environments appropriately. Answers: Business organizations look for a number of management skills in the job aspirants while making recruitments in vacant positions: the following section provides glimpse of such necessary management skills: Communication skills: It is a well known fact that the executive managers are responsible for transforming their ideas into strategic decisions, while middle managers are responsible for the execution of the strategies (Chen 2015). The line managers are held responsible of the final task of allocating tasks to the resources and guiding them to perform the activities. Thus, managers operating across all these levels require several communication skills for functioning in the optimal manner. Problem solving skills: Employees assigned with specific projects are bound to come across several problems while conducting their operational activities: needless to say that their imminent supervisors would be responsible for solving such issues (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). On the other hand, the market conditions often present various problematic situations to the organizational operations of business houses: executive managers play key roles in resolving such situations. Thus, problem solving skills are essential for managers operating across all levels of an organization. Organizational Skills: In small and middle scaled organizations, middle and line managers are generally made responsible for several projects at a time: thus they themselves must be organized, besides having the skills required to delegate the tasks associated with the parallel running projects and manage the resources in an organized manner (Burke 2013). Thus, organizational skills are one of the must-haves for all resources working in managerial positions. b: Qualitative data: Presentation: The findings of a qualitative research can be presented in the following manners: The key findings can be mentioned under main themes and verbatim quotes can be used to support the findings. Discussions regarding the findings can be made in a separate chapter ( 2016). The discussions can also be made in the Findings chapter: in this case the verbatim quotes need not be included. Evaluation and interpretation: The evaluation and interpretation of qualitative data can be conducted through the following steps: The collected data should be arranged according to the theme of the research work ( 2016). The response patterns must be identified. The data must be analyzed so as to find the relationship among them and to realize what new information can be derived from the information ( 2016). Quantitative data: Presentation: The results or findings of quantitative research works are presented using the following tools: Data can be presented in tables ( 2016). Data can be presented in graphs and charts. Figure 1: Presentation of quantitative data (Source: 2016). Evaluation and interpretation: The following methods can be utilized for the analysis and evaluation of quantitative data: Frequency distribution Central tendency Variation among the information that has benne collected ( 2016). The interpretation of quantitative data can be conducted through the following steps: The identification of patterns present in the data. The identification of the deviations in data patterns. Fining the significance of the data patterns ( 2016). c: The application of key skills in practical work situations have been discussed in the following section: Communication skills: Managers associated with small and large scale organizations require to communicate with both their superiors and subordinates in order to perform the following activities: Transform their ideas into executable work definitions and convey them to the subordinates (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). Develop activities and assign resources to each such work activity (Turner 2014). iii. Provide proper guidance to the subordinates such that they are capable of performing their responsibilities. Submit reports to the superiors regarding the progress made in each of the projects. Accessing information from appropriate sources: Developing the time schedule, resource and budgetary requirements of any project is one of the major functionalities that project managers are responsible of. Needless to say, assumptions of such requirements are solely based on the information collected from various other sources, for example, like that of the information available from documents of similar projects ( 2016). Thus, the ability access information from appropriate source and to incorporate the same in the organizational activities functions plays a vital role in managerial operations. Source acknowledgement: As mentioned in the above section, most of the assumptions made in the beginning of any project are based on the information collected from similar other sources: thus acknowledgement of such sources becomes mandatory in case further information need to be accessed (Mandinach and Cline 2013). d: Designing training and development programs for the employees, in order to develop their technical and management skills, in of the major responsibilities of project managers. Besides this, the newly recruited employees need to be included in such training programs so as to provide them with information regarding the operational activities of the organization (Fraser 2015). Thus, the utilization of subject related equipment and materials become necessary for all project managers. On the other hand, the utilization of various software tools becomes necessary during the planning phase of the project: such tools are put to use during assessing the budgetary and other resource requirements of the project and while allocating these resources to the activities associated with the project. Software tools are also put to use while monitoring the progress made in the project and submitting the reports of the activities performed by the team members. The incorporation of proper learning environments in facilities the following processes: Providing appropriate training to the employees (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). To develop such essential skills in the employees which would required while functioning in the organization (Mandinach and Cline 2013). To impart first hand work experience in the newly recruited employees that would help them to work efficiently in the practical situations (Burke 2013). References Anwar, Z., Bibi, N. and Ahsan, A., 2013, November. Expertise based skill management model for effective project resource allocation under stress in software industry of Pakistan. InInformation Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII), 2013 6th International Conference on(Vol. 1, pp. 509-513). IEEE. Burke, R., 2013.Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA. Chen, S., 2015. Skill Management. InDos and Donts in Human Resources Management(pp. 41-42). Springer Berlin Heidelberg., (2016). Unit 18 Section 1 : Presentation of Quantitative Data. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016]. Fraser, B., 2015. Classroom learning environments. InEncyclopedia of Science Education(pp. 154-157). Springer Netherlands. Mandinach, E.B. and Cline, H.F., 2013.Classroom dynamics: Implementing a technology-based learning environment. Routledge. Toolkit.pellinstitute.or, (2016). Analyze Qualitative Data Pell Institute. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016]. Turner, J.R., 2014.The handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). McGraw-hill., (2016). Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016].
