Saturday, August 31, 2019
Patton Fuller Financial Statements Essay
Financial statements hold a great deal of information on them and there are many things to consider when reviewing them. A financial statement can be audited or unaudited which vary in expense information. There are effects of revenue sources to consider and businesses have a different revenue every year. They can either be close in dollar amount or could vary significantly. The financial goal to how much revenue a business wants to make should be set in order to plan and control for expenses that the business must pay for in case of emergencies. Financial statements are very detailed and are well informative of the financial status of a business. Audited Versus Unaudited In the Patton-Fuller revenue and expense statement report, the audited or unaudited financial statements vary in their particular expense information. A considerable reduction in the analysis of income is the fundamental procurement of every doubtful account. The distinct term refers to fixed number of accounts receivable that will eventually become bad debt or standardized as unvaluable funds. A statement furnished concerning all third party reports shall always demonstrate the distribution of doubtful accounts noteworthy as an expenditure (Baker & Baker, 2011). Management of the doubtful accounts have a million dollar increase particularly on the audited statement report in comparison to the unaudited report. All the allotments in the calculated amounts vary within the net income and operating income from signifying a profit that undoubtedly shows a loss. An audited balance statement affirms an amount of one million dollars that is reduced in revenue corresponding with the unaudite d report on the present profit listed that relates to patient balance due.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Filipino Cry: The Social Issues in OPM Songs Essay
Introduction This paper will attempt to highlight the theme of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) that appeals the public concern of the government. This will feature two selected songs –, Upuan (2009), and Walang Natira (2010) by Gloc9. These songs were selected according to their similarities in terms of the social issues of the Filipino to the government such as poverty, unemployment, corruption and oppression. The paper seeks to prove that these songs have similar theme that Filipino composers integrate in a music/song to convoke the attention of the government officials. Statement of the Problem This paper answers the following questions: 1. What are the images depicted in the lyrics of the songs? 2. What are the social issues of the public depicted in the songs? 3. What are the common theme and its implication to its listener? Objectives Generally, this paper aims to determine the themes of some OPM Songs. Specifically, this aims to: 1. identify the images found in the lyrics of the songs; 2. determine how these images portray social issues of the mass to the government; and 3. discuss the implications of the theme to the listener. Methodology An interpretational analysis of the theme of OPM songs, specifically the songs of Gloc9 that has a cryptic meaning underlies in the lyrics of the songs. Enabling to identify the images within it that helps to completely understand the theme of the song. This will also use marxism as a framework of the study. References Online Sources
Being a global grocery store Essay
Being a global grocery store and merchandising retail store, Tesco continues to consolidate its position as the world’s number three retailer after Wal-mart and Carrefour of the US and France, respectively. The Tesco company emerged in 1924, with its first store being opened in London, five years later. The same company has continued to grow, after that it opened up in 1956, its first supermarket. From then, the company has continued to realize growth and expansion, growing organically during the second phase of the 20th century. The growth during this epoch reached its apogee when in 1977, the Tesco company decided to reduce the prices of its commodities in lieu of Cohen’s rather antithetical policies. This resulted in Tesco company realising a 4% growth in its market share after every two months. Strategic directions and development methods that have been adopted by Tesco. Up to the moment, the Tesco company has been focusing on making innovations and facilitating conditions that can encourage the same. This is geared towards making the employees free enough to engage in efforts to come up with innovative ideas. The rationale behind this notion is that the rank and file of an entire organization has the ability to generate productive ideas. To this effect, the Tesco company as organization ensures that there is an open line through which the opinions and views of the employees can be solicited (Humby and Hunt 2007, 75). The effect that this approach has on the returns of the Tesco company is that it has realized a stable base of employees who are loyal. This is because the employees, courtesy of the practice, are left with the feeling of being totally integral to the company and being appreciated by the management board. This has bolstered the cause of Tesco company’s growth and expansion, due to low employees turnover. The low employees turnover becomes inevitable for Tesco company since employees take to remain loyal to the company, and thus saving it from needing to recruit new employees. At the same time, the Tesco company takes to target the desired goal by making regular consultations with the clients on the quality of goods produced by the Tesco company. This exercise has been very instrumental in helping the Tesco company channel its synergies towards efficiency and customer satisfaction. Forces that are promoting the food retail industry’s globalisation. According to Harris and Dennis (2002, 177) there are several forces that ensure the global adoption of the Tesco company food retail. In the first case, the company makes it its responsibility to ensure that its operations are attune to the indigenous tastes and preference of the local market. To this effect, Tesco company takes it upon itself to tamper its operations with the indigenous culture, regulations and delivery chains. This feat has been instrumental in placing the Tesco company in the map. At the same time, Tesco company builds brands that enable it as a company to forge longterm relationships with its clients. In the same vein, the company maintains its ability to fix its focus on the targeted countries, even in the face of going global. This, the company takes to achieve by establishing brands that are unique and of high standard. In the same wavelength, Tesco company has ensured these prospects by establishing brands that are nation or state- specific. In order to thoroughly entrench itself into the global market, Tesco company ensures that it carries out designs that are multi formatted. According to Baker (2002, 90), this has been important to Tesco company, given the fact that it has been established that there is no single format that has been able to consolidate its position in the global market. How Tesco strategy in the US may help it realize competitive advantage. In the US Context, Tesco company has tried to achieve an edge over its peers by taking to mitigate the extent of the shopping costs. Another feather in Tesco company’s cap exists, courtesy of the fact that the deficit does not fall on the shoulders of the suppliers. Rather, the Tesco company sorts out the situation through the enhancement of the efficiency and the adoption of simpler processes in the course of the company’s operations. Hooley, Saunders and Piercy (2004, 67) maintain that this means that clients are able to realize relatively less costly shopping expeditions, from the Tesco company. Unlike Tesco company, its peers even after reducing the shopping price, still leave financial weight to fall squarely on the suppliers. The suppliers on the other hand try to settle the deficit by exacting higher prices to the retailers who then impose extra costs on the consumers. This cycle becomes the epitome of the adage, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. In about the same vein, Tesco company is trying to build a niche for itself in the American context by opening up many stores that support the issuance of hard discount (Tapp 2002, 122). To crown this effort, Tesco company has remained responsible for the invitation of British companies that can bolster the interests of the same. Some of these companies are the Big Kahuna Wine a label of Fresh and Easy. This company has been influential in dragging a huge clients’ base to Tesco company scores, owing to the quality wine and delicious poultry meat it serves. Conclusion. It is important for any company that seeks to emulate Tesco company to take to stock, the fact that the latter has, apart from the aforementioned practices, ensured that it dabbles its operations with the concept of capability. To this cause, the Tesco company ensures the employment of skills, and not scale. This, for the Tesco company portends ensuring that the skills are elicited from its rank and file and the systems processes. Therefore, even small scale companies are inexcusable when it comes to (under) performance. References. Baker, M. J. Tesco company and marketing mix, New York: Prentice Hall, 2002. Harris, L. and C. Dennis, Tesco company and e business, London, SAGE, 2002. Hooley, G. , J. A. Saunders and Piercy, N. , Tesco company marketing strategies, New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. Humby, C. and P. Hunt, Tesco company and customer loyalty, Harvard, Harvard University Press, 2007. Tapp, A. , The principles of database and direct marketing, Michigan, Michigan University Press, 2002.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Human Biology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Biology - Assignment Example It has been analyzed that the onset of the disease begins by the fourth decade of the life in an individual and by the sixth decade of life, 80 percent of the people will present with this pathology in any single joint of their body (Robbins et al 2005; Sharma et al 2007). Many changes occur in the human body with the increase of age. The reduction in the working and efficiency of the muscles, reduction in the force of the muscles as well as reduced capacity of movement production are age related muscular changes. Changes in the ligaments also take place with age which includes decreased strength as well as elasticity of the ligaments. The ligaments and the muscles serve the purpose of providing steadiness to the movements of joints. These changes alter the mechanical nature of the joints and hence are associated with osteoarthritis as they result in decreased capacity of the joint to adapt to weight and stress and hence damage to the cartilage of the joint occurs with strain. Furthe rmore, muscles also tend to reduce the shock from affecting the joints and hence reduced muscle functioning also leads to damaging the joint. These damages may be associated with the accumulation of inflammatory cells within the joint cartilage (Conn 2006; Forceia et al 2000). The cartilage of the joints is made up of collagen type II, proteogylcans and glycosaminoglycans. The cartilaginous tissue also consists of water. This structure of the cartilage assists in the free movements of joints and serves to distribute the weight in a proper manner. But with age, the functional and structural capacity of this tissue reduces. This leads to damage to the tissue with stress and again predisposes to osteoarthritis. With aging, the water content of the cartilage also increases and the supportive structures which include collagen and proteoglycan also tend to reduce. The damage to the joints results in the presence of inflammatory cells within the joint (Robbins et al 2005; Forciea et al 200 0) Osteoarthritis is a condition which presents with tenderness in the joints and difficulty in the movement of joints in the morning. It is believed that the process of the disease early but it presents with symptoms at a later age. The joints which are mainly affected are the knee, hip and the joints of the finger. The disease usually does not affect all the joints of the body but is limited to a few joints (Robbins et al 2005). Osteoporosis is a pathological disease of the bones of the skeleton. It results due to a reduction in the mass of the bone which makes the patient susceptible to fractures of the bones of the body. Ageing is considered to be a very important and primary cause of this disease. The fractures that result due to the decreased bone mass are associated with 1 million cases