Thursday, December 26, 2019
South Street Seaweed Report Essay - 706 Words
South Street Seaweed Report Prasenjit Saha Chem lab 106 2/6/13 Spring 2014 Prasenjit Saha, Abdullah Sharif I. Warmup Questions 1. Coffee beans are crushed into small pieces, water is added to it and the mixture is heated over a flame. What do you think would happen to the coffee bean as it interacts with the water? Explain. Essentially the warm water will run through the coffee beans and extract its properties. The flavor of the coffee beans would disperse into the water. The water would change color and smell like the coffee beans as these properties are drained from the coffee beans. 2. What would happen to the water if instead of coffee beans, strips†¦show more content†¦Procedure 1. Weigh five grams seaweed. 2. Wash the seaweed to get rid of Monosodium Glutamate 3. Boil the seaweed in 40 ml water for 5 minutes 4. Filter the seaweed and collect about 3 ml solution 5. Pour the solution to a clean beaker, then add 3 crystals of iodine 6. After 10 min utes, conduct the observation test V. Observations of all tests Standards Iodine Test Light Purple Iodide Test Yellowish milky white, some precipitate Triiodide Test BrownishShow MoreRelatedRetail Marketing Case Study - the Body Shop in Hong Kong5586 Words  | 23 PagesRecommendation 5. Conclusion 6. References 1 2 2 3 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 23 24 Appendices 26 Executive Summary In Hong Kong, the concept of sustainability is not popular in the retailing industry, especially in the store design. Therefore, this report is to study the sustainability of retailing in Hong Kong about the store design. Firstly, the literature review explains that what sustainability and store design is. Sustainability is defined as the ability maintaining the certain status or processRead MoreLululemon Marketing3100 Words  | 13 Pagesyour laundry expense; eliminate the chance of using plastic bags, and decrease pollution and wastes. 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Kaplan, â€Å"Limits to Benchmarking,†Balanced Scorecard Report, November–December, 2005. study by General Motors discovered that Toyota could make a changeover from one model to another on an automobile assembly line in eight minutes. The comparable time at GM plants was eight hours. The result was profoundRead MoreConfucianism in Journey to the West31834 Words  | 128 PagesSetting Moon and the Three Stars. In that cave lives an Immortal called the Patriarch Subhuti. I dont know how many disciples he has trained−−there are thirty or forty of them cultivating their conduct with him at the moment. If you take that path South for two or three miles youll reach his home. The Monkey King tugged at the woodcutter and said, Take me there, Elder Brother. If I get anything out of this, I wont forget your kindness. You idiot, the woodcutter replied, didnt you understand
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Movie Analysis My Mom Was A Dreamer - 2251 Words
Good evening league members! It s such a pleasure to be here with an extraordinary organization that has empowered people for decades. Before I go on to discuss my film, I d like to tell you the story of the path that led me to a journey in film-making. It would start with my mom, Margaret. She had a wicked sense of humor, a big infectious laugh and she loved movies. As a kid growing up in the Bahamas, she spent her entire Saturdays at the theater. Those were days when you could see a cartoon and three features films – all for less than one dollar. Some of her favorite actors of the day were Bette Davis, Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones (who I m named after). My mom was a dreamer. She lived in a world of movie fan magazines,†¦show more content†¦The big takeaway from the book was that movie industry is a tough business. Becoming an independent filmmaker is the only viable option for breaking into the industry. And getting projects funded is all but impossible – unless you are Woody Allen or Martin Scorsese. Translation, don t even bother trying, kid. So I didn t and filed that dream away. Having no real plans for the future, I attended New York University and majored in Women Studies. I left with an undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts and had landed a string of jobs, some more interesting than others. I ve worked at a company named Uniworld Group, which was one of the country s oldest black advertising agencies in the country. At one point I was employed at a non-profit named The Ludwig Cancer Research. The organization was founded by the billionaire Daniel Ludwig who was a shipping magnate and real estate investor back in the day 1970 s. And for a time, I was also employed at Hadassah in Marketing and Communications division. So what finally got me on the course to film-making? I came across an article about a filmmaker named Spike Lee. He was an upstart who had a knack for making controversial statements. But Spike said what no one else ever had. He said that Hollywood was an exclusive club that kept women and people of color on the perimeters. He said that the art of making movies was not a big mystery. And yes,Show MoreRelatedThe Wolf Of Wall Street Essay1753 Words  | 8 Pagesout of a completely unethical film. I will be discussing my own thoughts and perspectives revolved around the movie, from reasons and circumstances that leads to an unethical life, to outcomes of it and much more. The Wolf of Wall Street is a black comedy, dramatic film featuring the great Martin Scorsese as a director, starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Leonardo Di Caprio plays the role of Jordan Belfort, â€Å"The Wolf of Wall Street†. The movie is set in the 1980’s – 1990’s, handling a true story, theRead MoreCase on the Disney Brand14200 Words  | 57 PagesKey Words: Brand Extension, Expansion into New Geographies. Brand Culture, Brand Symbols, Semiotics Analysis. Study of ‘Disney’: Strategies and factors that helped build the iconic brand. Group 7 Archana Menon 2008 09 A Chandan Pansari 2008 12 A Ranjani Mani 2008 43 A Sumita Das 2008 55 A INDEX Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4 Licensing ..............................................Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesSENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara ®, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Westford. The cover was printed by Courier/Westford. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright  © 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1981, 1976 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Expertise Based Skill Management Model for Effective Project
Questions: a) Demonstrate an awareness of concepts and theories associated with the subject through the production of subject related work. Subject - Specific Skills b) Demonstrate an understanding of how to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data. c) Demonstrate the application of key subject skills in the production of work. d) Use subject related equipment, materials, software and learning environments appropriately. Answers: Business organizations look for a number of management skills in the job aspirants while making recruitments in vacant positions: the following section provides glimpse of such necessary management skills: Communication skills: It is a well known fact that the executive managers are responsible for transforming their ideas into strategic decisions, while middle managers are responsible for the execution of the strategies (Chen 2015). The line managers are held responsible of the final task of allocating tasks to the resources and guiding them to perform the activities. Thus, managers operating across all these levels require several communication skills for functioning in the optimal manner. Problem solving skills: Employees assigned with specific projects are bound to come across several problems while conducting their operational activities: needless to say that their imminent supervisors would be responsible for solving such issues (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). On the other hand, the market conditions often present various problematic situations to the organizational operations of business houses: executive managers play key roles in resolving such situations. Thus, problem solving skills are essential for managers operating across all levels of an organization. Organizational Skills: In small and middle scaled organizations, middle and line managers are generally made responsible for several projects at a time: thus they themselves must be organized, besides having the skills required to delegate the tasks associated with the parallel running projects and manage the resources in an organized manner (Burke 2013). Thus, organizational skills are one of the must-haves for all resources working in managerial positions. b: Qualitative data: Presentation: The findings of a qualitative research can be presented in the following manners: The key findings can be mentioned under main themes and verbatim quotes can be used to support the findings. Discussions regarding the findings can be made in a separate chapter ( 2016). The discussions can also be made in the Findings chapter: in this case the verbatim quotes need not be included. Evaluation and interpretation: The evaluation and interpretation of qualitative data can be conducted through the following steps: The collected data should be arranged according to the theme of the research work ( 2016). The response patterns must be identified. The data must be analyzed so as to find the relationship among them and to realize what new information can be derived from the information ( 2016). Quantitative data: Presentation: The results or findings of quantitative research works are presented using the following tools: Data can be presented in tables ( 2016). Data can be presented in graphs and charts. Figure 1: Presentation of quantitative data (Source: 2016). Evaluation and interpretation: The following methods can be utilized for the analysis and evaluation of quantitative data: Frequency distribution Central tendency Variation among the information that has benne collected ( 2016). The interpretation of quantitative data can be conducted through the following steps: The identification of patterns present in the data. The identification of the deviations in data patterns. Fining the significance of the data patterns ( 2016). c: The application of key skills in practical work situations have been discussed in the following section: Communication skills: Managers associated with small and large scale organizations require to communicate with both their superiors and subordinates in order to perform the following activities: Transform their ideas into executable work definitions and convey them to the subordinates (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). Develop activities and assign resources to each such work activity (Turner 2014). iii. Provide proper guidance to the subordinates such that they are capable of performing their responsibilities. Submit reports to the superiors regarding the progress made in each of the projects. Accessing information from appropriate sources: Developing the time schedule, resource and budgetary requirements of any project is one of the major functionalities that project managers are responsible of. Needless to say, assumptions of such requirements are solely based on the information collected from various other sources, for example, like that of the information available from documents of similar projects ( 2016). Thus, the ability access information from appropriate source and to incorporate the same in the organizational activities functions plays a vital role in managerial operations. Source acknowledgement: As mentioned in the above section, most of the assumptions made in the beginning of any project are based on the information collected from similar other sources: thus acknowledgement of such sources becomes mandatory in case further information need to be accessed (Mandinach and Cline 2013). d: Designing training and development programs for the employees, in order to develop their technical and management skills, in of the major responsibilities of project managers. Besides this, the newly recruited employees need to be included in such training programs so as to provide them with information regarding the operational activities of the organization (Fraser 2015). Thus, the utilization of subject related equipment and materials become necessary for all project managers. On the other hand, the utilization of various software tools becomes necessary during the planning phase of the project: such tools are put to use during assessing the budgetary and other resource requirements of the project and while allocating these resources to the activities associated with the project. Software tools are also put to use while monitoring the progress made in the project and submitting the reports of the activities performed by the team members. The incorporation of proper learning environments in facilities the following processes: Providing appropriate training to the employees (Anwar, Bibi and Ahsan 2013). To develop such essential skills in the employees which would required while functioning in the organization (Mandinach and Cline 2013). To impart first hand work experience in the newly recruited employees that would help them to work efficiently in the practical situations (Burke 2013). References Anwar, Z., Bibi, N. and Ahsan, A., 2013, November. Expertise based skill management model for effective project resource allocation under stress in software industry of Pakistan. InInformation Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII), 2013 6th International Conference on(Vol. 1, pp. 509-513). IEEE. Burke, R., 2013.Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA. Chen, S., 2015. Skill Management. InDos and Donts in Human Resources Management(pp. 41-42). Springer Berlin Heidelberg., (2016). Unit 18 Section 1 : Presentation of Quantitative Data. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016]. Fraser, B., 2015. Classroom learning environments. InEncyclopedia of Science Education(pp. 154-157). Springer Netherlands. Mandinach, E.B. and Cline, H.F., 2013.Classroom dynamics: Implementing a technology-based learning environment. Routledge. Toolkit.pellinstitute.or, (2016). Analyze Qualitative Data Pell Institute. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016]. Turner, J.R., 2014.The handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). McGraw-hill., (2016). Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2016].