Monday, December 2, 2019
Polypropylene Fibers Essays (631 words) - Composite Materials
Polypropylene Fibers POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS IN CONCRETE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION RESEARCH PAPER MARCH 5, 1996 According to major supplies, ?Use of synthetic fibers for reinforcing concrete is continuously, increasing. The increase has been considerable since 1980, but slowed somewhat in 1990, a year of substantial construction cutbacks. Apparently the construction community believes there are advantages in the use of synthetic fibers in concrete.? (Schupack) Synthetic fibers are used to improve crack control in concrete. Some reports say that synthetic fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) would replace welded wire fabric in many slab-on-grade applications. But in reality if the welded wire fabric is placed properly it controls crack width better than the synthetic fiber reinforced concrete. In a case study of the use of synthetic fibers in reinforced concrete, the following conclusions were obtained. No matter what concrete placing job is being done, there is no substitute for good concrete practices. The use of a low fiber volume mix will help control plastic shrinkage cracks and bleeding, but not give good cracking control once the crack forms. The synthetic fibers running through a crack have a poor bond providing no shear friction. Impact and toughness tests on synthetic fiber reinforced concrete imply less edge spalling will occur. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) conducted two studies on polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete, one dealing with plastic shrinkage cracking and the other on permeability characteristics. Plastic shrinkage cracking occurs when the surface water on the concrete evaporates faster than the bleed water reaches the surface of the concrete. It was determined by the plastic shrinking cracking study that polypropylene fibers helped reduce the total plastic shrinkage crack area on test panels. Also determined is that the screeding rate affects the total crack area in polypropylene reinforced concrete, while finishing operations showed no significant effects. This study also suggests the use of longer fibers (about 0.75in.) will produce less crack area. ?Permeability plays an important role in long-term durability of concrete materials. Permeability of concrete generally refers to the rate at which particular aggressive substances (water, sulfates, chloride ions, etc.) can flow through the concrete.? (Soroushian) As discussed in the plastic shrinkage study that polypropylene fibers reduce cracking. Less cracking in the concrete surface that surface would be less permeable. In the permeability study, they concentrated on the effects of chloride and the permeability of the concrete. The results of this study concluded polypropylene fibers had little effects on chloride permeability of concrete. The polypropylene fibers only help reduce plastic shrinkage cracks. In residential construction, polypropylene fibers have been in use since the mid-to-late 1970s. Polypropylene fibers are used for their high tensile strength and low cost. These fibers fit into two categories, for early plastic shrinkage and for improved long-term crack control. One of the first residential applications of polypropylene fibers was in western Pennsylvania, in March of 1979. Fibers were used in all the flat work of the residence. Polypropylene fibers have gained acceptance by residential home builders due to its flexibility and its ability to conform to forms. Home builders say polypropylene fibers help them sell more concrete by reducing the potential risks of cracking. The use of polypropylene does not compensate for the lack of good design, water/cement ratios, temperature and wind conditions. One important thing to remember is nothing replaces good concrete practices. WORKS CITED Schupack, Morris, and William R. Stanley. ?Seven Case Studies of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Slabs.? Concrete International Feb. 1992:50-56. Soroushian, Parviz., Faiz Mirza, and Abdulraman Alhozaimy. ?Permeability Characteristics of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete.? ACI Materials Journal 92(1995):291-295. Mirza, Faiz., Parviz Soroushian, and Abdulraman Alhozaimy. ?Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete.? ACI Materials Journal 92(1995):553-560. Biddle, Daniel T. ?Fiber Reinforcement in Residential Concrete.? Concrete International Feb. 1991:46-47. Engineering
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