of fractures in the United States annually (Robbins et al 2005). Changes in the structure of the bone tend to occur with age. The density of the bone becomes reduced and changes with change. O n an annual basis, every normal individual loses 2 percent of their bone density. Thus the minerals of the bones tend to reduce with age making the bones weaker and more susceptible to fracture. This accounts for an osteoporotic change of the bone (National Institutes of Health 2004). Cellular changes occur in the bones as well with age. The bone forming cells which are referred to as the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Renaissance - Essay Example His history reveals those factors which played a major role in the lives of Florentines as they stood on the threshold of the Renaissance. The Chronicle of Giovanni Villani demonstrates that Florence exemplified Renaissance Italy with its emphasis on commerce and the advancement of artistic creativity and was greatly affected by the devastation caused by the plague. Villani’s account of Florence as a thriving commercial center demonstrates that it was this economic prosperity which was one of the driving factors of the Renaissance in Italy. As typical of Renaissance Italian city-states, Florence is a flourishing center of commerce and an integral part of the trade network with the Eastern Empire. As fitting in any description of a commercial center, Villani holds â€Å"the income and expenditure of the commune of Florence in this period†to be one of the â€Å"great features of our city†(41). He goes on to give a detailed account of the income generated by the c ity’s manufacturing guilds, which are obviously the power houses of Florence’s economy and the foundation of its wealth and power. Villani demonstrates the dominance of the city’s largest industry, the woolen cloth makers by asserting that their workshops â€Å"were 200 or more, and they made from 70,000 to 80,000 pieces of cloth which were worth more than 1,200,000 gold florins --- and more than 30,000 persons lived by it†(42). In addition to the manufacture of cloth, the importers and sellers of Transapline cloth â€Å"imported yearly more than 10,000 pieces of cloth, worth 300,000 gold florins†(42). Villani glosses over the noble magnates and knights and gives the greater importance to the merchants, mercers, bankers, bakers, stone and carpentry masters and â€Å"many other masters in many crafts†(42) who make up the guilds. This supports our knowledge of Renaissance Florence, in which the members of a craft or merchant organization fo rmed the commune which wielded authority over the political and economic affairs of the city. Villani confirms the erosion of the power of the traditional landed aristocracy in the Italian Renaissance, saying, â€Å"but from the time that the people began to rule, the magnates no longer had the status and authority enjoyed earlier†(41). Villani makes it clear that it is the members of the manufacturing guilds and professionals who are at the top of the social hierarchy. Renaissance Florence’s dominant position in the trade network is supported by Villani’s account of the city’s ability to meet the famine. Unlike other towns which ejected their beggars at this time of want, â€Å"the commune of Florence --- received and provided for a large fraction of the poor mendicants of all Tuscany†(39). The commune arranges for grain to be bought from Sicily and the regions surrounding the city (Romagna and Arezzo), to be transported at great expense and use d to feed all the citizens. Villani pays tribute to Florence’s economic power by asserting that â€Å"in mitigation of this famine the commune of Florence spent in those two years more than sixty thousand golden florins†(39). Villani’s chronicle bears testimony to economic power and trade being the main cause for Florence’
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Exporing the properties of gases Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Exporing the properties of gases - Lab Report Example ain objectives of these experiments were to develop skills in performing simple gas phase experiment, determine the effects of variations in the three variables of an ideal gas and test the formulated hypothesis. Our first hypothesis was that the pressure of a given volume of gas increases with a decrease in the gas volume at a constant temperature. Our second hypothesis was that increase in temperature of an enclosed gas sample increases the pressure exerted by the gas at a constant volume. Our final hypothesis stated that the volume of any gas increases with an increase in temperature at a constant pressure (Daniel et al 275). Boyle’s law experiment was done to study the relationship between volume of a given gas and its pressure at a constant temperature. The syringe plunger was pressed to increase the pressure as the volume decreased. The pressure was recorded using the pressure sensor. Charles law experiment was done to study the relationship between volume of a given gas sample and its temperature on a constant pressure. Gay-Lussac’s law experiment was done to study the relationship between the temperature of an enclosed gas sample and the pressure exerted at a constant volume (Daniel et al 275). Test of our hypothesis gave positive results hence our hypothesis were adopted. It was discovered that decrease in volume of a given gas increase the gas pressure at a constant temperature Increase in temperature led to increase in volume of a given gas at constant pressure and pressure increase with increase (Daniel et al 275). Gas is one of the states of matter besides liquids and solids. There are very many types of gases some of which are poisonous while others are not. A gas like Hydrogen Sulphide is very poisonous while oxygen gas is not poisonous. All the gases have varying pH values whereby some are acidic, neutral or basic but not both. Gases like CO2, O2, H2 and N2 among others are found naturally on the environment (Daniel et al 275). The ideal gas
Monday, August 26, 2019
Self leadership Personal Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Self leadership Personal Portfolio - Essay Example Hence, it can be affirmed that self-leadership skills are essential to judge the personal potentialities and strengths (Centre of Creative Leadership, 2012). This assignment offers an in-depth analysis and examination of my personal and professional aptitudes and talents with the help of a comprehensive approach along with personal manifestation on the ideas discussed in this topic. The paper highlights the essentialities of soft skills of an individual in the working environment along with detailed assessment through the available literatures on self-leadership skills and personal abilities through a 360 degree feedback. This analysis would facilitate me to identify my personal strengths and weaknesses thereby offering the opportunity of any specific changes if required so as to accomplish the personal goals in a more efficient and effective manner. This would enhance my future growth prospects. 2.0 Self-Leadership Skills Literature Overview Amer (2008) focuses highly on the soft sk ills as these are solely responsible for the future growth and the prospects of an individual. It is defined as the feelings and the behaviors that relate to the decisive thinking, problem solving, communication, association and presentation skills that help an individual to sustain in an organization for the long run. Soft skill is a sociological phrase related with the character traits, social elegance, language, personal habits, affability, and buoyancy that portrays the relationships with other individuals (Amer, 2008). Carmeli, Meitar, Weisberg (2006) also highlights that soft skills mainly balance the hard skills which are required for fulfilling occupational demands along with other activities (Carmeli, Meitar, Weisberg, 2006). Hence, it can be avowed that soft skills are responsible for the success of individuals in the workplaces as well as in their careers. According to Rao (2010), soft skills are mainly inherent qualities of an individual which can be improved or enhanced only through high level of devotion, motivation and commitment. Along with this, self awareness also plays an important part for the enhancement of soft skills of an individual. Thus, self–awareness helps to predict the internal strengths and weaknesses of an individual which might be beneficial for the augmentation of self-leadership talents. Hence, the self-leadership ability marks the success of an individual in the long run (Rao, 2010). Bommelije (2009) reveals that soft skills are vital characteristics of life which is essential for success. Most imperative and key soft skills that an individual should contain are tactical understanding, proper decision making ability, team behavior, providing inspiration to employees, communication power, intelligent skills, managerial dynamics, coordination, cooperation, enthusiasm to drive a group, implementation of various ideas, elasticity and capability to handle stresses and risks among others. Hence, it can be clearly affirmed t hat soft skills are also equally important for an individual as it helps to enhance productivity and quality of work thereby augmenting the profitability of organization (Bommelije, 2009). Moreover, soft skills
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Completing the GDP Rates Table Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Completing the GDP Rates Table - Essay Example Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Completing the GDP Rates Tables TABLE 1: USA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Year GDP in US$ GDP % growth Pop. ... 35 2000 1075.57 1.25 30,689 1.24 271.9 1.339 178,940.9 230,838.3 -23,023 1.67 2.343 2001 1107.46 0.45 31,021 0.27 252.5 1.373 163,424.1 216,267.9 -13,717 1.68 2.417 2002 1154.95 0.94 31,373 -0.98 225.8 1.404 160,922.7 209,087.7 -48,167 1.69 2.578 2003 1214.60 0.2 31,676 0.80 275.8 1.443 169,923.7 221,594.7 -51,671 1.70 2.626 2004 1290.19 0.92 32,048 0.93 185.6 1.470 189,879.9 256,359.8 -45,678 1.7 1 2.785 2005 1368.73 1.35 32,359 0.40 221.3 1.502 211,898.7 290,384.3 -67,897 1.72 2.89 2006 1450.40 1.24 32,723 1.13 200.3 1.531 524,075 487,674 -56,432 1.76 2.345 2007 1529.58 0.98 33,115 0.69 213.8 1.565 534,718 505,055 -78,456 1.73 2.964 2008 1603.41 1.35 33,506 0.75 237.1 1.602 563,075 538,654 24,421 1.81 3.104 a) Column 5 = column 2 divided by column 4 [i.e. (2)/(4)] b) Column 10 = column 8 minus column 9 [i.e. (8)-(9)] c) Column 11 = column 8 divided by column 2 and multiplied by 100 [i.e. (8)/(2)*100] d) Column 12 = column 9 divided by column 2 and multiplied by 100 [i.e. (9)/(2)*10 0] How to do this assignment, 1. You should complete tables 1 and 2 on the page 1 which I will upload it. 2. Compare the GDP rates of growth and the Trade Balance of CANADA and the US and try to draw any conclusions based on economic theory The GDP rate of growth for U.S has been increasing constantly since 1994 until 2001. The growth rate for Canada has no particular sequence as it has been constantly increasing and decreasing as a result of the economic conditions. The trade balance for U.S is less than that of Canada over the years. Levi (2009) describes that Canada is the tenth largest economy as measures in US dollars. This is as a result of the importance of its primary sector with more revenue from the logging and oil industries. The manufacturing industry as well as the automobile
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Information & Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Information & Operations Management - Essay Example Thus, sustainability is concerned with the management of the total business impact of an organization on its stakeholders, the society which it operates and its surrounding environment. The main issue that this paper tends to look at is why the organization in question adopts either an economic, environmental or social sustainability. From the report, there are five drivers that lead to the initiative of sustainability for the organization. They include reduction on costs, protecting and enhancing the reputation of the organization, pressure from the stakeholders, government regulation and commitment of the top executives. The organization in question is Ford of Britain which is a subsidiary of ford motor company. It operates in three manufacturing sites in United Kingdom. It is one of UK’s best car sellers for thirty four years and commercial vehicle brand for forty five years. The sustainability initiative in place for this organization is the environmental sustainability. This would ensure that the organization is able to ensure that the environmental surrounding of the individuals living near their manufacturing industries or their consumers is taken into consideration. This reduces the instance of environmental pollution reducing the ailments that might result from environmental pollution. This pillar involves the organization providing safe and efficient transport services in terms of the environmental contribution. This is considering that the organization is a car manufacturer thus they have to incorporate the use of environmental appropriate fuels that prevent the vehicles form emitting fumes that could endanger the respiratory system of their customers. The organization would go a long way in reducing the carbon footprint. The sustainability requirements that their customers pose to them by their customers should