Monday, December 2, 2019
Polypropylene Fibers Essays (631 words) - Composite Materials
Polypropylene Fibers POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS IN CONCRETE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION RESEARCH PAPER MARCH 5, 1996 According to major supplies, ?Use of synthetic fibers for reinforcing concrete is continuously, increasing. The increase has been considerable since 1980, but slowed somewhat in 1990, a year of substantial construction cutbacks. Apparently the construction community believes there are advantages in the use of synthetic fibers in concrete.? (Schupack) Synthetic fibers are used to improve crack control in concrete. Some reports say that synthetic fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) would replace welded wire fabric in many slab-on-grade applications. But in reality if the welded wire fabric is placed properly it controls crack width better than the synthetic fiber reinforced concrete. In a case study of the use of synthetic fibers in reinforced concrete, the following conclusions were obtained. No matter what concrete placing job is being done, there is no substitute for good concrete practices. The use of a low fiber volume mix will help control plastic shrinkage cracks and bleeding, but not give good cracking control once the crack forms. The synthetic fibers running through a crack have a poor bond providing no shear friction. Impact and toughness tests on synthetic fiber reinforced concrete imply less edge spalling will occur. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) conducted two studies on polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete, one dealing with plastic shrinkage cracking and the other on permeability characteristics. Plastic shrinkage cracking occurs when the surface water on the concrete evaporates faster than the bleed water reaches the surface of the concrete. It was determined by the plastic shrinking cracking study that polypropylene fibers helped reduce the total plastic shrinkage crack area on test panels. Also determined is that the screeding rate affects the total crack area in polypropylene reinforced concrete, while finishing operations showed no significant effects. This study also suggests the use of longer fibers (about 0.75in.) will produce less crack area. ?Permeability plays an important role in long-term durability of concrete materials. Permeability of concrete generally refers to the rate at which particular aggressive substances (water, sulfates, chloride ions, etc.) can flow through the concrete.? (Soroushian) As discussed in the plastic shrinkage study that polypropylene fibers reduce cracking. Less cracking in the concrete surface that surface would be less permeable. In the permeability study, they concentrated on the effects of chloride and the permeability of the concrete. The results of this study concluded polypropylene fibers had little effects on chloride permeability of concrete. The polypropylene fibers only help reduce plastic shrinkage cracks. In residential construction, polypropylene fibers have been in use since the mid-to-late 1970s. Polypropylene fibers are used for their high tensile strength and low cost. These fibers fit into two categories, for early plastic shrinkage and for improved long-term crack control. One of the first residential applications of polypropylene fibers was in western Pennsylvania, in March of 1979. Fibers were used in all the flat work of the residence. Polypropylene fibers have gained acceptance by residential home builders due to its flexibility and its ability to conform to forms. Home builders say polypropylene fibers help them sell more concrete by reducing the potential risks of cracking. The use of polypropylene does not compensate for the lack of good design, water/cement ratios, temperature and wind conditions. One important thing to remember is nothing replaces good concrete practices. WORKS CITED Schupack, Morris, and William R. Stanley. ?Seven Case Studies of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Slabs.? Concrete International Feb. 1992:50-56. Soroushian, Parviz., Faiz Mirza, and Abdulraman Alhozaimy. ?Permeability Characteristics of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete.? ACI Materials Journal 92(1995):291-295. Mirza, Faiz., Parviz Soroushian, and Abdulraman Alhozaimy. ?Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete.? ACI Materials Journal 92(1995):553-560. Biddle, Daniel T. ?Fiber Reinforcement in Residential Concrete.? Concrete International Feb. 1991:46-47. Engineering
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Properly Research an Essay on Medical Assistant
How to Properly Research an Essay on Medical Assistant This is the last part of the guide and by now you’re on your way to writing a research essay on the profession of medical assistance. The first guide in the series was titled 19 facts on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay, which we’re sure you found very interesting, and the second part of our guide 20 topics on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay had a wide range of topics to choose from including a sample essay at the end. The final guide discusses how to go about doing your research while writing an essay on the profession of medical assistance. Understand What You’re Going to Write About This goes both ways: either a topic is chosen for you or you’re picking one for yourself. Either way, if the language in the topic doesn’t reflect the topic itself, then your essay loses out on a great deal of quality. Start Mind Mapping Once you’re clear about the topic in question then you’ll have to do mind-mapping on all the relevant keywords. In the event that you know nothing, simply begin with the name of the topic. Then start your research on the internet with the mind map you developed and look for evidences for your research and arguments.< Decide on Arguments and Sources Once the research is over you’re now in the driver’s seat and it’s time to build your arguments with credible sources. Check out journal databases and books in libraries since you need to quote academic sources in your essay. If you like something, highlight it or take notes. Begin Writing Once you’re done with the upper items start with the essay writing. The essay should have a thesis which comprises all your arguments. The entire essay will reflect these few lines. The first paragraph will have this statement along with what’s going to be presented in the following paragraphs. If you’re capable of summarizing all the arguments in one paragraph, then go right ahead, otherwise the thesis and an introduction to the next paragraph will do. Structure Your Paragraphs Then comes a string of paragraphs that will have evidence of your arguments. Dedicate each paragraph to each one of your arguments and provide relevant evidences as well as proof so that your readers are convinced. It’s not easy to bring something entirely new to the table and we recommend that you establish enough evidence so that the reader starts doubting popular or widely accepted beliefs. If you’re able to achieve that, your essay will be a success. The last paragraph will conclude it all. You need to tell the reader once again what your thesis was, what your arguments were, the evidences used to back up claims, and finally, what you’ve learned and would like to further research upon in the future. That’s about it. We wish you the best of luck nailing that essay.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Funny Thing Of The U.S.president Example
The Funny Thing Of The U.S.president Example The Funny Thing Of The U.S.president – Coursework Example The funny thing of the U.S.president The United of America has been served by a total of 44 presidents since the 18th century. All U. S presidents serve the country in a principal workplace and official residence called the white House. White House is located in Washington; D.C at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. However, President Barack Obama has served the United State since January 20, 2009. He was inaugurated as the second President to serve the United State in the 21st century and as the 44th President since the 18th century. Barack Obama was a son to a black Kenyan father and a white American mother and grew up in Hawii. He attended a college, and earned degrees from Harvard Law School and Columbia University. In 1992 he married â€Å"Michelle La Vaughn Robinson and in 1996 he started his career (Kurtzman).President Barack Obama has a number of qualities that makes him very amusing especially when making his speech. Most of these ridiculous qualities have been identified by the p olitical humour website. For instance, during the White House correspondents’ dinner in 2013, he made a speech that everyone found being very witty and funny. He said that it was a fact for him to respect the press and that he recognized the difference between their job and his. He said that his job was to be the president while the job of the press was to keep him humble (Kurtzman).Another ridiculous quote that Obama made was in Washington, D.C in 2010 during the Tea Part’s Tax Day protest. He said that there was a communist living in the great White House; a statement that left everyone holding their ribs (Kurtzman). However, the political humour website offer Obama’s funny photos, pics, late-night jokes, and political cartoons. The political cartoons make fun of the latest political issues encountered by president Obama and his entire administration. The funniest things that the U.S presidents do are important to the citizens in the sense that they make citiz ens remember them for the funny things they did more than what they did as groundbreaking things. Indeed, the former George W. Bush and the current president will also be remember, especially during the Happy Presidents Day, for their ridiculous actions. Work CitedKurtzman, Daniel. Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth Be With You! Political Humor, 2014. Web. 5 May. 2014.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Satisfying and dissatisfying scenarios and two service incident Essay - 1
Satisfying and dissatisfying scenarios and two service incident analyses - Essay Example There are many satisfying service incidents that I have experienced, but I would like to share this particular experience with McDonald’s. McDonald’s is one of the leading firms in the fast food chain industry around the globe today. Fast food chain restaurants are very popular in today’s fast-paced world where everybody seems to be looking for an instant in almost everything. This incident happened on August 27, 2011, at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Together with my family, we enjoyed not just good tasting foods from McDonald’s, but including their fast and reliable service. It took only around less than 5 minutes and we enjoyed eating our orders. We were looking for nearby restaurants at that time. Our hunger and thirst were remarkable by then, but they subsided right away after we were able to receive product and service offerings based on our expectation. The researchers thought it would be much better to try McDonald’s instead of o ther restaurants because we were trying to consider the time and our level of hunger for food. It happened that McDonald’s was one of the nearby restaurants we saw so we considered it our primary choice. The researcher was so satisfied because there were many customers in the queue at that time but the service crew attendants did a remarkable favor for everyone. They ensured that customers’ orders have been taken already while they were still in the queue waiting their time to be served.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Performance and Guanxi Effect on Job Security to Reduce Turnover Research Proposal