Friday, August 23, 2019
Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analysis - Case Study Example With industry analysis we have estimated few companies ROE who are performing significantly for long time. For example: In scale of ROE (Return on Equity) GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) presents .46, .45, NOVARTIS presents .151, .140 and Abbott presents .203, .198 for the consecutive year 2010 and 2011. In this comparative positioning among the competitor’s Abbott can sustain with ROE, which will eventually protect asset and efficiency improvement in the long run. With the global recession this ROE ratio appears a slowdown in recent years, which is accurate in compare to other ratio like ROA, which came across the result as the recent years are higher than previous, this present’s short term affect of business operation than long term picture of existing activities. For a manufacturing company the model we can get most viable to implement is â€Å"Reduce operating expenses and staff salaries†. In recent competition, price of the products are increasing due to different raw materials and fuel price increases, besides these when operating and staff salaries become good amount product price gets uncontrollable and business may lose its market for high price. Under these conditions implementing commission based model would be a bigger save for the manufacturing companies for the long term sustenance, in terms of price control. Commission based activities and fulltime urgent functionalities have to be separated to identify the weight of the assignment or the internal task. There are some sorts of activities which can be best performed upon task performance commission basis, instead of continuous salary whether there are sufficient need of particular skill or not. For example machine operator of the core item needs to be employed in salary bas is, but the market seller as well as product design and development research activities has to be commission based on specific amount to complete the task
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Information Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Information Management - Assignment Example Instead, the company's efforts should focus on other cultural matters. Coffee is a universal beverage. As such, almost every country has established its own coffee company. Expanding a coffee business, as in all types of enterprise, in a new location would mean giving due consideration to the inherent culture of that area. Understanding and talking the language is the first step to better comprehend the business environment of the locality. I believe that communication is one of the fundamentals of business. It took quite some time and research before Starbucks management made its final decision to open its first coffeehouse in Tokyo, Japan in August 1996. In 1995, Starbucks Coffee International forms joint venture with SAZABY Incorporated to develop Starbucks coffeehouses in Japan (Starbucks Japan, 2003). The partnership enabled Starbucks to be aware of the trading atmosphere in Japan, the attitude of Japanese towards work, and the locals' appreciation of sprouting foreign business in the area. Japanese can also be categorised among the educated businessmen in the world. Education and stock knowledge of future partners on business and technology have to be considered, particularly those coming from developing countries where e-learning is few steps behind from fully developed countries. The employees' outlook in work is vit... 3.2 Attitude The employees' outlook in work is vital. Workers of different nationality also vary in attitude towards their career. Stuart Duff, Head of Development at business psychologist firm Pearn Kandola, compared workers in Holland and the United Kingdom: "In the Netherlands research suggests that employees are more likely to seek long-term role security while in the UK employees will tend to look for more variety and changes in role through their career (Business Management Europe, 2006)." 3.3 Leadership Style Leadership styles also vary in some country. Gender matters in some member-countries of the European Union. Business Management Europe (2006) talked to Colin Meager, European Executive Committee member of Integra International. Meager says, "Certain EU countries have a more formal and rigid management structure and this can be exasperating to those who are used to more flexible and informal management systems." 3.4 Economy A country's economy is worth to be considered. Can the populace purchase our products Starbucks' target markets are the business class (traders and professionals) and the academe (teachers and students). These people abound in developed countries and going to a caf would be an ordinary routine. Whilst in developing countries like the Philippines, professionals as well as students from well-off families are excited to see international names among the cafes in the neighborhood. Turban, Rainer & Potter (2001, p. 4) wrote that in a global economy, "goods and services are produced profitable as dictated by competitive advantages that any nation might hold (e.g. expertise with certain technologies or low labor costs)." Labor costs differ from one country to another. Hourly Industrial Wages in Different Countries (in US
What Is a Worldview Essay Example for Free
What Is a Worldview Essay What is a Worldview? I would look at it as a view of the world, but the real meaning of worldview is it being a word that ecompasses a great deal of meaning, emotions, and potential consequences. In review a worldview is a persons philosiphy in life, a framework a person brings to decision-making, and a filter or lens which a person uses to interpret life and the world around them. Part II The question of Origin: How did life begin and how did mankind come into existece. The bible says In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth Genesis 1:1. Also Moses, the writer of Geesis under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; 2 Peter 1:21, identifies God as the first cause. The Psalmist, David declares that God is his creater (Psalm 139:13-16) The question of Identity: What does it mean to be a human? Are humans more important than animals? Psalms 8:5 and Genesis 2:15; Male and female were both created in the image of God and were given the responsibility to rule over the animals and to be their caretakers. Although the earth and animals are not to be worshipped, mankind is responsible to take care of Gods creation. The question of Meaning/Purpose: Why does mankind exist? Deuteronomy 11:13; Leviticus 19:18. Why do I exist? Man is to love the Lord and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul and to love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord. The question of Morality: What is meant by right and wrong? How should I live? Genesis 3; Exodus 20:6 As a result, mankind is in need of redemption. How this happens then differs between Judaism and Christianity. In Judaism, man is in a right relationship with God through good works. The question of Destiny: Is there life after death? What will happen to me when I die? Revelation 21:1-7; Revelation 20:11-15. Heaven and Hell are both literal places where people exist eternally either in the presence and blessings of God in Heaven or in a state of separation from God, being punished in Hell. The choice of receiving Christ as ones Savior or not making that choice while on this earth determines a persons eternal state. Part III 1. I would think about, speak to, and treat others on a daily basis as I would have known them a lifetime. I would talk to them as if God was in the room with us. I would also try to let the person know that there is a God and as a worldview point that believing in him and that the Lord died for our sins is the only way to get to Heaven and that its not false and a true statement. 2. In picking my future career, God will always come first. I am going for my bachelors in psychology now and I am hoping to work with married couples or divorced. I will always try to pray to God before each session to get me through and to guide me in the right direction to help these couples out. All in all God will always be in my life and he will guide me in my career as well. Citation: The book Consider by Dr Lew Weider and Dr Ben Gutierrez
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Challenges Faced by IKEA
Challenges Faced by IKEA IKEA is a house furnishing store that have been franchise store. IKEA was firstly opened in Sweden, the owner and franchiser of IKEA is from Netherlands and store in almost in 31 countries. Their business concept is We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. This source is adapted from IKEA provides catalogue and visiting store for customer so its very easy for customer to choose the furniture and pick it up from the self warehouse. Today customization and new product in market is very important due to customer demanding for more and consumer market is changing faster. (Cox and Alam 1998) IKEA has strong ideas in customizing its product to suit the tastes of local markets because IKEA does all the analysis before venture to other country markets. (Cox and Alam 1998). Initially IKEA was not interested in customizing their product but went enter us market IKEA faces customer indifferences so eventually IKEA decided to customize their product. The reason why today we are discussing about IKEA is because for the first time in history an ordinary furnishing retail shop have been franchise all over the world and become very famous among everyone. (Cox and Alam 1998). Due to that we are going to analysis about IKEAs product and promotion to know their secret of success. The typical IKEA customer is young and low to middle income family and in another word can say as that is IKEA target customer. Marketing mix is has 4 ps: place (distribution), promotion, price and product, three extended marketing mix are people, process and physical evidence. According to Philip Kotler (2006) marketing mix a modern marketing system. This concept helps marketers to market the product more systematically. (Armstrong and Kotler 2006). Product strategy begins from marketing mix. (Armstrong and Kotler 2006). Product is goods that a company wants to sell. (Armstrong and Kotler 2006) IKEA produce almost everything that people need for a home. (Armstrong and Kotler 2006). HISTORY OF IKEA The year IKEA was established in 1943 by Ingvar kamprad to sell, pens, wallets and so on. In year 1958, IKEA grew and was introduced as a leader of Swedish Furniture and started to produce local furniture by local manufacturers. Later creating furniture for flat packs and self-assembly to reduce storage space. IKEA slowly expanded their business by opening up kitchenware and restaurant. The largest furniture IKEA display was in Scandinavia and the first store to be open was in Almhult, Sweden. From there IKEA develeoped by opening more stores in other countries such as Germany, Norway and so forth. The advantages of IKEA selling the product in other countries: less-expensive so customer will afford to buy the product according to the country they are located. There are 279 IKEA stores all over the world and IKEA is store in 36 countries. In 279 stores, IKEA group owns 247 stores in 24 countries and the rest is managed by franchise in 16 countries. In Asia IKEA groups only two stores they are located at Japan and China. The first country that IKEA considered to enter was Japan. Because of differences in mentality, culture, lifestyle, behavior and so on, IKEA faceed failure in Japan. In 1986 IKEA needed to shut down their store in Japan because of failure, they re-entered the market again after two years and opened 3 stores in Japan. The second country that IKEA decided to enter in Asia was China. Almost 6 stores had been opened in China and IKEA decided to open more in the future. IKEA provides abundant resources, cheap labor and invest in China market because to comfort for its investment. Due to bureaucracy system there are some challenges IKEA faces, high tax and so on. IKEA also creates an enterprise myth and become biggest furniture retail in world. Even though Japan and china located in Asia but Japan have unique characteristics. Since Japan needs an adaptation IKEA entered twice in Japanese market in order to establish their market. CORE OBJECTIVES, GOALS AND VISION OF IKEA IKEAs main objective is to invest and expand their business while maximize profit in return. IKEA also ensure that catalogue is distribute to the targeted people, so that they can become IKEA customer in terms of demographic attributes and they might travel to the store. The IKEAs vision is to create everyday life for many people everyday life for the many people. IKEAs goal is to produce or offer a wide range of well designed product, functional home furnishing product, interior and so on in a low price so many people will be afford to buy their products. On top of that IKEA trying level best to build up a good relationship with the customer and come up with funny strategy to attract customer. Basically IKEAs concept is to sell good product in a low price. Challenges faced by IKEA in international environment Furniture from Sweden is sold in the USA is relatively higher even though the price of Sweden drop every year so IKEA is finding a solution for it, shipping from Europe to other country takes around 1 to 2 months and shipping cost is expensive. Countries like Japan IKEA have to customize the product and packaging according to their taste because previously when IKEA come up with standardization IKEA fails so to overcome this they now maintaining standardization, economy concern by rising living costs and depleting disposable income its a treat on performance of the IKEA business in u.k and u.s.a market specifically. By expand their business abroad IKEA has increase competition for international business and lot of competitor so IKEA had customize and standardize their product to attract the customer but the same IKEA also have to learnt other country market in order to compete wit them. IKEA business is successful in Europe, but it has met lots of challenges in the Chinese market. After 8 years entering into Chinese market, it has opened only 4 shops, and the sales portion in the Chinese market is less than 10% of its outlets. IKEA has been encountered in lot of problems when entering into the market especially developing countries. Product The product is anything that satisfies our want or need and product that can be marketed is including physical goods, services and so on. (Philip Kotler). The product decision also included aspects such as delivery arrangement financing warehousing and things that useful for people. (Philip Kotler) According to IKEA management they did not did any differentiations in their product ranges and way they conduct when going international especially on French and Chinese market. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) .Product in Swedish and France, there is no major differences between products. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications)In a research the author found out that all of those products were same for example kitchen and dining room, living room, bedroom, the house organization, decoration, lighting, and so forth. Comparing catalogues in different countries the catalogues was almost same and only two dissimilarities was found is: The French catalogue offers cupboards is much more variety of size than Swedish catalogue. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) The French catalogue presents wider range of available to purchase mattresses. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) The Chinese catalogues have been divided into 5 categories in order to increase purchase and increase number of localized product in Chinese market. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005) It is it is obvious that localized product is more in Chinese market for example kitchen wares as chopsticks, Chinese textile and so on. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) Product range is wider in china compare to Sweden and France, during any festival or special occasions IKEA introduce new product in china. (Thrane Carlsen, 2005) IKEA keeps flat packaging strategy and democratic design (function + design + low price = democratic design) strategy on market every market. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) The product line of IKEA has been considered in every situation as the IKEA identify and also the product concept is given IOS which means IKEA of Sweden. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). All the product of IKEA which have been selling all over the world is conformed to the European Union (eu) and national norms in order to maintain the quality standard. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) IKEA with Skanska offer not only product but apartment and furnished by IKEA products. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). IKEA sells most the product with the same standards because management and communication models wants to expand the same image of Sweden to worldwide. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). IKEA has to introduce much more localized products into the Chinese market and reduce the price because its relatively higher than domestic furniture products in China. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) .Due to Chinese market are relatively low cultural content and much more dimensions so more localized products are introduced to the Chinese market. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) When IKEA sells product to the French market, they must be very careful because French people has high taste of art, and take serious consideration of product design, color shade and so on. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). IKEA until t oday could maintain their product standard because they manufacture and produce their own product. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) IKEA only picks good timber in order to produce furniture and pick the best raw material to produce product and also can say as this is the secret of IKEA product. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) PROMOTION The function of promotion is to attract customer behavior in order to close the deal or sale. (Neil H.Bordens).The way to promote is trough advertisement, sales promotion, public promotion and etc. (Neil H.Bordens).IKEA does not spend that much in promotion but yet they try to use all the time different communication forms to advertise and promote their furniture and so on. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). Apart from that maybe can find media advertising via television and internet, IKEA catalogue advertisement, like IKEA bedroom-car riding all over USA or big square and so on. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). The brand IKEA is kept on three markets as every product is sold under IKEA brand, the registered trademark at the world dimension. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). This brand appears in every product and packaging. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). In china IKEA first time used media to make promotion by playing 8-minute TV show. (Thrane Carlsen, 2005). All IKEA products could be viewed in catalog or website but must purchase in the store, for Chinese customer furniture are directly delivered to home for free. (Thrane Carlsen, 2005) Basically IKEA come with this catalogue and so on is for family-orientation and IKEAs policy of comfortable home. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). IKEA have come up with different design of catalogue in different country according to their lifestyle and environment and so on. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).IKEA has completely different way of communicate with its customer. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).IKEA Mostly advertises in website and present not only furniture but also involvement latest design of computer science that they have used to attract the customer. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).IKEA has undertaken a few adaptations in its product design and sales promotions with different focus according to the feature of target market. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). IKEA give a feeling that IKEAs is very close to the cu stomer, because they have trained the staff in that way to maintain a very good relationship with the customer. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). By doing this IKEA thinks that is one of the effective ways of marketing and to promote their product to customer. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). Price Price means the pricing strategy that be used for a product or service. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). The pricing decision should be taken into account profit margin and probable pricing response of competitor in order to compete with them. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications) The pricing is not only list price but also include discounts, financing and others. Price is one of the most important issues in the process of coming up with ideas, distributing and manufacturing products, designing and so forth. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). All the company keeps its strategy of prices by offering wide range of products with stylish design, good quality with reasonable price so people can afford to buy it.usuniers argument is about the culture influence on pricing is a bit weak. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).IKEAs pricing policy is cost oriented as well as customer value oriented but its not necessarily culture based. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).Despite, china situation is not stable due to economical conditions but they seem to be better and better. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005).IKEA try to maintain the prices all over its shop and mostly succeed but not always those following are IKEAs objective for providing furniture in a lower price in different markets: (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005) Learn different elements of the production cost for example color of mugs. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005) Find cheap techniques of production or cheaper manufacturers for example in China. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005) Rduce additional cost in the production, the transport and the management, for example to pack products in flat packages. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005). Long-term orientation is one of the core Chinese cultures people are very concern about the quality and price, so IKEA have to come up with reasonable price in Chinese market. (Bjà ¶rk, 2000, Lewis, 2005) However price is not a problem in Europe, as IKEAs product is always of good quality and lower price, so IKEA focus more on sales promotion to gain the market share in Europe. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications).IKEA designers, manufactures and purchasers still spending most of their days to find a solution to low the price of IKEA product and they wants customer to buy high value product in a cheap price. (E. Lewis; Cyan Communications). CONCLUSION IKEA have franchise their market and also was successful in overseas. In fact IKEA have failed initially before they made it in Japan especially. IKEA have to come up with more strategy and try to venture in more business. They also should open up more IKEAs in overseas and maximize the promotion in order to reach the target customer. Before open up a business IKEA should analysis the country market whether adaption or standardization to be applied in the particular country so that the company will never face failure. From the analysis, it shows that IKEA has strong relationship of network structure, large number and customer in worldwide to internationalize. Actually in a market survey on target customer everyone says that no any command on IKEAs product because their quality of product is very good and worth of buying it and also last for many years. IKEA products are affected in abroad market because of cultural factors and political factors. For example Japan people doesnt like i nternational product and got to customize the product. Political factors are affected like there is some barriers in some countries that standardization packaging is not allowed and they have change the packagings due to this IKEA have to spend allowed. RECOMMENDATION IKEA have to always pre-planned and alert with market situation and move forward in order to ovoid unnecessary cost. They have to come with a strong strategy so that other competitor can beat up their market. IKEA is very confident that their quality of product is very good and competitors cannot compete with but IKEA but mustnt be like that because nowadays cant predict or underestimate about competitor. IKEA always must be ready to face consequence or either successful. IKEA also should promote more their product and organize lot of event in order to make the brand more popular among people. IKEA must give lot of sponsor of charity, sports and all in order to attract customer. The best ways in distribute flyers, article and so on about IKEA products and how good quality products they are using for example.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Developing Cultural Competence in Nursing