Performance and Guanxi Effect on Job Security to Reduce Turnover Intention in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example This essay stresses that information collector predisposition can be minimized by having one analyst distributing the questionnaires and through institutionalizing conditions like guaranteeing unprejudiced individual characteristics to all respondents such as kind disposition and protection. The psychological and physical surroundings where information will be gathered ought to be made private, ensure privacy and general physical solace. Subjects will be asked not to reveal their names or any ID on the polls to ensure secrecy. Extra data for utilization in the exploration will be acquired from semi-organized interviews of the selected population of workers and administrators from the chosen firms in the chosen commercial ventures. This paper makes a conclusion that to attain the legitimacy of the data collected, the inquiries pollswill be inferred from data accumulated in the writing audit to guarantee they are right illustrative of what private associations thought about with respect to representative turnover. The quantity of respondents who declined to take part after being approached will be accounted for to empower a judgment of dangers to outside legitimacy. When conducting research in a certain society, ethical consideration is very important because the research has to assure the respondents privacy and trust. Saudi Arabian people to a high degree respect their cultural heritages, with the largest population being Muslims and the state has a monarchical government.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Threats and Vulnerabilities Essay Example for Free
Threats and Vulnerabilities Essay Threat: An unauthorized employee tries to access data that is hosted on the server. Vulnerability: The organization does not use authentication and access controls. Likelihood: The likelihood is very low, depending on the organization and its budget. For the most part, most organizations have IT specialists that are tasked to keep everything on the network secure. In the government most all data is protected by multiple forms of security. LAN DOMAIN: Weak passwords could be broken with a brute force attacks. Ensure all access permissions are set up correctly. If there is not attention to detail with configurations unauthorized access may be easy to obtain on the network and information could be compromised or stolen. Threat: Any type of malicious software that enters the network. Vulnerability: Antivirus software doesn’t detect the virus. Likelihood: The likelihood is frequent. Anti-viruses have a hard time keeping up to date before new viruses pop up. The best way to deal with this is keeping the automatic update enabled for one’s virus protection program, and if you suspect a virus either shutdown or at least disconnect from the network to prevent further contamination of the network. REMOTE ACCESS DOMAIN: Remote users could be infected with a virus, and when they connect to the internal network, they can propagate the virus without any knowledge. Threat: An attacker modifies or defaces a company Web site. Vulnerability: The Web site isn’t protected. Likelihood: The likelihood of this is minimal, unless an inexperienced webmaster was hired. One way to avoid this is have a backup IT specialist to do checks and balances to ensure the website is secure. Another way to prevent this is by ensuring permissions and authentication is programmed properly. LAN-TO-WAN DOMAIN: A malicious web sites may be allowed access, malicious software may be downloaded, or firewalls are not configured properly; all of these can compromise a network or its’ website. Threat: A social engineer tricks an employee into revealing a password. Vulnerability: Users are not trained or briefed properly about the company’s policies. Likelihood: This is highly likely. Employees should have refresher courses given by the company on a regular basis. USER DOMAIN: Social engineering represents different ways for users to mingle and try to find a way to get a password out of another user it is done by phishing or even direct contact with a user. Threats and vulnerabilities are very important issues to tackle; it is up to company supervisors and IT leaders to ensure that everyone is up to date on computer viruses and how to keep hackers at bay. There are ways of doing this, by ensuring that employees are properly trained and briefed on any pertinent network issues that they have a direct affect on. One way is to ensure personnel are checking their company e-mail. Proper authentication needs to be setup for each user dependent on skills, their current position, and their need to have access; to avoid future issues. If giving remote access to an employee ensure the computer they use is updated before allowing them to log onto the VPN tunnel for work. The IT department or configuration team should ensure that they’ve configured web site filtering and access. To ensure limited access; Mac Address filtering brings another level of security and helps keep a log of hardware and when it accesses the company network. There are many ways to secure and protect a network, and there is also many way to attack one. No one plan is fool proof. A company must find the sweet spot for what system costs are more to maintain than it the costs to repair them if compromised.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay †The Causes of Divorce :: Expository Cause Effect Essays
Cause and Effect Essay – The Causes of Divorce From the past to present, people all over the world have determined to live together, which is called â€Å"get marriage†in another word, so that they depend on for living each other. Nevertheless, some couples are unable to maintain their relationship; therefore they choose divorce, which is one of the solutions to cope with problems between husband and wife. Furthermore, most people think carefully before they get marriage. However, the divorce rates trend to continually increase nowadays, thus it might be argued that divorces can be taken place easier than the past. There are three main causes of divorce: changing woman’s roles, stress in modern living and lack of communication, which are highlighted below. The first significant cause of recent rise in the rates of divorce is that women completely change in roles. In the past, men have to earn whole money to afford the expense of family, whereas woman only do housework, hence women have no money leading to depend on husbands’ money. Because of these situations, it is too difficult for most women to separate from their husbands. Nonetheless, these situations entirely change nowadays. The equality between men and women in roles are very clear at the moment, thus women can work outside to earn money, while men share the household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing as well as caring for children. It can be clearly seen that women are independent from money as they can earn money by themselves to support their living cost. Accordingly, the divorce rates recently rise. Another cause to confirm the recent increase in divorce rates is stress in modern living. Many people, who live in globalisation, have considerable pressures to earn money. It can be obviously seen that the stress has occurred since they are children. For instance, in Thailand, students generally want to go to famous school so that they take advantage to go to well-known universities. Studying in celebrated universities mostly causes having a good opportunity to find a job or earn a lot of money. This circumstance not only happens in Thailand, but also occurs in many countries. Some people are laid off from their companies; consequently the stress occurs in their family, which leads to divorce. Some families can earn money, but inadequate for covering their expenses, therefore it is easy to think about divorce. Nevertheless, the rates of unemployment trend to continually increase as a result the divorce rates can also rise.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. I have described both societies in an attempt to demonstrate their developments. Virginia Colony In 1607 a group of merchants established England s first permanent colony in North America at Jamestown, Virginia. They operated as a joint-stock company that allowed them to sell shares of stock in their company and use the pooled investment capital to outfit and supply overseas expeditions. This joint tock company operated under a charter from James I with a concern for bringing Christian religion to the native people. However, most of the settlers probably agreed with Captain John Smith that the real aim was profit rather than religion. Profits were elusive in the early years; expectations of gold and other minerals, trade with Indians for beaver and deer skins were not to be had by the colonists. Many Virginia colonists died of dysentery, malaria and malnutrition. The Virginia Company sent a diverse collection of people to Jamestown; there ere artists and glassmakers, as well as unskilled servants. Both types of people adapted poorly to the wilderness conditions. Relations between the colonists and the Indians were bitter from the beginning. John Smith dealt with the Indians by shows of force and the Indians withdrew trade with the English. Many settlers died of starvation in the first years. The discovery that tobacco would grow in the Chesapeake region was a salvation for Virginia. The planters shipped the first crop in 1617 and thereafter tobacco cultivation spread rapidly. By 1624, Virginia was xporting 200,000 pounds of tobacco; by 1638 the crop exceeded 3 million pounds. The cultivation of tobacco caused Virginia s planters to find a reliable supply of cheap labor. To fill this need, planters recruited immigrants from various countries. These immigrants were called indentured servants. They willingly sold a portion of their working lives in exchange for free passage across the Atlantic ocean. Many of the indentured servants were unemployed and held the lower class on the social ladder from their places of origin. Life for indentured servants was often a nightmare. If diseases did not kill them, many succumbed to the brutal work routine that harsh masters imposed upon them. When the remaining servants neared the end of their contract, masters would find ways to add time to the contracts. The profitable tobacco crops created an intense demand for land. As more and more colonists settled along the rivers that flowed in Chesapeake Bay, the local Indian tribes retaliated. The murder of an Indian captain triggered a fierce Indian assault that dealt a staggering blow to Virginia. This attack led to the bankruptcy of the Virginia Company. The surviving planters felt they had justified reasons for the destruction of the Indians. As more settlers arrived, more pressure was placed on the Indians for land. Wars over land was provoked in 1644 and again in 1675. In each of these conflicts, the colonizers were victorious. The native population of Virginia was reduced to less than 1,000 by 1680. Immigrants to the Chesapeake Bay region found existence difficult. Many immigrants arrived as indentured servants and could not marry until their time was paid. Once marriage was made, diseases claimed many within about seven years. Few children growing up could expect to have both parents alive. Widows and widowers often remarried soon after the death