Developing Cultural Competence in Nursing Christopher Mason Cultural Interview with Patrick de Mendoza The culture in which we are raised greatly influences our attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors. Our families taught us how to believe about and treat people who were different than we are. In order to provide sensitive and effective care to persons from cultures that are different from our own, two things must occur: An awareness of one’s own cultural values and beliefs and a recognition of how they influence our attitudes and behaviors. An understanding of the cultural beliefs and values of others and how they are influenced by them (Wintz Cooper, 2009, p. 7). I interviewed Patrick de Mendoza, a 37 year old Mexican-American male. My intentions in conducting this interview were to learn more about how a person from the Hispanic heritage experiences health care in the United States compared to someone of the Caucasian background. Patrick and I are close friends with similar interests. I never saw him as Hispanic, only as American. I never considered us to be very different. The fact is, he is of Mexican and Spanish decent and I am of European and Native American decent. While we have similar ideas on our outlooks to the future, there are differences in the way we were raised and the views we were taught to believe. This article will compare and contrast our views of and encounters with healthcare. When asked about how closely he identified with his ethnic background, he stated, â€Å"90% of my friends are Mexican, as in either 1st or 2nd generation Mexican-American. There is an importance placed on how far away generationally we are from having lived in Mexico. First generation means both parents are full-blooded Mexican. I am 2nd generation.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Even though Patrick has been raised in the U.S., his upbringing was based on Mexican traditions. In his home English and Spanish are spoken. He doesn’t speak Spanish fluently and is more comfortable speaking English. He says regarding personal space and dialogue, â€Å"there is very small personal space and dialogue can go to the male or female. However, you have to jump in and speak if you want to be heard. Typically the Spanish dialogue is very energetic.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) As a Hispanic, Patrick was raised Roman Cat holic. He was taught to not only respect his elders, but to pitch in and help wherever he could to help his family and community. When asked what his culture believed about health, Patrick said that most Mexicans in the United States get what they need when they are sick by crossing the border back to their family or physicians their family knows and uses in Mexico. â€Å"I have a jaded opinion of the American healthcare system knowing that I can get the drugs or treatment I need faster and cheaper in Mexico.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick says, â€Å"I personally have a bias against the old school white male clinician that I am likely to see during a doctor visit. It is more textbook question after question and less inviting.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Having said that, he did explain that in Mexico you a more likely to see a physician who is more involved and interested in what will make you feel b etter. Funny enough, Patrick laughed and said, â€Å"That’s real too!†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) When I asked Patrick if he would prefer to have a physician from his culture, he said, he would probably be more open with someone from his culture. However, if not, he would hope to see a qualified physician to whom he could relate. On a more positive note, Patrick told me that in the Latin culture mental illness such as schizophrenia and Down syndrome are not looked down upon but instead are accepted by the family and the community. â€Å"You come together as a community to provide whatever they need and to offer support for not just the mentally ill but also for the physically ill, grieving, and the indigent.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) I asked Patrick what role his culture and religion played in his up-bringing. In a very earnest response, he replied, â€Å"I think in Mexican heritage we really val ue family life.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Society did not dictate how he was disciplined even though the Mexican population is Roman Catholic as a culture. When I asked him about his own health, he replied that he becomes quite overwhelmed with the stress of being a pre-school teacher. He added, how a person carries their stress determines how healthy or sickly they may be. Patrick felt he could be healthier and that he could better his own situation using diet, exercise, and stress management. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine recognized that an increasing number of studies focusing on disparities in healthcare validated the view of racial and ethnic minorities as credible assessments. For example the biased views often held by Mexican-Americans toward their physician have a true influence on the patient as well as the physician. While the patient questions competency and may disrespect the physician because he is culturally different and not of the same ethnicity, conversely the physician’s perspective is often influenced by the patient’s avoidance of treatment and difficulty in communication (Blendon et al., 2007). In my interview with Patrick he reinforced this point by saying, â€Å"The relationship you have with a physician or nurse determines the types of questions they are free to ask and how freely you will answer them.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Very personal questions, sexual in nature or concerning abortion are purposefully not answered if a patient assesses the physician as not caring or trust worthy. Trying to get answers out of him as a patient would be very taxing for a physician with whom he felt no bond or trust, even to the detriment of his health. Latin heritage is structured with a religious upbringing of Roman Catholicism that deters conversations concerning contraception and abortion. Abortion is a religious belief not a physician’s advice or a recommendation of a healthcare practitioner. A first visit is very different and although Patrick says he would probably be very reserved, he would give that physician the opportunity to build a trusting relationship. With his healthcare experiences at Kaiser Permanente, in particular, he has had no continuity of care and has received most of his treatment from nurses and nurse practitioners. Exasperated, Patrick commented, â€Å"I am likely to see a physician for about 5 seconds, if at all.†(P. de Mendoza, personal com munication, February 20, 2014) Again he repeated, â€Å"†¦ and that’s real too!†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Contrary to most Mexican-Americans, Non-Hispanic whites in the United States are in some ways more compelled by logic than culture when sick and dealing with healthcare. As far back in time as I can remember, if I became ill my mother either called the doctor or took me to the doctor’s office for a visit. I believe in western medicine, but my physician spoke the same language I did and I had health insurance that helped to pay for services. Rationally, it makes sense to go to the person who has the knowledge to solve the problem you are having. If you are having car trouble you go to the auto-mechanic. If you are having issues with your roof leaking, you call the roofer. If you are having complications within your body, you call the person who knows the most about the human body. Traditionally, for Caucasians in America whose grandparents’ grandparents were U.S. settlers, that person is a physician. Whether for a slight cold or a broken limb, I saw the doctor. I never had any problems getting an appointment because I never really had to have one. I very simply went to the office and signed in. Usually there was somewhat of a wait, but the time was well worth the medical resolution. I saw the same physician my father always had. When he retired his son took over his practice and he is still my physician today. â€Å"Since our hospitals were built by European Americans for European Americans, their values such as autonomy, independence, and privacy prevail in our institutions. Patients who have immigrated†¦ often value the family over the individual or view the male head of household as the decision maker for the patient†(Galanti, 2001). The hospital staff maintains that patients should want to gain their independence as a part of a healthy outcome (Galanti, 2001). Health outcomes are certainly affected by socio-economic advantage and cultural non-minorities benefit from higher rates of employment, acquisition of insurance, as well as choice and quality of health services. Mental health is another area where Mexican-Americans and Non-Hispanic whites differ. Both populations seem to have contrasting ideas about the causation of psychiatric illness which affect the roles family members play in treatment and recovery. The Hispanic culture is accepting of the person regardless of the ailment. The Mexican perspective accepts and expresses less blame, embarrassment and stigmatization than what I have personally witnessed in my own culture. I had an uncle who was an alcoholic. In the community and in the family people expressed a common feeling of disgust for him. My brothers and I were always told, â€Å"Stay away from Paul, he drinks too much.†Whether a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome or complication from drug use during pregnancy, the child is accepted with open arms and warmth. Patrick proudly stated, â€Å"The family and community comes together as one to pitch in and help those who suffer from perhaps schizophrenia or alcoholism. It is a cultural fundament to actively participate and help.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick’s mother suffers from schizophrenia. He says, â€Å"Every one of all ages is expected to chip in and make sure the person suffering is not left behind to suffer alone.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick continued with high spirits telling me that Latin America is very conversational rather than a more reserved culture where some things are not discussed. â€Å"There is a comfort in everyone chiming in; no one is labeled or shunned because they share a different opinion from the rest of the group. We are an open forum.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Culture and ethnicity create a unique pattern of beliefs and perceptions as to what â€Å"health†or â€Å"illness†actually mean. In turn, this pattern of beliefs influences how symptoms are recognized, to what they are attributed and how they are interpreted, and effects how and when health services are sought. (Anderson, Scrimshaw, Fullilove, Fielding, Normand, 2003, p. 68) Utilization or lack thereof is not always due to an absence of medical facilities or health insurance. Sometimes there isn’t a language barrier that keeps someone from having a conversation with a healthcare practitioner. Even as there is a growing population of medical professionals of the Hispanic ethnicity as well as other minorities, generally most Mexican-Americans expect their primary practitioner to be an older white male. In Patrick’s view, this acts as a deterrent to the United States healthcare system for most Mexican-Americans. While Patrick’s idea of the physician’s ethnicity may inhibit most of his Mexican-American friends; this is an image of a provider that I am used to. As bravado as Patrick’s culture is, for 8 of 9 of his closest friends the head of the family is the grand-ma, abuelita. â€Å"We often take the opinion of our elders, grand-mother or uncle who you know are on your side.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) At this point Patrick has an HMO. He says, â€Å"Doctors are not advocating for me.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) If he sought a physician’s advice, the recommendation always comes from family and friends. Longstanding in Mexican culture, many tend to go over the boarder to have procedures performed. Patrick said, â€Å"I don’t know if it is of the same quality as U.S. healthcare, but unless you have a really good job with excellent insurance coverage and a strong bond with your physician, then you trust the people your family go to when they are sick.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Shocking to me, he added, â€Å"I have friends that are in the military with great healthcare, but they still go to Mexico to get procedures they need because their families went there.†(P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) The Clinical Nurse Leader character was formed by the AACN in 2006 to afford headship across all aspects of our health care organization (Shipman, Stanton, Hankins, Odom-Bartel, 2013). Patrick felt that miscommunication and a lack of cultural understanding leads to mistrust. He said, The more you trust a doctor the better relationship you have and the more inclined you are to talk about your personal issues and relationships. When I’m referring to going over the border, I’m speaking of seeing the family doctor. It does say a lot to have a family doctor because you have a history with someone who can identify with your beliefs (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014). As a Clinical Nurse Leader, we are responsible for advocating for the patient and for fostering communication between patients, their families or care takers and nurses and physicians alike. The involvement of a CNL in patient treatment could soon be as prevalent in health care facilities as physician assistants and nurse practitioners are now. CNLs could put programs in place for retaining and recruiting diverse staff. This would provide a deeper well of knowledge of beliefs and practices from many cultures not just one or two. Another obligation of all practitioners and specifically Nurse Leaders is to ensure that educational materials are available that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for each clients’ cultural history. Our patients should feel as though their Clinical Nurse Leaders have given them the tools to actively be involved in their own health treatment. These are basic cultural competencies that, when implemented, further the cultural riches within he alth facilities already available to diverse communities. A Clinical Nurse Leader, having specific training in cultural awareness, will hopefully creatively lessen communication barriers, facilitate the integration of larger knowledge bases of ethnic health beliefs, as well as better conditions and practices. To provide an equal quality of healthcare to everyone hardly means treating all patients the same. In order to give optimal health care to everyone, all professionals must consider humanity’s many differences, attempt to know each client, and tailor treatment to the individual. We could also work with area providers in sensitivity training helping them to become aware of their beliefs that work to marginalize other ethnicities. (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 72) I hope that these accomplishments and goals toward quality of care are realized in the near future. It is senseless for a country as advanced as the United States is to have such a miraculous body of medical and biologic knowledge, if we fail to use that information to optimize the health situations of all the people that make-up our society. Patrick felt his health was not at its best due to the amount of stress he experiences. He felt his health could be transformed by more positive thinking, setting realistic goals, eating better, and exercising. As Clinical Nurse Leaders, we should be promoting inter-professional team care and embracing not an alternative system, but a complimentary treatment approach to the patient as a whole. References Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fullilove, M. T., Fielding, J. .E., Normand, J., (2003). Culturally competent healthcare systems: a systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 24(3), 68–79. doi: 10.1016/S0749-3797(02)00657-8 Blendon, R. J., Buhr, T., Cassidy, E. F., Perez, D. J., Hunt, K. A., Fleischfresser, C., . . . Herrmann, M. J. (2007). Disparities In Health: Perspectives Of A Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial America. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.26.5.1437 Galanti, G. A. (2001). The challenge of serving and working with diverse populations in American hospitals. Diversity Factor, 9(3), 21-26. Shipman, S., Stanton, M., Hankins, J., Odom-Bartel, R. (2013). INCORPORATION OF THE CLINICAL NURSE LEADER IN PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(1), 4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.04.004
Monday, August 19, 2019
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Essay -- Muscle Disorder Psuedohypertrophi
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, also known as psuedohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, is a typical sex-linked disorder in which the muscles degenerate throughout a person's life. It literally means "faulty nutrition of the muscles." Muscular Dystrophy has no cures, and this particular type of muscular dystrophy affects only males. One in 3,500 baby boys are born with this disorder and survival is rare beyond the early 30s, death is usually caused by a respiratory disease. ( Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is named after the French neurologist, Guillaume B. A. Duchenne, who lived from 1806 to 1875. In 1861 he became the first person to describe the disorder. In 1951 Elizabeth Shull Russell, an American geneticist, accidentally observed Duchenne's muscular dystrophy in a colony of mice with which she was working. Over a number of years she discovered that muscular dystrophy was a sex linked trait contained on the x-chromosome. (Narins, 798.) Sex-linked disorders only affect males and are passed down through female carriers. A boy inherits the disorder when he receives an X chromosome with a mutated dystrophin gene (the genetic cause) from his mother. The dystrophin gene is the largest gene found in nature and was identified through a positional cloning approach. It's a highly complex gene, a large rod-like cytoskeletal protein which is found at the inner surface of muscle fibers. ( Three different tests are used to determine if a male has Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. A CPK (also known as a CK) assay will detect muscle damage, but not the source. CPK is an abbreviation for Creatine Kinase Assay, which is essentially a blood test. Muscle biopsies are also common, a needle is inserted... ...nerated and replaced by fat. Recently, specific compounds in the oil have been identified, they produce regeneration that is even more amazing than that produced by the oil itself. (Gerras, 1056) This form of MD is normally appears in males, but there are a few extremely rare cases where it has appeared in females. Most of the statistics found only dealt with Duchenne muscular dystrophy in the U.S., so it is assumed that the disorder is more prominent in the United States. Also, there was no evidence that it affected any race more than another. ( Concluding, Duchenne?s muscular dystrophy is an excellent example of a sex-linked disease. Unfortunately, there is no cure but research is being used to find more effective treatments. Most deaths caused by the disorder aren?t directly due to the muscles, but due to a respiratory disease or disorder.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Urban Legend of Glenn Dale Hospital :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends
Glenn Dale Hospital Background Over the recent break, I mentioned to a friend that I needed to write about a ghost-related urban legend. He offered to tell me about Glenn Dale Hospital, which is supposedly a famous ghost legend in Maryland. Since I am a lifelong Maryland resident and did not know about the hospital, I was eager to hear the story. The story was told in the living room of a house by a 19 year old white male native to southern Maryland. He is from a middle class family and his father and mother are a construction worker and a homemaker, respectively. He heard the story from another friend who claims to have visited Glenn Dale Hospital. The Story So, in the 30s and 40s they used to send tuberculosis patients to the [Glenn Dale] hospital for treatment. [normal relaxed tone] Eventually it was converted into an insane asylum and it became notorious for its treatment of patients. The staff experimented on the patients and locked them up all day. One day, all the patients revolted and the doctors ran out of the hospital and boarded up all the doors and windows. [talking faster] The patients were left inside to die and the hospital was abandoned. The insane still wander the halls. Today, if you sneak in the hospital you will be chased by the ghosts of the patients and catch tuberculosis. My friend went there and swears he saw a ghost watching him from the shadows, and he won’t go near that place anymore [gestures with hand in horizontal motion]. The cops arrest anyone they catch trespassing, but they say the cops won’t go in the hospital after you if you need help.†Context There is evidence to support some of this story. According to a Washington Post article from December 10, 2006, Glenn Dale Hospital does exist on over 200 acres in Prince George’s County, Maryland. In fact, it did house tuberculosis patients starting in the mid-thirties. However, that is essentially all the truth in the story. The article states, â€Å"It [Glen Dale Hospital] was never an insane asylum, as urban explorers and paranormal researchers suggest on the internet.†Since it was never an asylum, the idea of a revolt and the insane wandering the halls must not be true. Since tuberculosis does not last for decades without human hosts, it is impossible to catch the disease just by exploring the hospital.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Todd Gitlin Summary on Media
Todd Gitlin is a notable author born in New York City. He attended the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a PhD in sociology and was heavily involved in the Students for a Democratic Society group. Gitlin is now a professor at New York University where he teaches culture, journalism, and sociology. Gitlin’s selection, Supersaturation, or, The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling, comes from his book Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives (2001). In this selection, Gitlin describes how private lives and domestic spaces have evolved from the seventeenth-century until now. He feels as though our once private households are now dominated by other worldly things in the form of media. There are many ideas in Todd Gitlin’s writings that support his view of our media influenced world, two of which, are the ideas of â€Å"supersaturation†and â€Å"disposable feeling. †According to dictionary. com the definition of supersaturation is â€Å"to increase the concentration of (a solution) beyond saturation. Gitlin uses the word â€Å"supersaturation†to describe the way today’s world has completely absorbed the media and its relations. Society has become immersed in the gossip and images displayed by the media. The lines between living space and working space are no longer as distinct as they used to be. Gitlin states that, â€Å"the outside world has entered the home with vengeance – in the profusion of media†(Gitlin 558). Relating to this same concept, Gitlin uses the idea of â€Å"disposable feeling†to explain the way people of today are able to move from one worldly image to the next, one piece of gossip to another, with no concern. We are able to shrug them off and come back to them later if we choose to do so. In some of Gitlin’s research, he refers to the writings of analyst Raymond Williams who states, â€Å"What we have now is drama as habitual experience, more in a week, in many cases, than most human beings would previously have seen in a lifetime†(Gitlin 559). We have become immune to true feelings for individual images and stories, and thrive on the idea of the next gossip that will follow. In this selection of the book, Gitlin discusses a seventeenth-century Dutch painter by the name of Vermeer. Vermeer was known for being able to†fr[ee]ze instants, but instants that spoke of the relative constancy of the world in which his subjects lived†(Gitlin 558). People collected Vermeer’s paintings