of their spouse, creating a complex web of family life. Because of mortality, the Chesapeake settlers remained, for most of the seventeenth-century, a land of immigrants rather than a land of settled families. Social institutions such as churches and schools took root very slowly. The Chesapeake region architecture showed the fragility of life in the tobacco growing environment. Settlers at first built primitive huts and shanties. After establishing crops, planters improved their habitats but still built ramshackle one-room dwellings. Even as Virginia and Maryland matured, cheaply built and cramped houses remained the norm. Life was too uncertain and the tobacco economy was too volatile. Massachusetts Bay Colony While some English settlers scrambled for wealth on the Chesapeake, others were seized by the spirit of religion. These individuals were known as Puritans. They aimed their efforts at reforming the corrupt new land. They wanted the new land to have a special mission in the world. The people attracted to the Puritan movement were not only religious reformers but also men and women who hoped to find changes in English society. They disapproved of the growing withdrawal from traditional restraints of individual action. They worried that individualistic behavior would undermine the notion of community involvement. This community involvement was the belief that people were bound together by reciprocal rights, obligations, and responsibilities. Puritans vowed to reverse the march of disorder, wickedness and disregard for community by imposing a new discipline. Their intention was to establish communities of pure Christians who collectively swore a covenant with God to work for his ends. Civil and religious transgressors were rooted out and severely punished. Their emphasis was on homogeneous communities where the good of the group outweighed individual interests. The first winter for the Puritans was harsh, more than 200 of the first 700 settlers died and 100 others returned to the England in the next spring. But Puritans kept coming. Motivated by their work ethic and sense of mission, the Puritans thrived almost from the beginning. The early leaders were university-trained ministers, experienced members of the lesser gentry and men with a compulsion to fulfill what they knew was God s prophecy for New England. Most of the ordinary settlers came as free men in with families. Trained artisans and farmers from the mid rank of English society, they established close communities where brutal exploitation of labor had no place. The Puritans built a sound economy based on agriculture, fishing, timbering and trading for beaver furs with local Indians. They also established the first printing press and planted they seed of a university, Harvard College. The Puritan leaders also created a tax-supported school system. In 1647, the government ordered every town with 50 families to establish an elementary school and every town with 100 families a secondary school as well. Although the Puritans had made many accomplishments, there were some dissenters from the Puritan way of life. In 1633, Salem s Puritan minister, Roger Williams, began to voice disturbing opinions on church and government policies. Williams denounced mandatory worship and argued that government officials should not interfere with religious matters. In 1634, Anne Hutchinson began to discuss religion, suggesting that the holy spirit was absent in the preaching of some ministers. Hutchinson also offended the male leaders of the colony because she boldly stepped outside the subordinate position expected of women. The village was the vital center of Puritan life. These villages were small and tightly held. Many farmers established agriculture fields set outside the village. Families lived close together in compact towns built around a common meeting place. These small, communal villages kept families in close touch. Land was istributed to individuals according to the size of his family, his wealth and his usefulness to the church and town. It was believed that every family should have enough land to sustain it, and prospering men were expected to use their wealth for the community s benefit, not for themselves. Women played a vital role in this family centered society. The presence of women and a stable family life strongly affected New England s architecture. Early economic gains were transformed into substantial housing. Well constructed one-room houses with sleeping lofts quickly replaced the huts. Parlors and lean-to kitchens were added as soon as possible. Education was stressed in Puritan communities. Placing religion at the center of their lives, Puritans emphasized the ability to read catechisms, psalmbooks and especially the Bible. The 20,000 English immigrants who had come to New England by 1649 were dispersed from Maine to Long Island. It was only natural that farmers wished for better farm land. To combat the problems of dispersion, Puritan leaders established a broad intercolony political structure in 1643 called the Confederation of New England. This first attempt at federalism managed to function fitfully for a generation. Although the Puritans built stable communities, developed the economy and constructed effective government, their leaders, as early as the 1640s, complained that the founding vision of Massachusetts Bay was faltering. Material concerns seemed to outweigh religious commitments and the individual prevailed over the community. However, New England had achieved economic success and political stability by the end of the seventeenth century. Towns functioned efficiently, poverty was uncommon, public education was mandated and family life was stable.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Principles Of Business Essay
Planning In my planning, I will be very much interested in establishing several activities which involves defining the purpose of the store. I will define this as a store for the storage of sports goods for profit purpose. It will be focused on storing goods for profit making. I will therefore need to plan where I will be purchasing the goods so that, they can cheaply be bought, they will have continuous flow so that I do not run short of stock. I must plan for the site for the business. This is to ensure the business is located in a place where the customers can access the commodities without obstruction by any thing. The place should be safe and secure for the customers. I will focus on the labour. I must plan the sources of labour source and the numbers of workers who will be required. I should also plan for the finances that will be required for the commencement of the business as initial capital. I must plan on how the business will run i.e., Is going to be in large scale business or small scale in which goods will be sold in retail or whole sale methods. Simply, I will plan for my resources, state my mission, define my vision and have a summary of the overall operations of the business. (Ehlers, 2000) Organizing            I will review my plan of the business. Reviewing the plans will enable me to understand the key points which I need to include in my organization. This will require me to put in place the list of tasks and the groups of individuals who will be assigned in the various tasks short listed. Such groups will be such people like sale groups, store group, purchasing groups administration group and others which may deemed appropriate. I will then group the tasks into jobs. (Ehlers, 2000) Directing I will ensure that there are directors who will act as supervisors of the other subordinate staff. The directors will be the overall responsible delegate in the different departmental sectors. They will be requiring to under taking senior responsibilities like overseen the general run of the particular departmental activities. Controlling Controlling being the final process of the four functional chains of management activities, which bring the function of management to full circle; it will be necessary for me to establish control methods of the store. This will involve the setting up effective control systems for the monitoring of the activities and the corrective actions to be taken. I will include supervisors in the store to see that worker working under the different departments do not become reluctant in their specified jobs and tasks. I must install systems to make sure that there is overall evaluation of the goods purchase, goods in stock and those which haves been sold. Supervisors will have to observe what is happening and compare that with what was supposed to be done. They will be supposed to correct any ineffective activity and conditions in order to bring the result to my expectations. This will facilitate the delegation of activities to employees. Because supervisors are held accountable for their junior employees’ performance, there will be timely feedback on employees’ activities. . (Deresky, 2002) Levels of management/organization chart There several management levels which I will require to have the sports store to run smoothly. These include: Top level: – this will have the general director which I should be holding such a post. This will enable me to oversee the other people who will be working under the other levels of the management. The middle level will contain directors of sale, purchase and store. They will be support to directly report all implementations and mitigation of activities of their departments. Director for sale will makes sure the targets of sales are achieved through the implementation of set objectives and targets. Director of store will ensure goods in the store are safe and properly issued. Director of purchases will make sure there is proper in flow of goods from our suppliers in to our premises at the right price. First level will have those people working under the various directors who will be supervising the lowest ranked employees in the different departments. (Deresky, 2002) General Director Top level                                                      My management style I will have a passive management style in which the major decision making will be based on the people opinion. I will hold meeting with the supervisors who will working under the departments to discuss some of the issues arising in our organizations. (Griffin, 2002)  Reference: Deresky, H. (2002): global management strategic and inters personal: prentice hall Ehlers, M. (2000): Residential based business as an alternative location: university of            Pretoria Griffin, R. (2002): international business: a managerial perspective: prentice hall  Â
Friday, November 8, 2019
Your complete guide to landing a job in retail
Your complete guide to landing a job in retail When you think about it, retail is kind of a choose-your-own-adventure career, like those old kids’ books. There are so many ways you can go (working in a traditional store, working in online fulfillment, being a behind-the-scenes logistics person, or providing valuable services), and so many options for doing it (part-time, full-time, short-term, long-term, seasonal). Whether it’s your right career or your right-now career, retail can be a great growth option. So how do you get started? One of the best things about working in retail is that you don’t need to complete years of education before you begin, and introductory training is often offered on the job. If you have the skills and the commitment, you can start in one place and work your way up to management, or take those developed skills and bring them with you to whatever path you take next. And if you’re just getting started in retail (or thinking about it), we’ve got you covered.Is retail ri ght for you?The first step is deciding whether retail is your next step. And let’s be honest- it’s not for everybody. If you hate the idea of talking to the public or your major philosophy in life is â€Å"my way or the highway,†well, then customer service might not be for you. Start by taking an honest look at your skills and goals- as well as some of the hard truths about working in retail- and see if that retail choice is a good fit.8 Skills You’ll Need for Your Future Retail Career6 Job Skills You Need To Be A Sales Associate10 of the Most Annoying Things about Working in Retail What You Need to Know to Succeed in the Retail IndustryAnd if you don’t happen to have some of these skills just yet, don’t worry- you can certainly start working on them, with the retail job goal in mind.How to find retail jobs Once you’ve decided to go for a retail job and narrowed down your skills, it’s time to look for the right opportunitie s. Start by researching companies you want to target, based on your location or the type of retail you want to focus on. If you need some ideas for starting points, we’ve got information on some of the best retail jobs out there, and how to ferret them out.A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Different Types of Retail JobsTop 5 Less Crowded Sites to Look For Retail JobsTop 70 Customer Service Jobs That Are Hiring Today10 of the Best Jobs in Retail Nationwide8 Best Jobs in Retail (And How to Get Them)Because retail is one of the industries that changes quickly with the times, be sure to consider all of your options- both traditional and digital.Top Opportunities in the Online Retail RevolutionIf you start thinking beyond the store, so to speak, you may find that there are retail jobs that wouldn’t even have occurred to you before.How to score retail jobsLike any job search, the core elements of your retail job search will likely sound familiar: resume and interview. The per fect retail resume showcases your skills, even if you don’t yet have tons of experience.How to Create a Perfect Retail ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)After your resume has scored you an interview, make sure you’re ready to rock it by preparing for certain types of questions ahead of time.5 Questions to Expect in a Retail Job InterviewThe Most Popular Macy’s Interview QuestionsHow to get a seasonal retail jobIf you’re not looking for a long-term retail option or you’re seeking to break into the field as a newbie, seasonal retail work can be a great, flexible option. Many stores bulk up their staffs during busy seasons, like back to school or the holidays. The hours may be crazy (and so might the customers), but in a month or two of chaos, you’ll be making connections, building necessary retail skills, and making extra money.3 Essential Steps to La nding a Seasonal Job10 Summer Retail Jobs- And How to Get Them6 Supercharged Strategies to Finding a Seasonal JobEverything You Need to Know About Working During the HolidaysHow to level up in your retail careerIf you’ve already got some retail experience under your belt or you’re figuring out if the career path has long-term potential for you, it’s important to know where you can go in the future with your retail skills, leadership experience, and know-how.How to Move Up the Retail Ladder Without College5 Great Career Paths You Can Take if You’re Working in RetailRetail Management: Your Complete Guide to Starting Your CareerWhether you’re just starting out or starting to think about what your retail future looks like, we’ve got the resources you need, from our Resume Library to our comprehensive job search. Good luck!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Wernickes Area in the Brain
Wernicke's Area in the Brain The function of a part of the human brain known as Wernickes area is to enable us to comprehend written and spoken language. It is located posterior to the primary auditory complex in the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain where information processing of all kinds takes place. Wernickes area is connected to another brain region involved in language processing known as Brocas area. Located in the lower portion of the left frontal lobe, Brocas area controls motor functions involved with speech production. Together, these two brain areas help us to speak as well as to interpret, process, and understand spoken and written language. Discovery German neurologist Carl Wernicke is credited with discovering the function of this brain region in 1873. He did so while observing individuals with damage to the posterior temporal lobe of the brain. He noticed that one of his stroke patients, while able speak and hear, was not able to comprehend what was being said to him. Nor could he understand written words. After the man died, Wernicke studied his brain and discovered a lesion in the rear parietal/temporal region of the left hemisphere of the patients brain, located close to the auditory region. He concluded that this section had to be responsible for language comprehension. Function Wernickes Area of the brain is responsible for multiple functions. According to various studies, including the 2016 publication The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language Comprehension by Alfredo Ardila, Byron Bernal, and Monica Rosselli, these functions seem to contribute to language understanding by allowing us to interpret the meaning of individual words and using them in their proper context. Wernicke's Aphasia A condition called Wernickes aphasia, or fluent aphasia, in which patients with damage to their temporal lobe region have difficulty comprehending language and communicating ideas, bolsters the thesis that Wernickes area primarily governs word comprehension. While they are able to speak words and form sentences that are grammatically correct, these patients cannot form sentences that make sense. They may include unrelated words or words that have no meaning in their sentences. These individuals lose the ability to connect words with their appropriate meanings. They are often unaware that what they are saying does not make sense. Processing the symbols that we call words, encoding their meanings into our brains, and then using them in context is what forms the very basis of language comprehension. A Three-Part Process Speech and language processing are complex functions that involve several parts of the cerebral cortex. Wernickes area, Brocas area, and the angular gyrus are three regions vital to language processing and speech. Wernickes area is connected to Brocas area by a group of nerve fiber bundles called the arcuate fascilicus. While Wernickes area helps us to understand language, Brocas area helps us to accurately communicate our ideas to others through speech. The angular gyrus, located in the parietal lobe, is a region of the brain that helps us to utilize different types of sensory information to comprehend language. Sources: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Aphasia. NIH Pub. No. 97-4257. Updated June 1, 2016. Retrieved from Aphasia Foundation. (n.d.). Wernickes aphasia. Retrieved from
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fiat Currency and its Role in the Global Economy Essay
Fiat Currency and its Role in the Global Economy - Essay Example While the Bretton-Woods conference had proposed a supranational currency this idea was ignored and instead international currencies were pegged to the United States dollar. In the 1970s the United States went off the gold standard, effectively moving all world currencies to floating. There have been a number of attempts at supranational currency including the implementation of the SDR; still, there are some weaknesses to this currency, including it not effectively reflecting contemporary GDP concerns. In addition to the SDR there was the ECU, the ASU, and the African Monetary Unit; in large part these currencies are or were ineffective as a world currency for their largely regional affiliations. Recognizing the inefficiency of these currency units the WDX Organisation Limited was established to develop a more effective world currency. Incorporating modern risk theory, mathematics, and real-time technology infrastructure this organization developed the Wocu. In addition, the Wocu a ma jor innovative aspect of the Wocu is that it implements a research-based algorithm that is unknown to outside sources. b) Specification of thesis – main point The main thesis is that the Wocu is both effective and necessary as a world currency in response to the current fiat model. ... This will allay concerns with the dollar as the world currency, allow countries to have their own monetary policy, and reduce the need for foreign currency reserves. Additionally, it will have benefits to corporate treasurer; these include reducing currency risk and hedging against volatility, as well as advantages in pricing sales and purchasing, settling transaction, risk management, and raising capital. c) Three supporting opinions/reasons There are a number of supporting perspectives on implementing a world currency. Perhaps the central thorough-put in these supportive arguments is the notion that the use of fiat currencies creates a currency environment subject to political manipulation and volatility. One such consideration has emerged from the United States Economic Report. This report indicates that the European Sovereign Debt Crisis has had an immediate impact on United States monetary policy ("Economic policy: Country," 2010). The report indicates that, â€Å"The ripple ef fects from the euro area’s public debt crisis have led market participants to expect a later start of rate hikes ("Economic policy: Country," 2010, pg. 12). While not necessarily negative, such an impact could conceivably be avoided through a world currency. While this report demonstrates the direct impact of fiat currency, other research has argued for much more profound implications. Ghosh, Roy & Bandyopadhyay (2011) quantitatively examined various elements that directly contributed to volatility in the Indian stock market. Their research revealed that currency volatility – a direct result of fiat money – had a significant impact on stock valuation. Al-Shibli (2011) goes as far as to argue that in abandoning Bretton-Woods and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Importance of language in communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Importance of language in communication - Essay Example Language plays a main role in communication. To eliminate ethnic conflicts, it is important to understand the importance of language in communication. For me, communication does not only involve what we say, but also how we say it. Once, my mother hired a maid, who was from some other ethnic background. Although she understood English, and spoke a little too, we had to adjust our verbal, vocal, and body language, in order for her to understand what we told her to do. We had to choose words that she understood. We had to adjust the pitch, articulation, and resonance of our tone, which suited the level she was at. We also had to adopt some body language, like we had to use hand gestures for the maid to better understand what we said. This way, she understood us better, and we succeeded in overcoming the language barrier in communication. Tannen, Deborah. Sex, Lies and Conversation; Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other? The Washington Post, 1990. Web. 11 Dec 2012.