for display throughout their homes. Gitlin sees Vermeer as the seventeenth-century version of the media. In that time, the images painted were relative to the people’s era and private world. In today’s world Vermeer would be the equivalent to a celebrity photographer or movie director. If Vermeer, or any other artist of his time, were to see today’s households, they would find that the once private space inside the home is now much more dominated by images of the outside world than what would have been possible in the 1600’s. As mentioned in Gitlin’s research, statistics show that, â€Å" ‘watching TV is the dominant leisure activity of Americans, consuming 40 percent of the average person’s free time as a primary activity [when people give television there undivided attention]’ †(Gitlin 560). Even the wealthier parts of poor worlds have access to some sort of media. It would take someone from a third world country to be stunned by the fact that our lives are constantly portrayed through television, radio, internet and other forms of media. People of today come in contact with more â€Å"information†in a single day than any one person of Vermeer’s time could have ever imagined. The media surrounds our world in every aspect of society. Gitlin notes in his writings that the statistics referenced â€Å"don’t take into account the billboards, the TV’s at bars and on planes, the Muzak in restaurants and shops . . . nd logos whizzing by on the sides of buses and taxis, climbing the walls of buildings, making announcements from caps, bags, T-shirts, and sneakers†(Gitlin 563). Thanks to all of the latest technology and communication systems people are able to connect to the outside world whenever we like. In Gitlin’s conclusion he goes on to explain that our personal opinion is no longer important to the world. People of our time are followers rather than leaders, and are consistently being sucked in to how the media says we should live our lives. Gitlin feels that the way we live our lives, â€Å"or spend it,†(563) determines who we are. Our lives have become completely consumed with technology and the latest electronics. Gitlin argues that even in our most private times we cannot bring ourselves to stay clear of the media. â€Å"[Our] life experience has become an experience in the presence of media†(Gitlin 563). In seventeenth-century time this degree of media dependence would be unthinkable. Earls View In my reading of Todd Gitlin’s Supersaturation, or, the Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling, I have come to the conclusion that I agree with Gitlin on the matter of an overwhelming media presence in today’s world. The media has become such a large influence on everything on society. From TV, internet, and cell phones to billboards, magazines, and newspapers, it has become nearly impossible to be media free. Going along with Gitlin’s opinion on the subject, I agree that even in our seemingly private home lives, we continue to depend on media and other electronic entertainment. In this day and age people are constantly fixated with staying connected with the outside world through the media using smart phones, emails, news, social networks and sports. As technology continues to advance we become consumed with the idea of having the latest and the best gadgets to keep us linked to media at all times. These gadgets have become part of our daily routine to check on society. People feel lost when they can’t check there emails or their status on Facebook. Dinner in a home used to be eating at the dining room table and having conversations about your day but has now become sitting in the living room and watching TV. Even children have been affected by this media trend. They watch more TV than reading books. There are TV shows to help them learn rather than reading books for math, science and English. It is clear that the world is being dominated by media. The world has evolved in to a smart, fast pace place where we have to know everything that goes on, not just where we live and what’s going on in our lives but the entire world as well. We spend all our money on top of the line, expensive electronics to keep up to date with media and worldly news * Technology continues to advance (walkman mp3 players, tapes blue ray) * Constantly fixated on staying â€Å"connected†to the outside world (using smart phones to check email, news, sports) * Has become part of daily routine to check for updates in society * Even watch tv whil e eating family meals, tv’s in restaurants, portable computers, ect * Faster growing demand for careers in technology fields
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mid Term Essay
Chapter 1 1. If software does not wear out, why does it deteriorate (1.4) 2. Is software engineering applicable when web applications are built? If so how it can be modified to accommodate unique characteristics of web apps. (1.7) 3. Develop a software failure scenario (Dooms Day) which could do great harm to humans. (1.8) 4. Describe a process framework in your own words. Is framework activities is applied to all projects regardless of size and complexity? (1.9) 5. Do Umbrella activities occur evenly across all processes or some concentrated in one or more frame work activities. (1.10) Chapter 2 1. Provide three examples of Software projects that would be amenable to the waterfall model. Be specific. 2. Is there ever a case when the generic activities of the software engineering process do not apply? If so, describe it. 3. Is it possible to combine process models? If so, provide an example. 4. Discuss the meaning of â€Å"crosscutting concerns†in your own words as the phrase applies to aspect-oriented programming (AOP). 5. What is the difference between a Unified Process (UP) phase and UP workflow? Chapter 3 1. Describe agility (for software projects) in your own words. 2. Try to come up with one more â€Å"agile principle†that would help a software team become even more maneuverable. 3. Describe the XP concepts of refactoring and pair programming in your own words. 4. Using the FDD feature template (from section 3.5.5), define a feature set for an E-Mail client. Now develop a set of features for the feature set. 5. What activities are addressed during each iteration of the agile unified process?
Irony in ‘a Gospel According to Mark’
Irony in ‘A Gospel according to Mark’ How would you feel accepting somebody into your family and allowing them to preach to you when they are not a religious believer themselves? As we learn more in Jorge Luis Borges story ‘The Gospel according to Mark’ we find a unique message that there exists some greater power in the universe that punishes those that do preach what they do not believe. Borges uses irony in a setting to realize the importance of knowing what you teach and the potential, yet extreme dangers of not doing so.In 1914 his family moved to Switzerland, where he studied at the College de Geneve. The family travelled widely in Europe, including stays in Spain. On his return to Argentina in 1921, Borges began publishing his poems and essays in surrealist literary journals. His work was translated and published widely in the United States and in Europe. Borges himself was fluent in several languages. Borges dedicated his final work, Los Conjurados ( The Conspirators), to the city of Geneva, Switzerland, and it was there, in 1986, that he chose to die (para 2).Early in the story we get an idea for the character of Espinosa. Borges says â€Å"We may describe him for now as no different to any of the many young men of Buenos Aires, with no particular traits worthy of note other than an almost unlimited kindness and an oratorical faculty that had earned him several prizes from the English school in Ramos Mejia†(186). Espinosa is introduced as a skilled speaker, non-confrontational, who is thirty-three years old. Borges describes him as having â€Å"no traits worthier of note than the gift for public speaking†¦ e didn't like to argue†(186). Jesus was renowned for his powerful sermons, peaceful nature, and most of the information available about him starts when he is in his thirties. However, the similarities in personality end there, because unlike Jesus, Espinosa is a freethinker, at least in name, who prefers city living. As we get deeper into the story ’A gospel according to mark’ Borges continually relates stories and similarity’s in the events that leave a clear indication of Jesus and the Bible.Borges tells the readers ,Espinosa is â€Å"thirty-three†with â€Å"an almost unlimited kindness and a capacity for public speaking,†(187) making him comparable to Christ at the age of His Crucifixion, who had gained followers with his kindness and charisma. Also, Espinosa, who is stranded indoors with the Gutres family after a large flood that is reminiscent of the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark. Espinosa is once more comparable to Christ when he cures a pet goat with â€Å"pills,†an act which resembles magic to the rural family.By creating this resemblance to Jesus, Borges manages to keep us thinking how good Espinosa is being towards the Gutres and therefore doesn’t give us an opportunity to think of the events that later take place . This is all a part of creating the Irony of the story. Borges uses irony to create and intriguing story. As we are becoming more familiar with the story and the character of Espinosa we believe things are moving smoothly between him and the Gutres family. This shows when Borges characterizes the Gutres as Christ’s followers and writes, â€Å"as if lost without [Espinosa,] liked following him from room to room†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (186).From this we can see how they have become almost reliant on Espinosa and how much of an impact he has had on them. This is where we start to learn the key irony of the story. Espinosa is not religious and only prays before bed because of a promise he had made to his mother. This is ironic in itself as it makes the Christ figure of the story not religious, causing the reader to believe it strange later when Espinosa begins to read to the Gutres from the Bible. Borges sets the scene later for the even greater irony than to be expected.As readers we e xpect Espinosa to die of a metaphorical crucifixion, we are taken back to how precise the death of Christ is. The Gutres take the story seriously and don’t see it as the story it is but as if it is orders from their Christ figure. When they later on crucify their Christ, this reveals the greater irony of the story which is the man who calls himself a â€Å"free thinker†(187) and is almost ignorant towards religion is actually seen as the Christ figure essentially leading himself and instructing his own death by the Gutres.The lesson that is opened to Espinosa’s eyes at the end of the story as he realizes what is happening is also one taught to the reader. Both Espinosa and the reader realize, through the ironic situations of the story, the importance of knowing what you teach and the potential, yet extreme, dangers of not doing so. Works Cited Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto & William E. Cain. eds. An Introduction to Literature. 16th ed. New York: Pearson, 2011. Print Last name, initial of first name. Title of the article in italics. 24 Feb 2013. Date published. Placed it was published. Web. URL.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Sugar And Children
Hypothesis – The more sugar that a child consumes, the less attentive the child will be. If too much sugar is consumed the child may become very active for a short time then crash. ï‚ ·Independent Variable – In safe dosses increase the amount of sugar the children consume in a given time period before having them take a short test to track their attention. ï‚ ·Dependent Variable – Have each of the children take a short test to determine how their attention was affected with each dosage of sugar. ï‚ ·Confounding Variable – List any and all affects that may not be a result of the sugar consumption.Survey Methodï‚ ·Random Sample – Allow at random a few different children from the population of children to take part in the survey. If you must recruit children for the survey then do it in a manner that will get an average of the complete population of children. Such as selecting a child from every five children alphabetically.ï‚ ·Biasing à ¢â‚¬â€œ Avoid asking questions that forces the children to fit your preconceived notion or interpretation. Do not use questions such as: Do you not feel that too much sugar causes you to lose concentration or your attention when taking a test. Instead reword it like this: How do you feel that the consumption of sugar affects your attention when taking a test. Set up questions to obtain the child’s grade and their preferences of sweets like how many and what product they consume. Compare and ContrastBoth Methods offer valuable insight to our original question. Survey Method will allow you to effectively gain data at a much faster pace. Experimental Method allows for a controlled environment and establishes a cause and effect from your experiment. While the Survey Method is a very fast way to gain insight, it is sometimes hard to refrain from showing bias in your questioning especially if an outcome is already interpreted. It is also hard to guarantee a true average of the tota l population of children when doing the Survey Method. In my opinion the Experimental Method is clearly the better choice for it establishes the extent of which sugar consumption affects the child’s attention and is done in a controlled environment.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness Essay