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Ethnography Assignment Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethnography Assignment Worksheet - Essay Example a between the black and white races in the Old Fourth Ward, and the Auburn Avenue’s main drag was called â€Å"the richest Negro street in the world†(McCall). There are also numerous films based on racism and class system that have been made in the past. One such film is A Day Without a Mexican in which a pink fog draws the Mexicans out of California. My fieldwork site is a park in the Downtown Manchester, NH. The neighborhood immediately surrounding my fieldwork site is like mixed commercial and residential. It is easy for me to get to my site since it is located in my home-city. The Veterans Park consists of a stage area for concerts and a memorial for fallen soldiers. I observed that the park is not divided and homeless and non-homeless people are mixed within the park. The US flags have been used to decorate the park. The park is next to a main street, which makes it sound like a typical city with the noises of people, cars, trucks, and traffic. Usually, the noise is more during the day than the night since the load of traffic in the night is lesser and also, the birds that chirp around during the day recede to their nests in the night. The land in the park is all covered in thick grass which is very pleasant and sweet to the smell. Occasionally, car fumes can be smelled as well, particularly when they are parked with a rush. The park setting is both relaxing and comfortable. Since it is a park, there are benches placed around the periphery of the green areas. The land is mostly covered in grass with concrete walkways running through the open areas. Many people bring food and eatables with them as the natural beauty makes the park a nice picnic spot. Most of the people are from the working class. Spceially, the civil servants and the private sector employees from surrounding buildings visit the park for recreation and timepass. Mnay visitors are middle-aged though the community of visitors is diverse as the visitors come with their families i ncluding children
Monday, October 28, 2019
Vulnerability in Cloud Computing Essay Example for Free
Vulnerability in Cloud Computing Essay Abstract Cloud computing has been developed to reduce IT expenses and to provide agile IT services to individual users as well as organizations. It moves computing and data away from desktop and portable PCs into large data centers. This technology gives the opportunity for more innovation in lightweight smart devices and it forms an innovative method of performing business. Cloud computing depends on the internet as a medium for users to access the required services at any time on pay-per-use pattern. However this technology is still in its initial stages of development, as it suffers from threats and vulnerabilities that prevent the users from trusting it. Various be rainy as well, in other words this technology is not trustworthy as it is affected with threats and vulnerabilities. We have termed a cloud with threats and vulnerabilities as a stormy cloud. Based on Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and our research, we have identified top seven threats and vulnerabilities that are the causes behind the creation of a stormy cloud [1]. The identified threats and vulnerabilities are ranked from top to bottom as shown in Fig.1. malicious activities from illegal users have threatened this technology such as data misuse, inflexible access control and limited monitoring. The occurrence of these threats may result into damaging or illegal access of critical and confidential data of users. This research paper describes the characteristics (threats, vulnerabilities) associated with a stormy cloud. Keywords- Illegal access, Threats, Vulnerabilities I.INTRODUCTION The traditional era of computing involves the use of software, hardware and storage to achieve the required computational service whereas cloud computing has isolated the services from resources (networks, storage, servers). The required services are provided to the users by utilizing the resources of provider. Users are no longer required to purchase hardware, software or to manage storages. Due the evolution of this technology users are required to pay for cloud services on consumption basis. New cloud based business models are being discussed, defined, and implemented as solutions in form of on-demand services that allows businesses to enhance their efficiency and scalability. Success or failure of this technology relies on users’ trust whether the service provided is reliable, available and secure. Considering the benefits of cloud computing various organizations are moving towards IT solutions that are based on cloud however, before starting the journey to cloud, organizations must considers the possible threats and vulnerabilities that may convert their dreams of enhancing scalability and saving management cost into a nightmare of data loss and misuse. The users must consider that cloud can Figure 1. Characteristics of stormy cloud. In order to create awareness and protect the cloud users from adopting a stormy cloud, we are describing the impacts of threats and vulnerabilities in cloud computing so that organizations or users can adopt this technology with trust and from a trusted provider who has the powerful and trusted security polices as well as efficient techniques for securing the users’ data on cloud. II.CLOUD COMPUTING THREATS As we already mentioned, there are several significant threats that should be considered before adopting the paradigm of cloud computing, these threats are discribed as follows : A. Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Cloud providers facilitate the users with various types of services including unlimited bandwidth and storage capacity. Some cloud service providers offer free limited trial periods that gives an opportunity for hackers to access the cloud immorally, their impact includes decoding and cracking of passwords, launching potential attack points and executing malicious commands. Spammers, malicious code authors and other cybercriminals can conduct their activities with relative impunity, as cloud service providers are targeted for their weak registration systems and limited fraud detection capabilities. For example some cybercriminals use rich content applications such as flash files that enable them to hide their malicious code and utilize users’ browsers to install malware [1]. B. Insecure Interfaces and APIs Cloud users are using software interfaces and APIs to access and manage the cloud services. These APIs need to be secured because they play an integral part during provisioning, management, orchestration and monitoring of the processes running in a cloud environment. The security and availability of cloud services is dependent upon the security of these APIs so they should include features of authentication, access control, encryption and activity monitoring. APIs must be designed to protect against both accidental and malicious attempts to avoid threats. If cloud service provider relies on weak set of APIs, variety of security issues will be raised related to confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability such as malicious or unidentified access, API dependencies, limited monitoring/logging capabilities, inflexible access controls, anonymous access, reusable tokens/passwords and improper authorizations[1]. C.Malicious Insider Insider attacks can be performed by malicious employees at the provider’s or user’s site. Malicious insider can steal the confidential data of cloud users. This threat can break the trust of cloud users on provider. A malicious insider can easily obtain passwords, cryptographic keys and files. These attacks may involve various types of fraud, damage or theft of information and misuse of IT resources. The threat of malicious attacks has increased due to lack of transparency in cloud provider’s processes and procedures [2]. It means that a provider may not reveal how employees are granted access and how this access is monitored or how reports as well as policy compliances are analyzed. Additionally, users have little visibility about the hiring practices of their provider that could open the door for an adversary, hackers or other cloud intruders to steal confidential information or to take control over the cloud. The level of access granted could enable attackers to collect confidential data or to gain complete control over the cloud services with little or no risk of detection. Malicious insider attacks can damage the financial value as well as brand reputation of an organization. D. Virtualized Technology Due to the cloud virtualization, cloud providers are residing the user’s applications on virtual machines (VMs) within a shared infrastructure. The VMs are virtualized based on the physical hardware of cloud provider. In order to maintain the security of users, providers are isolating the VMs from each other so if any of them is malicious, it will not affect the other VMs under the same provider. The VMs are managed by hypervisor in order to provide virtual memory as well as CPU scheduling policies to VMs. As the hypervisor is main source of managing a virtualized cloud platform, hackers are targeting it to access the VMs and the physical hardware, because hypervisor resides between VMs and hardware [3], so attack on hypervisor can damage the VMs and hardware. Strong isolation should be employed to ensure that VMs are not able to impact or access the operations of other users running under the same cloud service provider. Several vendors such as Xen and KVM are providing strong security mechanisms of securing the cloud hypervisors, but still it is identified that sometimes security of VMs is compromised. E. Data Loss or Leakage Data loss can occur due to operational failures, unreliable data storage and inconsistent use of encryption keys. Operational failure refers to deletion or alteration of records without a backup of the original content that can take place intentionally or unintentionally. Unreliable data storage refers to saving of data on unreliable media that will be unrecoverable if data is lost [4]. The inconsistent use of encryption keys will result into loss and unauthorized accesses of data by illegal users that will lead to the destruction of sensitive and confidential information. Example of data loss is Twitter hacks. The online accounts of Twitter accessed by hackers and their numerous sensitive corporate documents were stolen. These documents were housed in Googles online web office service Google Docs. Although Google was not the one to be blamed for security break-in as the security of documents from twitter was not efficient enough. Instead, the entire company data was only one password crack away from discovery [5]. It’s clear from this example that data loss or leakage can damage one’s brand, reputation and cause a loss that may significantly impact employee, partner and users’ morale as well as trust. Loss of core intellectual property can have competitive and financial implications beside the compliance violations and legal consequences. F.Account or Service Hijacking Account or service hijacking refers to unauthorized access gained by attackers to control the users’ accounts, such as phishing, fraud and exploitation of software vulnerabilities. For example if an attacker gains access to users’ credentials, they can spy on their activities/transactions, manipulate their data, return falsified information and redirect them to illegitimate sites [6]. Users’ account or service instances may become a new base for the attackers who can leverage the cloud service providers’ reputation by launching subsequent attacks. With stolen credentials, attackers can often access critical areas of deployed cloud computing services, allowing them to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of those services. Authentication and authorization through the use of roles and password protecting is a common way to maintain access control when using web-browsers to access cloud computing systems. However, this method is not suff icient enough to secure sensitive and critical data. G.Unknown Risk Profile It is important for the users to know software versions, security practices, code updates and intrusion attempts. While adopting cloud computing services, these features and functionality may be well advertised but what about the details orcompliance ofthe internal security procedures, configuration hardening, patching, auditing and logging. Users must be clarified how and where their data and related logs are stored. However, there is no clear answer that leaves users with an unknown risk profile that may include serious threats [1]. the VM within the virtualized cloud environment.VM escape is a vulnerability that enables a guest-level VM to attack its host. Under this vulnerability an attacker runs code on a VM that allows an OS running within it to break out and interact directly with the hypervisor as shown in Fig.2 [8]. III.CLOUD COMPUTING VULNERABILITIES There are several significant vulnerabilities that should be considered when an organization is ready to move their critical applications and data to a cloud compuitng environment, these vulnerabilities are discribed as follows : A. Session Riding and Hijacking Session hijacking refers to use of a valid session key to gain unauthorized access for the information or services residing on a computer system, it also refers to theft of a cookie used to authenticate a user to a remote server and it is relevant to web application technologies weaknesses in the web application structure at their disposal that gives the chance to hackers in order to accomplish a wide variety of malicious activities. While session riding refers to the hackers sending commands to a web application on behalf of the targeted user by just sending that user an email or tricking the user into visiting a specially crafted website. Session riding deletes user data, executes online transactions like bids or orders, sends spam to an intranet system via internet and changes system as well as network configurations or even opens the firewall [12]. However, the web technologies evolution and refinement also brings new techniques that compromise sensitive data, provide access to theoretically secure networks and pose threats to the daily operation of online businesses. B. Virtual Machine Escape Cloud computing servers use the same OS, enterprise and web applications as localized VMs and physical servers. The ability for an attacker or malware to remotely exploit vulnerabilities in these systems and applications is a significant threat to virtualized cloud computing environments [7]. In addition, co-location of multiple VMs increases the attack surface and risk of VM-to-VM compromise. Intrusion detection and prevention systems need to be able to detect malicious activity at VM level, regardless of the location of Figure 2. VM Escape. It allows the attacker to access the host OS and all other VMs running on that particular host. Hypervisors and VM’s complexity may cause an increase threat to attack surface that weakens security such as paging, check pointing and migration of VMs [8]. C. Reliability and Availability of Service In terms of reliability and availability, cloud computing is not a perfect technology. For-example in February 2008, Amazons Web Service (Amazons-S3) cloud storage infrastructure went down for several hours, causing data loss and access issues with multiple Web 2.0 services. With more services being built on top of cloud computing infrastructures, an outage orfailure can create a domino effect by taking down large amounts of Internet based services and applications which raise several questions such as in cases of failure, what forms of settlement exist for stakeholders? What is the responsibility of cloud providers? What will be appropriate procedures to overcome these issues? [9]. D. Insecure Cryptography Attackers’ can decode any cryptographic mechanism or algorithm as main methods to hack them are discovered. It’s common to find crucial flaws in cryptographic algorithm implementations, which can twist strong encryption into weak encryption or sometimes no encryption at all. For example in cloud virtualization providers uses virtualization software to partition servers into images that are provided to the users as on-demand services [10]. Although utilization of those VMs into cloud providers data centres provides more flexible and efficient setup than traditional servers but they dont have enough access to generate random numbers needed to properly encrypt data. This is one of the fundamental problems of cryptography. How do computers produce truly random numbers that cant be guessed or replicated? In PCs, OS typically monitors users mouse movements and key strokes to gather random bits of data that are collected in a so-called Entropy Pool (a set of unpredictable numbers that encryption software automatically pulls to generate random encryption passkeys). In servers, one that dont have access to a keyboard or mouse, random numbers are also pulled from the unpredictable movements of the computers hard drive. VMs that act as physical machines but are simulated with software have fewer sources of entropy. For example Linux-based VMs, gather random numbers only from the exact millisecond time on their internal clocks and that is not enough to generate strong keys for encryption [11]. E. Data Protection and Portability Although the cloud services are offered based on a contract among client and a provider but what will happen when the contract is terminated and client doesn’t wants to continue anymore. The question is, will the sensitive data of client be deleted or misused by the provider. Secondly if the provider went out of business due to any reason, what will happen to the services and data of the client? Will the provider handout the data of client to some other provider, if yes, will client trust the new provider? Considering these questions we can say that data protection and portability remains as one of main weaknesses of cloud computing. F. Vendor Lock-in This vulnerability occurs due to immature providers and new business models which raise the risk of failure and going out of the business. Lock-in, makes a client dependent on a provider for products and services so they will be unable to deal with another provider without substantial switching costs. Clients must be sure of their potential provider prior to provider selection process. Lack of standards may also lock-in the clients with only one provider. Due to heterogeneous standards and policies settled by each provider, clients are not able to easily migrate from one provider to another even though they want to do so [13]. G. Internet Dependency Cloud computing is an internet dependent technology where users are accessing the services via web browser. What if internet is not available or service is down, what will happen to users systems and operations that are very critical and need to run 24 hours such as Healthcare and Banking systems. In some Asian and African underdeveloped countries where service of internet is not considered as reliable enough, will organizations adopt this paradigm to move their significant systems on cloud? IV.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this research paper we have discussed the characteristics of a stormy cloud that contains threats and vulnerabilities. Cloud computing has a dynamic nature that is flexible, scalable and multi-shared with high capacity that gives an innovative shape of carrying out business [14]. However, beside these benefits there are seven deadly threats and vulnerabilities encountered in this technology. Therefore, we believe there is still tremendous opportunity for researchers to make revolutionary contributions in this field and bring significant impact of their development to the industry. There is need to develop and design in-depth security techniques and policies in terms of people, processes and technology. By considering the contributions from several IT industries worldwide, it’s obvious that cloud computing will be one of the leading strategic and innovative technologies in the near future. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The glory of accomplishing this research paper goes to our parents for their moral support. We are also thankful to our supervisor for encouraging us to write this research journal. Finally, we are thankful to IJAEST for assisting us to review this journal and providing us timely response. REFERENCES [1]CSA, â€Å"Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1†Cloud Security Alliance, 2009, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: 08-July-2011]. [2]E., Mathisen, â€Å"Security challenges and solutions in cloud computing,†in Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Conference (DEST), 2011 Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on, 2011, pp. 208-212. [3]Wei Chen, Hongyi Lu, Li Shen, Zhiying Wang, Nong Xiao, and Dan Chen, â€Å"A Novel Hardware Assisted Full Virtualization Technique,†in Young Computer Scientists, 2008. ICYCS 2008. The 9th International Conference for, 2008, pp. 1292-1297. [4]S. Farrell, â€Å"Portable Storage and Data Loss,†Internet Computing, IEEE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 90-93, 2008. 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Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Power of Love in Wuthering Heights Essay -- Literary Analysis
Wuthering Heights is a novel which deviates from the standard of Victorian literature. The novels of the Victorian Era were often works of social criticism. They generally had a moral purpose and promoted ideals of love and brotherhood. Wuthering Heights is more of a Victorian Gothic novel; it contains passion, violence, and supernatural elements (Mitchell 119). The world of Wuthering Heights seems to be a world without morals. In Wuthering Heights, Brontà « does not idealize love; she presents it realistically, with all its faults and merits. She shows that love is a powerful force which can be destructive or redemptive. Heathcliff has an all-consuming passion for Catherine. When she chooses to marry Edgar, his spurned love turns into a destructive force, motivating him to enact revenge and wreak misery. The power of Heathcliff’s destructive love is conquered by the influence of another kind of love. Young Cathy’s love for Hareton is a redemptive force. It is her love that brings an end to the reign of Heathcliff. Heathcliff and Catherine have loved each other since their childhood. Initially, Catherine scorned the little gypsy boy; she showed her distaste by â€Å"spitting†at him (Brontà « 27). However, it was not long before Heathcliff and Catherine became â€Å"very think†(Brontà « 27). They became very close friends; they were practically brother and sister (Mitchell 122). Heathcliff is intent upon pleasing Catherine. He would â€Å"do her bidding in anything†(Brontà « 30). He is afraid of â€Å"grieving†her (Brontà « 40). Heathcliff finds solace and comfort in Catherine’s company. When Catherine is compelled to stay at Thrushcross Grange to recover from her injury, she returns as â€Å"a very dignified person†(Brontà « 37). Her association with the gente... ...d to Cathy. He desires to be accepted by her. Cathy willingly loves and accepts Hareton. It is this love which reforms Hareton and dispels the tyranny at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff’s love brought about destruction; Cathy brings redemption to the Heights through her love. Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights shows the real effects of love; love has the power to create evil or good. Primary Source Brontà «, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1996. Print. Secondary Sources Berg, Maggie. Wuthering Heights: The Writing in the Margin. New York: Twayne, 1996. Print. "Characteristics of Victorian Literature." Homewood City Schools. Web. 8 Dec. 2010. . Mitchell, Hayley R., ed. Readings on Wuthering Heights. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1999. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reaction paper to malampaya fund