Correctional Policies Introduction            Correctional policies are the mechanisms put in place to act as rehabilitative guides on offenders and criminals. Based on the restorative theory of justice, several policies are developed to act as guide for administration of justice to all. Restorative principles strive to renew personal damages and communal relationships. Victims are the point of focus and the major goal is to heal and renew the personal well-being and retain the offender’s dignity and trust in the community (Furio, 2007). For instance, victims and offenders participation should be based on voluntary free and informed consent. They must be offered a comprehensible explanation about the process, what is likely to occur because of their participation and the condition at which the free consent may be withdrawn.            The participants in a case must accept the essential truth of the offence and admit the responsibility arising from the offence (Furio, 2007). Additionally, these facts should offer adequate evidence to proceed with the charge and law must not bar the prosecution for the offence alongside granting each participant right to seek legal advice before and at all stages of the process.            Restorative justice may take place at all phase of criminal justice system starting from pre-charge, sentencing and release from custody (Furio, 2007). However, the compatibility of the policies find a divers application on different cases. It is best applicable in criminal offences but finds limitations in traffic offences. It is evident that most of the crimes are committed by the youth. This may be accredited to the fact that the offending peak is in the late adolescence. There exist conspicuous discrepancies in the juvenile justice systems whose explanations remain a myth to scholars.            According to Alexander (2010), USA has two systems of justice, one for privileged class of whites and the other for the disadvantaged blacks. This discrimination was demonstrated in 1980s during cocaine crack down that majorly involved black minors. This discrimination is based on color and socioeconomic status of both American whites and blacks (Alexander, 2010). References Alexander, M. (2010). The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. New York: New Press. Furio, J. (2007). Restorative justice: Prison as Hell or a Chance for Redemption. New York: Algora Pub. Source document
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Course reflective learning evaluation Assignment
Course reflective learning evaluation - Assignment Example This is because police work involves critical social, legal, and political practices, all of which must promote the welfare of the public (Cordner 21). Managing police, therefore, becomes an undertaking that not only focuses on police power and authority, but also on the interests of the people served by the police. This unique feature of police departments isolates them from the usual organizational administration, where client segmentation is evident. This course highlights key lessons that begin with police work but end up accounting for every member in the society. As earlier mentioned, social, legal, and political factors influence police related practice. At the community level, the police have to establish functional relations with the public. The idea is to foster loyalty, trust, and reliability. On the same, the course presents a scenario where members of the society are defiant or lawbreakers. This puts police at the center of law-abiding citizens and lawbreakers. Ultimately, the police and police administrations must strategize on how to approach such situations. Legal factors further influence police operations in many different ways. The course highlights that legal provisions vary from one situation to another. This requires police and their administrators to be at par with all legal provisions and/or processes that affect their duties and responsibilities. It is important to remember that the course emphasizes on the benefits of law and police administration in the context of crime reduction and enhanced community welfare (Moore 122-123). Insights from the course also reveal that police and their administrators ought to be leaders and strategic managers. Effective and efficient policing is not an easy task. Successful police-community communication, community policing, intelligence operations, and problem solving is extremely difficult to realize in the absence of servant leadership, strategic management, and tactic
Monday, August 12, 2019
Constitution Timeline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Constitution Timeline - Essay Example The document played a significant role in the creation of the United States constitution. This is clearly seen in the United States bill of rights. This spells out various rights of the people and curtails the government powers (Historic Documents, n.d.). For example, the bill says each person must enjoy all rights with the right practice of law being followed (Historic Documents, n.d.). This is clearly seen in the fifth and ninth amendments. This document is also a source of many fundamental concepts of the law (Historic Documents, n.d.). In fact, the concept of the constitution stems from this document. Colonist wrote the mayflower compact before occupying Plymouth colony. This was a consensus of the new settlers arriving at the Plymouth in November 1620 (Foster, 1992). The voyage was on the ship Mayflower. The settlement was drafted on fairness and justice ideals and the choice of the majority (Foster, 1992). This was necessitated by recognition of passengers that the new world settlers failed due to lack of government. This deal was meant for their own survival. They believed the settlement would be honored between god and man, and between each other (Foster, 1992). It calls for treatment of one another as equal in the sight of god (Foster, 1992). This compact had a profound contribution to the United States constitution. Firstly, it was an influential document for the founding fathers as they created the United States constitution. Secondly, it led to the making of a fresh self-governing nation. Moreover, the United States constitution was also formed on similar bases of equalit y. The declaration of independence was ratified by the Second Continental congress on July 4, 1776 (Department of State, n.d.). Thomas Jefferson drafted this declaration with minor changes made by the committee (Department of State, n.d.). The declaration was because of sore relationship that existed between the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Active Volcanoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Active Volcanoes - Essay Example Mount Merapi literally means â€Å"Fire Mountain†in Indonesia and is an active stratovolcano located on the border between central Java and Yogjakarta. On the other hand, Laki is a legendary Icelandic volcano, which has lain dormant since its huge eruption in 1783. Satellite technology now makes it possible to monitor volcanic activity in even the most isolated corners of the globe and to routinely observe changes in the Earth’s surface that may signal an impending eruption. This help identifies those volcanoes presenting the greatest danger. The MODIS Thermal Alert System, also known as MODVOLC, now enables scientists to detect volcanic activity anywhere in the world within hours of its occurrence. Using MODVOLC, volcanologists have seen many active volcanoes that previously went undetected. Aside from serious disasters posed to humans and property, active volcanoes also produce serious environmental effects. The commonly-known threat a volcano can present is the flow of super-heated rock known as lava. This lava causes fires and will destroy everything in its path. In addition, a tsunami can develop and damage shorelines. Furthermore, active volcanoes have an intense impact on the stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere. Gases released from the eruption convert sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid, which condenses in the stratosphere. This greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere. Volcanoes produce sulfate aerosols, which affect the surface temperature of the earth. A volcanic eruption promotes chemical reactions that alter chlorine and nitrogen which destroys the ozone layer. Moreover, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride are released by volcanic activity and dissolved in water droplets in steam clouds.
International Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words
International Community - Essay Example From the appalling crackdown on the visionary expectation of the ardent student protesters some16 years ago to the subsequent repression of all political dissidence, Communist leaders have time and again tended to reassert a blind obeisance to a dogged system of harsh and mechanical one-party rule. Equally alarming is the ostentatious display of military power in response to Taiwanese aspirations for independence over the last two decades, along with the troubling detection of furtive deliveries of military know-how to unstable areas in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. These measures scarcely serve to improve international confidence in the Chinese bid for a responsible position on the world stage of the new century. Admittedly China has recently begun to evince a new, less menacing and forward-looking stance toward proving itself as a responsible collaborator in global interaction as the nation begins to assume a substantial position in the world economy. By assisting in negotiations on the Korean Peninsula, China, in effect, was able to take advantage of her influence in the region in the service of broader international concerns. Domestically, the People's Republic of China has taken steps to free a token number of leading political dissidents in response to Western appeals, and, in diverse rural villages, elections for local leaders have been authorized. Chinese rulers also seem to be dealing moderately with the lately re-annexed regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and so far seem to be restricting intimidation tactics to verbal posturing and a display of military muscle in response to Taiwanese desires for independence.1 It is possible that the menace that some perceive in China as an up-and-co ming superpower with overall goals that threaten American wellbeing and commerce, might, in truth, be an emerging new Chinese generation: a forthright forward-looking dynamic keenly aware that the future depends on a critical modification of policies from the worn-out revolutionary era in the interest of asserting China's rightful place in the broader scheme of a world growing ever more and more interdependent. At least one Chinese insider seems to believe so. From his years spent in the People's Republic as a Red Guard during the infamous Cultural Revolution, Professor Chen Jian brings a quite singular experience and personal familiarity to his study. He is able to appraise the foreign-policy proclivities of the People's Republic from the perspective of an insider seeped in Chinese history. Jian's assessment reflects on much more constrained Chinese objectives than those that bother many outside critics. As a country bent in earnest on certifying for itself a leading role in the global community, Chinese decision makers are certainly cognizant of the imperative to appreciably accommodate current national policies in apparent deference to international standards.2 According to Professor Jian, even though China may boast currently of a ten percent annual economic growth, widespread poverty still haunts its rural interior. The regime can employ its extensive masses in the service of its growing
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