When I'm reading articles, facts, and history about this, I was surprised with 137. 8 billion pesos estimated fund collected annually with this project. In reality with this capital, we can build another oil industry and various projects to manipulate this asset which primarily based on research that Philippines are rich in natural resources. When we overcome this proper usage, manipulation, development and strengthening the force of our country that we may be not able to bully by other states and get this place which are capable to make our country powerful than them.If this so, Philippines have the capabilities to pace with other countries also focuses on producing oil and other natural resources found in their area. But what happen? It goes to the pockets of the corrupt government officials instead it is for the development of the country. But there's nothing new about it. What was the road were taking in? Is this the track that they promised with their sweet words? Or if will und erstand this at present, promises are really made to be broken.We lack of ability of manipulation of the things that we really owned. When I'm writing this reaction paper, I feel so bad not only to those public officials but also to those who have the right to suffrage, still we choose who are popular, good-looking without dedication and accountability. As a public administration student, starting now I will think what's good for the country than filling my own pocket coming from the taxes earned through hard work of every citizen. Our country needs us.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Double Helix – Character Guide
Double Helix Readers Guide * Max Perutz – was the head of the unit where Crick works at Cambridge University. Perutz also shared important X-ray crystallography imagery with Watson and Crick that he had received from Maurice Wilkins and Franklin. Whether he was supposed to give this information to Watson and Crick without Franklin’s knowledge is unknown, nor is it entirely known how important her work was to the discovery of the structure. Sir Lawrence Bragg – the head of the Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge university, met with much resistance from Watson and especially Crick. Bragg is the youngest ever Nobel prize winner, which he won for the discovery of the Bragg low of X-ray crystallography. Bragg also wrote the foreword to Watson’s book, adding dramatically to the respectability of the book. * John Kendrew – English educated, also worked in the Cavendish laboratory under the direction of Bragg. Worked closely with Perutz and shared the 1962 N obel prize with him for their work on X-ray crystallography. Erwin Schrodinger – his book What is Life was a great inspiration to Watson, who agreed that many secrets can be uncovered if the scientific world dedicated itself to discovery of what the true secrets of life are * O. T. Avery – important because their research on DNA/protein after Griffiths experiment on the transforming factor, was decisive enough for Watson to believe that DNA was the genetic material (not protein as was believed) * Max Delbruck – pioneered bacteriophage research which allowed Hershey and Chase to conduct their experiments with radioactive labeling. Maurice Wilkins – was Rosalind Franklin’s partner in X-ray crystallography and played an important role in providing Watson with the B-structure of DNA that Franklin and Gosling had made. Franklin, Gosling and Wilkins all worked at King’s College, London. * Rosalind Franklin – Although Franklin had not agreed to the exchange Wilkins had made (providing of B-structure imagery to Watson), her work proved that DNA was helical and that the bases were on the inside with the sugar phosphates on the outside (as she had said all along).In short, her 3 contributions were crucial to Watson’s development of the model, although the B-model proved one of her theories wrong but several right. Furthermore, Watson and Franklin had a very heated relationship, which led to many heated debates and sometimes even conflicts. * Linus Pauling – the greatest chemist in the history of the United States, worked at Cal Tech and was the closest competition to Watson and Crick in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Famous for the discovery of the hydrogen bond and the alpha-helical structure of protein.He’s also famous for publishing a wrong model of DNA (three strands) for which he saw major public embarrassment. * Herman Kalkar – was the head of the laboratory in Copenhagen where Wa tson did phage research soon after he graduated. He did not enjoy his time in Copenhagen, which is why he left soon after getting there. * Salvador Luria – James Watson was Luria’s first graduate student at the University of Indiana. Luria would go on to do groundbreaking work with phages in biochemistry. He would later win the Nobel prize for medicine along with Hershey and Delbruck for their work on phages. J. T. Randall – was the head of the King’s College laboratory team with Wilkins as his deputy. He shared the 1962 Nobel prize with Watson and crick * Dorothy Hodgkin – was the other major female character in the book. Both of the women clearly struggled in a world that was heavily dominated by men. However, Hodgkin was known to get along with men much better than Franklin. She said this was because of her gender, whereas Franklin experienced the opposite. Franklin and Hodgkin worked closely in the contemplation of the DNA structure. Both scien tists were X-ray crystallographers.Hodgkin won the 1964 Nobel prize for chemistry * Willy Seeds – was famous for calling Watson â€Å"honest Jim. †Worked with Maurice Wilkins in the King’s laboratory and was famous for his pioneering work on the DNA fibers. Him calling Watson honest Jim was clearly sarcasm because they King’s scientists were still bitter about Watson stealing their data to make his model * R. G. Gosling – this was Franklin’s lab partner at King’s College laboratory * Erwin Chargaff – discovered the bases in the purines and pyrimidines (double and single ring) and also discovered that A matches with T and C matches with G.Gave Watson an important clue in his model building, that he had to match the bases. * Al Hershey – was a scientist that was known for conducting the final proof of DNA being the hereditary material. Their experiment ended the race and assured the scientific world that DNA was the inher ited material. * Martha Chase – was Hershey’s lab partner, and was one of the few other women in the scientific world * Peter Pauling – Linus’ son, came to study in London and Watson showed him around. In the process Peter gave Watson some important hints that his father was getting close to the discovery of the alpha helical structure.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Shirley Jackson
Shirley Hardie Jackson was one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century who wrote over one hundred short stories, novels, plays, and articles. Through the years Shirley’s writing habit’s progressed. In college she began writing articles for the campus magazines. After college Shirley got married and began her writing career, writing short stories for popular magazines. Eventually Shirley became a mother of four. She played the role of a housewife, a mom, and an author. As the years went by Shirley spent time between both her children’s activities and in her writing. As time went on Shirley’s life began to slow down. She wasn’t able to produce as much writings as she use to. She eventually died in her sleep Shirley Hardie Jackson was born into an upper middle-class family on December 14, 1919 in San Francisco, California. Her father, Leslie Hardie Jackson was a British born Lithograph company executive. Shirley’s mother, Geraldine Bugbee Jackson was a descendant from a family of very well known architects. (Alessio 114). Just two years after she was born her parents had another child named Barry. When Shirley was six and her brother was four, the Jackson family moved from San Francisco to a suburban town 30 miles away called Burlingame (Hall 18). Shirley’s first exposure to literature was with her grandmother who would read her Edgar Allan Poe stories. Shirley became interested in literature and started to go to the library quite often (Alessio 115). At the age of twelve, Shirley won a prize for her poem â€Å" The Pine Tree†which was entered into a contest for the â€Å"Junior Home Magazine†. (Hall 18) When Shirley was in junior high, she began to keep a diary where she kept all of her writing’s (Burn 378). â€Å"She wrote about her daily activities, including time spent playing the piano and with her best friend, Dorothy, as well as her desire to be thinner and kinder to others. Shirley also recorded her earliest... Free Essays on Shirley Jackson Free Essays on Shirley Jackson Shirley Hardie Jackson was one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century who wrote over one hundred short stories, novels, plays, and articles. Through the years Shirley’s writing habit’s progressed. In college she began writing articles for the campus magazines. After college Shirley got married and began her writing career, writing short stories for popular magazines. Eventually Shirley became a mother of four. She played the role of a housewife, a mom, and an author. As the years went by Shirley spent time between both her children’s activities and in her writing. As time went on Shirley’s life began to slow down. She wasn’t able to produce as much writings as she use to. She eventually died in her sleep Shirley Hardie Jackson was born into an upper middle-class family on December 14, 1919 in San Francisco, California. Her father, Leslie Hardie Jackson was a British born Lithograph company executive. Shirley’s mother, Geraldine Bugbee Jackson was a descendant from a family of very well known architects. (Alessio 114). Just two years after she was born her parents had another child named Barry. When Shirley was six and her brother was four, the Jackson family moved from San Francisco to a suburban town 30 miles away called Burlingame (Hall 18). Shirley’s first exposure to literature was with her grandmother who would read her Edgar Allan Poe stories. Shirley became interested in literature and started to go to the library quite often (Alessio 115). At the age of twelve, Shirley won a prize for her poem â€Å" The Pine Tree†which was entered into a contest for the â€Å"Junior Home Magazine†. (Hall 18) When Shirley was in junior high, she began to keep a diary where she kept all of her writing’s (Burn 378). â€Å"She wrote about her daily activities, including time spent playing the piano and with her best friend, Dorothy, as well as her desire to be thinner and kinder to others. Shirley also recorded her earliest...
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